#define MAX_CHECKPOINTS 255 .float race_checkpoint; // player: next checkpoint that has to be reached .float race_laptime; .entity sprite; float race_checkpoint_records[MAX_CHECKPOINTS]; string race_checkpoint_recordholders[MAX_CHECKPOINTS]; float race_checkpoint_lasttimes[MAX_CHECKPOINTS]; float race_checkpoint_lastlaps[MAX_CHECKPOINTS]; entity race_checkpoint_lastplayers[MAX_CHECKPOINTS]; float race_highest_checkpoint; float race_timed_checkpoint; float race_NextCheckpoint(float f) { if(f >= race_highest_checkpoint) return 0; else return f + 1; } float race_PreviousCheckpoint(float f) { if(f == -1) return 0; else if(f == 0) return race_highest_checkpoint; else return f - 1; } // encode as: // 0 = common start/finish // 254 = start // 255 = finish float race_CheckpointNetworkID(float f) { if(race_timed_checkpoint) { if(f == 0) return 254; // start else if(f == race_timed_checkpoint) return 255; // finish } return f; } void race_SendNextCheckpoint(entity e, float spec) { float recordtime; string recordholder; float cp; if(!e.race_laptime) return; cp = e.race_checkpoint; recordtime = race_checkpoint_records[cp]; recordholder = race_checkpoint_recordholders[cp]; /* recordtime = stof(db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/racerecord/", ftos(cp), "/time"))); recordholder = db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/racerecord/", ftos(cp), "/netname")); */ if(recordholder == e.netname) recordholder = ""; if(!spec) msg_entity = e; WRITESPECTATABLE_MSG_ONE({ WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, TE_CSQC_RACE); if(spec) { WriteByte(MSG_ONE, RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_NEXT_SPEC_QUALIFYING); WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, e.race_laptime); } else WriteByte(MSG_ONE, RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_NEXT_QUALIFYING); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, race_CheckpointNetworkID(cp)); // checkpoint the player will be at next WriteShort(MSG_ONE, recordtime); WriteString(MSG_ONE, recordholder); }); } void race_InitSpectator() { if(g_race_qualifying) if(msg_entity.enemy.race_laptime) race_SendNextCheckpoint(msg_entity.enemy, 1); } void race_SendTime(entity e, float cp, float t, float tvalid) { float snew, l; entity p; t = floor(0.4 + 10 * t); // make integer // adding just 0.4 so it rounds down in the .5 case (matching the timer display) if(tvalid) if(cp == race_timed_checkpoint) // finish line if not(e.race_completed) { float s; if(g_race_qualifying) { s = PlayerScore_Add(e, SP_RACE_FASTEST, 0); if(!s || t < s) PlayerScore_Add(e, SP_RACE_FASTEST, t - s); } else { s = PlayerScore_Add(e, SP_RACE_TIME, 0); snew = floor(0.5 + 10 * (time - game_starttime)); PlayerScore_Add(e, SP_RACE_TIME, snew - s); l = PlayerTeamScore_Add(e, SP_RACE_LAPS, ST_RACE_LAPS, 1); if(cvar("fraglimit")) if(l >= cvar("fraglimit")) { race_completing = 1; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(p) if(p.deadflag != DEAD_NO) race_AbandonRaceCheck(p); } if(race_completing) { e.race_completed = 1; MAKE_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(e); bprint(e.netname, "^7 has finished the race.\n"); ClientData_Touch(e); } } } float recordtime; string recordholder; if(g_race_qualifying) { if(tvalid) { recordtime = race_checkpoint_records[cp]; recordholder = strcat1(race_checkpoint_recordholders[cp]); // make a tempstring copy, as we'll possibly strunzone it! if(recordholder == e.netname) recordholder = ""; if(t != 0) if(t < recordtime || recordtime == 0) { race_checkpoint_records[cp] = t; if(race_checkpoint_recordholders[cp]) strunzone(race_checkpoint_recordholders[cp]); race_checkpoint_recordholders[cp] = strzone(e.netname); if(cp == race_timed_checkpoint) { float grecordtime; string grecordholder; grecordtime = stof(db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/racerecord/time"))); grecordholder = db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/racerecord/netname")); if(grecordholder == e.netname) grecordholder = ""; if(grecordtime == 0) { bprint(e.netname, "^7 set the all-time fastest lap record with ", mmsss(t), "\n"); db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/racerecord/time"), ftos(t)); db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/racerecord/netname"), e.netname); write_recordmarker(e, time - t/10, t/10); } else if(t < grecordtime) { if(grecordholder == "") bprint(e.netname, "^7 broke his all-time fastest lap record with ", mmsss(t), "\n"); else bprint(e.netname, "^7 broke ", grecordholder, "^7's all-time fastest lap record with ", mmsss(t), "\n"); db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/racerecord/time"), ftos(t)); db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/racerecord/netname"), e.netname); write_recordmarker(e, time - t/10, t/10); } else { if(grecordholder == "") bprint(e.netname, "^7's new fastest lap could not break his all-time fastest lap record of ", mmsss(grecordtime), "\n"); else bprint(e.netname, "^7's new fastest lap could not break ", grecordholder, "^7's all-time fastest lap record of ", mmsss(grecordtime), "\n"); } } if(g_race_qualifying) { FOR_EACH_REALPLAYER(p) if(p.race_checkpoint == cp) race_SendNextCheckpoint(p, 0); } } } else { // dummies t = 0; recordtime = 0; recordholder = ""; } msg_entity = e; if(g_race_qualifying) { WRITESPECTATABLE_MSG_ONE_VARNAME(dummy1, { WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, TE_CSQC_RACE); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_HIT_QUALIFYING); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, race_CheckpointNetworkID(cp)); // checkpoint the player now is at WriteShort(MSG_ONE, t); // time to that intermediate WriteShort(MSG_ONE, recordtime); // previously best time WriteString(MSG_ONE, recordholder); // record holder }); } } else // RACE! Not Qualifying { float lself, lother, othtime; entity oth; oth = race_checkpoint_lastplayers[cp]; if(oth) { lself = PlayerScore_Add(e, SP_RACE_LAPS, 0); lother = race_checkpoint_lastlaps[cp]; othtime = race_checkpoint_lasttimes[cp]; } else lself = lother = othtime = 0; msg_entity = e; WRITESPECTATABLE_MSG_ONE_VARNAME(dummy2, { WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, TE_CSQC_RACE); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_HIT_RACE); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, race_CheckpointNetworkID(cp)); // checkpoint the player now is at if(e == oth) { WriteShort(MSG_ONE, 0); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 0); WriteString(MSG_ONE, ""); } else { WriteShort(MSG_ONE, floor(10 * (time - race_checkpoint_lasttimes[cp]) + 0.5)); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, lself - lother); WriteString(MSG_ONE, oth.netname); // record holder } }); race_checkpoint_lastplayers[cp] = e; race_checkpoint_lasttimes[cp] = time; race_checkpoint_lastlaps[cp] = lself; msg_entity = oth; WRITESPECTATABLE_MSG_ONE_VARNAME(dummy3, { WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, TE_CSQC_RACE); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_HIT_RACE_BY_OPPONENT); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, race_CheckpointNetworkID(cp)); // checkpoint the player now is at if(e == oth) { WriteShort(MSG_ONE, 0); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 0); WriteString(MSG_ONE, ""); } else { WriteShort(MSG_ONE, floor(10 * (time - othtime) + 0.5)); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, lother - lself); WriteString(MSG_ONE, e.netname); // record holder } }); } } void race_ClearTime(entity e) { e.race_checkpoint = -1; e.race_laptime = 0; msg_entity = e; WRITESPECTATABLE_MSG_ONE({ WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, TE_CSQC_RACE); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_CLEAR); // next }); } void dumpsurface(entity e) { float n, si, ni; vector norm, vec; print("Surfaces of ", etos(e), ":\n"); print("TEST = ", ftos(getsurfacenearpoint(e, '0 0 0')), "\n"); for(si = 0; ; ++si) { n = getsurfacenumpoints(e, si); if(n <= 0) break; print(" Surface ", ftos(si), ":\n"); norm = getsurfacenormal(e, si); print(" Normal = ", vtos(norm), "\n"); for(ni = 0; ni < n; ++ni) { vec = getsurfacepoint(e, si, ni); print(" Point ", ftos(ni), " = ", vtos(vec), " (", ftos(norm * vec), ")\n"); } } } void checkpoint_passed() { string oldmsg; if(other.classname == "porto") { // do not allow portalling through checkpoints trace_plane_normal = normalize(-1 * other.velocity); self = other; W_Porto_Fail(0); return; } /* * Trigger targets */ if not(self.spawnflags & 2) { activator = other; oldmsg = self.message; self.message = ""; SUB_UseTargets(); self.message = oldmsg; } if(other.classname != "player") return; /* * Remove unauthorized equipment */ Portal_ClearAll(other); other.porto_forbidden = 2; // decreased by 1 each StartFrame if(other.race_checkpoint == -1 || other.race_checkpoint == self.race_checkpoint) { /* * Trigger targets */ if(self.spawnflags & 2) { activator = other; oldmsg = self.message; self.message = ""; SUB_UseTargets(); self.message = oldmsg; } other.race_checkpoint = race_NextCheckpoint(self.race_checkpoint); race_SendTime(other, self.race_checkpoint, time - other.race_laptime, !!other.race_laptime); if(!self.race_checkpoint) // start line other.race_laptime = time; if(g_race_qualifying) race_SendNextCheckpoint(other, 0); } else if(other.race_checkpoint == race_NextCheckpoint(self.race_checkpoint)) { // ignored } else { if(self.spawnflags & 4) Damage (other, self, self, 10000, DEATH_HURTTRIGGER, other.origin, '0 0 0'); } } void checkpoint_touch() { EXACTTRIGGER_TOUCH; checkpoint_passed(); } void checkpoint_use() { if(other.classname == "info_player_deathmatch") // a spawn, a spawn return; other = activator; checkpoint_passed(); } float race_waypointsprite_visible_for_player(entity e) { if(e.race_checkpoint == -1) return TRUE; else if(e.race_checkpoint == self.owner.race_checkpoint) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } float have_verified; void trigger_race_checkpoint_verify() { entity oldself, cp; float i, p; float qual; if(have_verified) return; have_verified = 1; qual = g_race_qualifying; oldself = self; self = spawn(); self.classname = "player"; for(i = 0; i <= race_highest_checkpoint; ++i) { self.race_checkpoint = race_NextCheckpoint(i); // race only (middle of the race) g_race_qualifying = 0; self.race_place = 0; if(!Spawn_FilterOutBadSpots(findchain(classname, "info_player_deathmatch"), world, 0, FALSE)) error(strcat("Checkpoint ", ftos(i), " misses a spawnpoint with race_place==", ftos(self.race_place), " (used for respawning in race) - bailing out")); if(i == 0) { // qualifying only g_race_qualifying = 1; self.race_place = race_lowest_place_spawn; if(!Spawn_FilterOutBadSpots(findchain(classname, "info_player_deathmatch"), world, 0, FALSE)) error(strcat("Checkpoint ", ftos(i), " misses a spawnpoint with race_place==", ftos(self.race_place), " (used for qualifying) - bailing out")); // race only (initial spawn) g_race_qualifying = 0; for(p = 1; p <= race_highest_place_spawn; ++p) { self.race_place = p; if(!Spawn_FilterOutBadSpots(findchain(classname, "info_player_deathmatch"), world, 0, FALSE)) error(strcat("Checkpoint ", ftos(i), " misses a spawnpoint with race_place==", ftos(self.race_place), " (used for initially spawning in race) - bailing out")); } } } g_race_qualifying = qual; if(race_timed_checkpoint) for(cp = world; (cp = find(cp, classname, "trigger_race_checkpoint")); ) if(cp.race_checkpoint == 0) WaypointSprite_UpdateSprites(cp.sprite, "race-start", "", ""); else if(cp.race_checkpoint == race_timed_checkpoint) WaypointSprite_UpdateSprites(cp.sprite, "race-finish", "", ""); remove(self); self = oldself; } void spawnfunc_trigger_race_checkpoint() { vector o; if(!g_race) { remove(self); return; } EXACTTRIGGER_INIT; self.use = checkpoint_use; if not(self.spawnflags & 1) self.touch = checkpoint_touch; o = (self.absmin + self.absmax) * 0.5; tracebox(o, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, o - '0 0 1' * (o_z - self.absmin_z), MOVE_NORMAL, self); self.nearestwaypoint = waypoint_spawn(trace_endpos, trace_endpos, WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED); self.nearestwaypointtimeout = time + 1000000000; if(!self.message) self.message = "went backwards"; if (!self.message2) self.message2 = "was pushed backwards by"; self.race_checkpoint = self.cnt; if(self.race_checkpoint > race_highest_checkpoint) { race_highest_checkpoint = self.race_checkpoint; if(self.spawnflags & 8) race_timed_checkpoint = self.race_checkpoint; else race_timed_checkpoint = 0; } if(self.race_checkpoint) WaypointSprite_SpawnFixed("race-checkpoint", o, self, sprite); else WaypointSprite_SpawnFixed("race-finish", o, self, sprite); self.sprite.waypointsprite_visible_for_player = race_waypointsprite_visible_for_player; InitializeEntity(self, trigger_race_checkpoint_verify, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET); } void race_AbandonRaceCheck(entity p) { if(race_completing && !p.race_completed) { p.race_completed = 1; MAKE_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(p); bprint(p.netname, "^7 has abandoned the race.\n"); ClientData_Touch(p); } } void race_PreparePlayer() { race_ClearTime(self); self.race_place = 0; } void race_RetractPlayer() { if(!g_race) return; self.race_checkpoint = race_PreviousCheckpoint(self.race_checkpoint); if(self.race_checkpoint == 0) { race_ClearTime(self); self.race_checkpoint = 0; } } void race_PreDie() { if(!g_race) return; race_AbandonRaceCheck(self); } void race_PreSpawn() { if(!g_race) return; if(self.killcount == -666 || g_race_qualifying) race_PreparePlayer(); race_AbandonRaceCheck(self); } void race_PostSpawn(entity spot) { if(!g_race) return; if(self.killcount != -666 && !g_race_qualifying) { if(spot.target == "") // let the player run without timing, if he did not spawn at a targetting spawnpoint race_PreparePlayer(); else race_RetractPlayer(); } if(spot.target != "" && self.race_checkpoint == -1) self.race_checkpoint = 0; self.race_place = 0; } void race_PreSpawnObserver() { if(!g_race) return; race_PreparePlayer(); } void spawnfunc_info_player_race (void) { if(!g_race) { remove(self); return; } ++race_spawns; spawnfunc_info_player_deathmatch(); if(self.race_place > race_highest_place_spawn) race_highest_place_spawn = self.race_place; if(self.race_place < race_lowest_place_spawn) race_lowest_place_spawn = self.race_place; } void race_ClearRecords() { float i; entity e; for(i = 0; i < MAX_CHECKPOINTS; ++i) { race_checkpoint_records[i] = 0; if(race_checkpoint_recordholders[i]) strunzone(race_checkpoint_recordholders[i]); race_checkpoint_recordholders[i] = string_null; } FOR_EACH_CLIENT(e) race_ClearTime(e); } void race_ReadyRestart() { Score_NicePrint(world); race_ClearRecords(); PlayerScore_Sort(race_place); entity e; FOR_EACH_CLIENT(e) print(e.netname, " = ", ftos(e.race_place), "\n"); if(g_race_qualifying == 2) { g_race_qualifying = 0; independent_players = 0; cvar_set("fraglimit", ftos(race_fraglimit)); cvar_set("leadlimit", ftos(race_leadlimit)); ScoreRules_race(); } }