/* Domination as a plugin for netquake mods by LordHavoc (lordhavoc@ghdigital.com) How to add domination points to a mod: 1. Add this line to progs.src above world.qc: domination.qc 2. Comment out all lines in ClientObituary in client.qc that begin with targ.frags or attacker.frags. 3. Add this above spawnfunc_worldspawn in world.qc: void() dom_init; 4. Add this line to the end of spawnfunc_worldspawn in world.qc: dom_init(); Note: The only teams who can use dom control points are identified by spawnfunc_dom_team entities (if none exist these default to red and blue and use only quake models/sounds). */ void() dom_controlpoint_setup; void LogDom(string mode, float team_before, entity actor) { string s; if(!cvar("sv_eventlog")) return; s = strcat(":dom:", mode); s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(team_before)); s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(actor.playerid)); GameLogEcho(s, FALSE); } void() dom_spawnteams; void dompoint_captured () { local entity head; local float old_delay, old_team, real_team; // now that the delay has expired, switch to the latest team to lay claim to this point head = self.aiment; real_team = self.cnt; self.cnt = -1; LogDom("taken", self.team, self.dmg_inflictor); self.dmg_inflictor = world; self.goalentity = head; self.model = head.mdl; self.modelindex = head.dmg; self.skin = head.skin; //bprint(head.message); //bprint("\n"); //bprint(^3head.netname); //bprint(head.netname); //bprint(self.message); //bprint("\n"); bprint("^3", head.netname, "^3", self.message, "\n"); if (head.noise != "") sound(self, CHAN_BODY, head.noise, 1, ATTN_NORM); if (head.noise1 != "") sound(self, CHAN_VOICE, head.noise1, 1, ATTN_NONE); //self.nextthink = time + cvar("g_domination_point_rate"); //self.think = dompointthink; if(cvar("g_domination_point_rate")) self.delay = time + cvar("g_domination_point_rate"); else self.delay = time + self.wait; // do trigger work old_delay = self.delay; old_team = self.team; self.team = real_team; self.delay = 0; activator = self; SUB_UseTargets (); self.delay = old_delay; self.team = old_team; }; void AnimateDomPoint() { if(self.pain_finished > time) return; self.pain_finished = time + self.t_width; if(self.nextthink > self.pain_finished) self.nextthink = self.pain_finished; self.frame = self.frame + 1; if(self.frame > self.t_length) self.frame = 0; } void dompointthink() { local entity head; local float waittime; local float teamfragamt; local float individualfragamt; self.nextthink = time + 0.1; //self.frame = self.frame + 1; //if(self.frame > 119) // self.frame = 0; AnimateDomPoint(); // give points if (gameover || self.delay > time || time < restart_countdown) // game has ended, don't keep giving points return; waittime = cvar("g_domination_point_rate"); if(!waittime) waittime = self.wait; self.delay = time + waittime; // give credit to the team // NOTE: this defaults to 0 if (self.goalentity.netname) { teamfragamt = cvar("g_domination_point_teamamt"); if(!teamfragamt) teamfragamt = self.frags; TeamScore_AddToTeam(self.goalentity.team, ST_DOM_DOMPOINTS, teamfragamt); } // if the player left the game, changed teams or became spectator, we have to find another player on the same team to give credit to if (!self.enemy.flags || self.enemy.team != self.goalentity.team || self.enemy.killcount == -666) // flags is zero on removed clients { other = self.enemy; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(head) if (head.team == self.goalentity.team) self.enemy = head; if(self.enemy == other) // search returned no matching player, reset dom point { dom_controlpoint_setup(); self.enemy = world; self.cnt = 0; self.aiment = world; } } // give credit to the individual player if (self.enemy) { individualfragamt = cvar("g_domination_point_amt"); if(!individualfragamt) individualfragamt = self.frags; UpdateFrags(self.enemy, individualfragamt); PlayerScore_Add(self.enemy, SP_DOM_DOMPOINTS, individualfragamt); } }; void dompointtouch() { local entity head; if (other.classname != "player") return; if (other.health < 1) return; // only valid teams can claim it head = find(world, classname, "dom_team"); while (head && head.team != other.team) head = find(head, classname, "dom_team"); if (!head || head.netname == "" || head == self.goalentity) return; // delay capture self.team = self.goalentity.team; // this stores the PREVIOUS team! self.cnt = other.team; self.aiment = head; // team to switch to after the delay self.dmg_inflictor = other; // self.state = 1; // self.delay = time + cvar("g_domination_point_capturetime"); //self.nextthink = time + cvar("g_domination_point_capturetime"); //self.think = dompoint_captured; // go to neutral team in the mean time head = find(world, classname, "dom_team"); while (head && head.netname != "") head = find(head, classname, "dom_team"); if(head == world) return; self.goalentity = head; self.model = head.mdl; self.modelindex = head.dmg; self.skin = head.skin; self.enemy = other; // individual player scoring dompoint_captured(); }; /*QUAKED spawnfunc_dom_team (0 .5 .8) (-32 -32 -24) (32 32 32) Team declaration for Domination gameplay, this allows you to decide what team names and control point models are used in your map. Note: If you use spawnfunc_dom_team entities you must define at least 3 and only two can have netname set! The nameless team owns all control points at start. Keys: "netname" Name of the team (for example Red Team, Blue Team, Green Team, Yellow Team, Life, Death, etc) "cnt" Scoreboard color of the team (for example 4 is red and 13 is blue) "model" Model to use for control points owned by this team (for example "progs/b_g_key.mdl" is a gold keycard, and "progs/b_s_key.mdl" is a silver keycard) "skin" Skin of the model to use (for team skins on a single model) "noise" Sound to play when this team captures a point. (this is a localized sound, like a small alarm or other effect) "noise1" Narrator speech to play when this team captures a point. (this is a global sound, like "Red team has captured a control point") */ void spawnfunc_dom_team() { if(!g_domination) { remove(self); return; } precache_model(self.model); if (self.noise != "") precache_sound(self.noise); if (self.noise1 != "") precache_sound(self.noise1); self.classname = "dom_team"; setmodel(self, self.model); // precision not needed self.mdl = self.model; self.dmg = self.modelindex; self.model = ""; self.modelindex = 0; // this would have to be changed if used in quakeworld self.team = self.cnt + 1; }; void dom_controlpoint_setup() { local entity head; // find the spawnfunc_dom_team representing unclaimed points head = find(world, classname, "dom_team"); while(head && head.netname != "") head = find(head, classname, "dom_team"); if (!head) objerror("no spawnfunc_dom_team with netname \"\" found\n"); // copy important properties from spawnfunc_dom_team entity self.goalentity = head; setmodel(self, head.mdl); // precision already set self.skin = head.skin; self.cnt = -1; if(!self.message) self.message = " has captured a control point"; if(!self.frags) self.frags = 1; if(!self.wait) self.wait = 5; if(!self.t_width) self.t_width = 0.1; // frame animation rate if(!self.t_length) self.t_length = 119; // maximum frame self.think = dompointthink; self.nextthink = time; self.touch = dompointtouch; self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; self.flags = FL_ITEM; setsize(self, '-32 -32 -32', '32 32 32'); setorigin(self, self.origin + '0 0 20'); droptofloor(); waypoint_spawnforitem(self); }; // player has joined game, get him on a team // depreciated /*void dom_player_join_team(entity pl) { entity head; float c1, c2, c3, c4, totalteams, smallestteam, smallestteam_count, selectedteam; float balance_teams, force_balance, balance_type; balance_teams = cvar("g_balance_teams"); balance_teams = cvar("g_balance_teams_force"); c1 = c2 = c3 = c4 = -1; totalteams = 0; // first find out what teams are allowed head = find(world, classname, "dom_team"); while(head) { if(head.netname != "") { //if(head.team == pl.team) // selected = head; if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM1) { c1 = 0; } if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM2) { c2 = 0; } if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM3) { c3 = 0; } if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM4) { c4 = 0; } } head = find(head, classname, "dom_team"); } // make sure there are at least 2 teams to join if(c1 >= 0) totalteams = totalteams + 1; if(c2 >= 0) totalteams = totalteams + 1; if(c3 >= 0) totalteams = totalteams + 1; if(c4 >= 0) totalteams = totalteams + 1; if(totalteams <= 1) error("dom_player_join_team: Too few teams available for domination\n"); // whichever teams that are available are set to 0 instead of -1 // if we don't care what team he ends up on, put him on whatever team he entered as. // if he's not on a valid team, then put him on the smallest team if(!balance_teams && !force_balance) { if( c1 >= 0 && pl.team == COLOR_TEAM1) selectedteam = pl.team; else if(c2 >= 0 && pl.team == COLOR_TEAM2) selectedteam = pl.team; else if(c3 >= 0 && pl.team == COLOR_TEAM3) selectedteam = pl.team; else if(c4 >= 0 && pl.team == COLOR_TEAM4) selectedteam = pl.team; else selectedteam = -1; if(selectedteam > 0) { SetPlayerColors(pl, selectedteam - 1); return; } // otherwise end up on the smallest team (handled below) } // now count how many players are on each team already head = find(world, classname, "player"); while(head) { //if(head.netname != "") { if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM1) { if(c1 >= 0) c1 = c1 + 1; } if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM2) { if(c2 >= 0) c2 = c2 + 1; } if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM3) { if(c3 >= 0) c3 = c3 + 1; } if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM4) { if(c4 >= 0) c4 = c4 + 1; } } head = find(head, classname, "player"); } // c1...c4 now have counts of each team // figure out which is smallest, giving priority to the team the player is already on as a tie-breaker smallestteam = 0; smallestteam_count = 999; // 2 gives priority to what team you're already on, 1 goes in order balance_type = 1; if(balance_type == 1) { if(c1 >= 0 && c1 < smallestteam_count) { smallestteam = 1; smallestteam_count = c1; } if(c2 >= 0 && c2 < smallestteam_count) { smallestteam = 2; smallestteam_count = c2; } if(c3 >= 0 && c3 < smallestteam_count) { smallestteam = 3; smallestteam_count = c3; } if(c4 >= 0 && c4 < smallestteam_count) { smallestteam = 4; smallestteam_count = c4; } } else { if(c1 >= 0 && (c1 < smallestteam_count || (c1 == smallestteam_count && self.team == COLOR_TEAM1) ) ) { smallestteam = 1; smallestteam_count = c1; } if(c2 >= 0 && c2 < (c2 < smallestteam_count || (c2 == smallestteam_count && self.team == COLOR_TEAM2) ) ) { smallestteam = 2; smallestteam_count = c2; } if(c3 >= 0 && c3 < (c3 < smallestteam_count || (c3 == smallestteam_count && self.team == COLOR_TEAM3) ) ) { smallestteam = 3; smallestteam_count = c3; } if(c4 >= 0 && c4 < (c4 < smallestteam_count || (c4 == smallestteam_count && self.team == COLOR_TEAM4) ) ) { smallestteam = 4; smallestteam_count = c4; } } if(smallestteam == 1) { selectedteam = COLOR_TEAM1 - 1; } if(smallestteam == 2) { selectedteam = COLOR_TEAM2 - 1; } if(smallestteam == 3) { selectedteam = COLOR_TEAM3 - 1; } if(smallestteam == 4) { selectedteam = COLOR_TEAM4 - 1; } SetPlayerColors(pl, selectedteam); } */ /*QUAKED spawnfunc_dom_controlpoint (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) Control point for Domination gameplay. */ void spawnfunc_dom_controlpoint() { if(!g_domination) { remove(self); return; } self.think = dom_controlpoint_setup; self.nextthink = time + 0.1; if(!self.scale) self.scale = 0.6; //if(!self.glow_size) // self.glow_size = cvar("g_domination_point_glow"); self.effects = self.effects | EF_FULLBRIGHT | EF_LOWPRECISION; }; // code from here on is just to support maps that don't have control point and team entities void dom_spawnteam (string teamname, float teamcolor, string pointmodel, float pointskin, string capsound, string capnarration, string capmessage) { local entity oldself; oldself = self; self = spawn(); self.classname = "dom_team"; self.netname = teamname; self.cnt = teamcolor; self.model = pointmodel; self.skin = pointskin; self.noise = capsound; self.noise1 = capnarration; self.message = capmessage; // this code is identical to spawnfunc_dom_team setmodel(self, self.model); // precision not needed self.mdl = self.model; self.dmg = self.modelindex; self.model = ""; self.modelindex = 0; // this would have to be changed if used in quakeworld self.team = self.cnt + 1; //eprint(self); self = oldself; }; void dom_spawnpoint(vector org) { local entity oldself; oldself = self; self = spawn(); self.classname = "dom_controlpoint"; self.think = spawnfunc_dom_controlpoint; self.nextthink = time; self.origin = org; spawnfunc_dom_controlpoint(); self = oldself; }; // spawn some default teams if the map is not set up for domination void dom_spawnteams() { float numteams; numteams = cvar("g_domination_default_teams"); // LordHavoc: edit this if you want to change defaults dom_spawnteam("Red", COLOR_TEAM1-1, "models/domination/dom_red.md3", 0, "domination/claim.wav", "", "Red team has captured a control point"); dom_spawnteam("Blue", COLOR_TEAM2-1, "models/domination/dom_blue.md3", 0, "domination/claim.wav", "", "Blue team has captured a control point"); if(numteams > 2) dom_spawnteam("Yellow", COLOR_TEAM3-1, "models/domination/dom_yellow.md3", 0, "domination/claim.wav", "", "Yellow team has captured a control point"); if(numteams > 3) dom_spawnteam("Pink", COLOR_TEAM4-1, "models/domination/dom_pink.md3", 0, "domination/claim.wav", "", "Pink team has captured a control point"); dom_spawnteam("", 0, "models/domination/dom_unclaimed.md3", 0, "", "", ""); }; void dom_delayedinit() { local entity head; self.think = SUB_Remove; self.nextthink = time; // if no teams are found, spawn defaults if (find(world, classname, "dom_team") == world) dom_spawnteams(); // if no control points are found, spawn defaults if (find(world, classname, "dom_controlpoint") == world) { // here follow default domination points for each map /* if (world.model == "maps/e1m1.bsp") { dom_spawnpoint('0 0 0'); } else */ { // if no supported map was found, make every deathmatch spawn a point head = find(world, classname, "info_player_deathmatch"); while (head) { dom_spawnpoint(head.origin); head = find(head, classname, "info_player_deathmatch"); } } } }; void dom_init() { local entity e; // we have to precache default models/sounds even if they might not be // used because spawnfunc_worldspawn is executed before any other entities are read, // so we don't even know yet if this map is set up for domination... precache_model("models/domination/dom_red.md3"); precache_model("models/domination/dom_blue.md3"); precache_model("models/domination/dom_yellow.md3"); precache_model("models/domination/dom_pink.md3"); precache_model("models/domination/dom_unclaimed.md3"); precache_sound("domination/claim.wav"); e = spawn(); e.think = dom_delayedinit; e.nextthink = time + 0.1; // teamplay is always on in domination, defaults to hurt self but not teammates //if(!cvar("teamplay")) // cvar_set("teamplay", "3"); };