#define INDEPENDENT_ATTACK_FINISHED float require_spawnfunc_prefix; // if this float exists, only functions with spawnfunc_ name prefix qualify as spawn functions #define BUTTON_ATCK button0 #define BUTTON_JUMP button2 #define BUTTON_ATCK2 button3 #define BUTTON_ZOOM button4 #define BUTTON_CROUCH button5 #define BUTTON_HOOK button6 #define BUTTON_INFO button7 #define BUTTON_CHAT buttonchat #define BUTTON_USE buttonuse #define VOL_BASE 0.7 // Globals float ctf_score_value(string parameter); float g_dm, g_domination, g_ctf, g_tdm, g_keyhunt, g_onslaught, g_assault, g_arena, g_lms, g_runematch, g_race; float g_cloaked, g_footsteps, g_jump_grunt, g_grappling_hook, g_laserguided_missile, g_midair, g_minstagib, g_nixnex, g_nixnex_with_laser, g_norecoil, g_rocketarena, g_vampire, g_minstagib_invis_alpha; float g_warmup_limit; float g_warmup_allguns; float g_warmup_allow_timeout; float g_ctf_win_mode; float g_ctf_ignore_frags; float g_race_qualifying; float inWarmupStage; float g_pickup_respawntime_short; float g_pickup_respawntime_medium; float g_pickup_respawntime_long; float g_pickup_respawntime_powerup; float sv_cheats; float sv_gentle; float sv_foginterval; entity activator; string string_null; const var void(void) func_null; float player_count; float currentbots; float bots_would_leave; float lms_lowest_lives; float lms_next_place; float LMS_NewPlayerLives(); void UpdateFrags(entity player, float f); .float totalfrags; float team1_score, team2_score, team3_score, team4_score; float maxclients; #define NEWLINES "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" // Fields .void(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force) event_damage; //.string wad; //.string map; //.float worldtype; .float delay; .float wait; .float lip; //.float light_lev; .float speed; //.float style; //.float skill; .float sounds; .string killtarget; .vector pos1, pos2; .vector mangle; .float pain_finished; //Added by Supajoe .float pain_frame; //" .float statdraintime; // record the one-second intervals between draining health and armour when they're over 100 .float crouch; // Crouching or not? .float strength_finished; //.float speed_finished; .float invincible_finished; //.float slowmo_finished; .vector finaldest, finalangle; //plat.qc stuff .void() think1; .float state; .float t_length, t_width; .vector destvec; // for rain .float cnt; // for rain .float count; //.float cnt2; .float play_time; .float death_time; .float dead_frame; .float fade_time; .float fade_rate; // player animation state .float animstate_startframe; .float animstate_numframes; .float animstate_framerate; .float animstate_starttime; .float animstate_endtime; .float animstate_override; .float animstate_looping; // player animation data for this model // each vector is as follows: // _x = startframe // _y = numframes // _z = framerate .vector anim_die1; // player dies .vector anim_die2; // player dies differently .vector anim_draw; // player pulls out a weapon .vector anim_duck; // player crouches (from idle to duckidle) .vector anim_duckwalk; // player walking while crouching .vector anim_duckjump; // player jumping from a crouch .vector anim_duckidle; // player idling while crouching .vector anim_idle; // player standing .vector anim_jump; // player jump .vector anim_pain1; // player flinches from pain .vector anim_pain2; // player flinches from pain, differently .vector anim_shoot; // player shoots .vector anim_taunt; // player taunts others (FIXME: no code references this) .vector anim_run; // player running forward .vector anim_runbackwards; // player running backward .vector anim_strafeleft; // player shuffling left quickly .vector anim_straferight; // player shuffling right quickly .vector anim_dead1; // player dead (must be identical to last frame of die1) .vector anim_dead2; // player dead (must be identical to last frame of die2) .vector anim_forwardright; // player running forward and right .vector anim_forwardleft; // player running forward and left .vector anim_backright; // player running backward and right .vector anim_backleft; // player running back and left void() player_setupanimsformodel; void player_setanim(vector anim, float looping, float override, float restart); .string mdl; .string playermodel; .string playerskin; .float respawntime; //.float chasecam; .float damageforcescale; //.float gravity; .float dmg; // for railgun damage (hitting multiple enemies) .float railgunhit; .float railgunhitsolidbackup; .vector railgunhitloc; .float air_finished; .float dmgtime; .float killcount; .float hitsound; .float watersound_finished; .float iscreature; .vector oldvelocity; .float pauseregen_finished; .float pauserothealth_finished; .float pauserotarmor_finished; .string item_pickupsound; // definitions for weaponsystem .entity weaponentity; .entity exteriorweaponentity; .float switchweapon; .float autoswitch; float weapon_action(float wpn, float wrequest); float client_hasweapon(entity cl, float wpn, float andammo, float complain); void w_clear(); void w_ready(); // VorteX: standalone think for weapons, so normal think on weaponentity can be reserved by weaponflashes (which needs update even player dies) .float weapon_nextthink; .void() weapon_think; //float PLAYER_WEAPONSELECTION_DELAY = ); float PLAYER_WEAPONSELECTION_SPEED = 18; vector PLAYER_WEAPONSELECTION_RANGE = '0 20 -40'; // weapon states (self.weaponentity.state) float WS_CLEAR = 0; // no weapon selected float WS_RAISE = 1; // raise frame float WS_DROP = 2; // deselecting frame float WS_INUSE = 3; // fire state float WS_READY = 4; // idle frame // weapon requests float WR_SETUP = 1; // setup weapon data float WR_THINK = 2; // logic to run every frame float WR_CHECKAMMO1 = 3; // checks ammo for weapon float WR_CHECKAMMO2 = 4; // checks ammo for weapon float WR_AIM = 5; // runs bot aiming code for this weapon float WR_PRECACHE = 6; // precaches models/sounds used by this weapon float WR_SUICIDEMESSAGE = 7; // sets w_deathtypestring or leaves it alone (and may inspect w_deathtype for details) float WR_KILLMESSAGE = 8; // sets w_deathtypestring or leaves it alone void weapon_defaultspawnfunc(float wpn); string w_deathtypestring; float w_deathtype; void(entity client, string s) centerprint_builtin = #73; .vector dest1, dest2; float gameover; float intermission_running; float intermission_exittime; float alreadychangedlevel; .float runes; .float welcomemessage_time; .float version; // esteel's voting float votecalled; string votecalledvote; string votecalledvote_display; float votecalledmaster; entity votecaller; float votefinished; .float vote_master; .float vote_next; .float vote_vote; void VoteThink(); string VoteParse(); float VoteAllowed(string vote); void VoteReset(); void VoteAccept(); void VoteReject(); void VoteTimeout(); void VoteStop(entity stopper); void VoteCount(); // Wazat's grappling hook .entity hook; void GrapplingHookFrame(); void RemoveGrapplingHook(entity pl); void SetGrappleHookBindings(); // hook impulses float GRAPHOOK_FIRE = 20; float GRAPHOOK_RELEASE = 21; // (note: you can change the hook impulse #'s to whatever you please) .float hook_time; // Laser target for laser-guided weapons .entity lasertarget; .float laser_on; // minstagib vars .float jump_interval; // laser refire //swamp .float in_swamp; // bool .entity swampslug; // Uses this to release from swamp ("untouch" fix) // footstep interval .float nextstep; .float ready; #define RESTART_COUNTDOWN 10 float restart_mapalreadyrestarted; //bool, indicates whether reset_map() was already executed entity restartAnnouncer; //a temporary entity which will play the countdown sounds 3, 2, 1 for all clients, will also reset the map after the countdown void restartAnnouncer_Think(); float blockSpectators; //if set, new or existing spectators or observers will be removed unless they become a player within g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime seconds .float spectatortime; //point in time since the client is spectating or observing void checkSpectatorBlock(); .float winning; .float jointime; float isJoinAllowed(); #define PREVENT_JOIN_TEXT "^1You may not join the game at this time.\n\nThe player limit reached maximum capacity." //sv_timeout: pauses the game by setting the gamespeed to a really low value (see TIMEOUT_SLOWMO_VALUE) #define TIMEOUT_SLOWMO_VALUE 0.0001 float sys_ticrate; // gets initialised in worlspawn, saves the value from cvar("sys_ticrate") float remainingTimeoutTime; // contains the time in seconds that the active timeout has left float remainingLeadTime; // contains the number of seconds left of the leadtime (before the timeout starts) float timeoutStatus; // (values: 0, 1, 2) contains whether a timeout is not active (0), was called but still at leadtime (1) or is active (2) .float allowedTimeouts; // contains the number of allowed timeouts for each player entity timeoutInitiator; // contains the entity of the player who started the last timeout float orig_slowmo; // contains the value of cvar("slowmo") so that, after timeout finished, it isn't set to slowmo 1 necessarily .vector lastV_angle; //used when pausing the game in order to force the player to keep his old view angle fixed entity timeoutHandler; //responsible for centerprinting the timeout countdowns and playing sounds void timeoutHandler_Think(); void evaluateTimeoutCall(); void evaluateResumeGame(); string getTimeoutText(float addOneSecond); .float spawnshieldtime; .float lms_nextcheck; .float lms_traveled_distance; .entity flagcarried; .entity lastrocket; .float playerid; float playerid_last; .float noalign; // if set to 1, the item or spawnpoint won't be dropped to the floor .vector spawnorigin; .vector death_origin; .vector killer_origin; .float isdecor; float default_player_alpha; float default_weapon_alpha; .float() customizeentityforclient; .float cvar_cl_handicap; .float cvar_cl_playerdetailreduction; .float cvar_cl_nogibs; .float cvar_scr_centertime; .float cvar_cl_shownames; .string cvar_g_nexuizversion; .string cvar_cl_weaponpriority; .string cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[10]; .float version_nagtime; .float modelindex_lod0; #ifdef ALLOW_VARIABLE_LOD .float modelindex_lod1; .float modelindex_lod2; #endif #define NUM_JUMPPADSUSED 3 .float jumppadcount; .entity jumppadsused[NUM_JUMPPADSUSED]; string gamemode_name; float teams_matter; float startitem_failed; void DropFlag(entity flag, entity penalty_receiver, entity attacker); void DropAllRunes(entity pl); typedef .float floatfield; floatfield Item_CounterField(float it); float W_AmmoItemCode(float wpn); float W_WeaponBit(float wpn); string W_Name(float weaponid); void UpdateSelectedPlayer(); void ClearSelectedPlayer(); .entity selected_player; .entity last_selected_player; .float selected_player_time; // when this player has been selected .float selected_player_count; // how long this player has been directly pointed to .float selected_player_display_needs_update; // are regular updates necessary? (health) .float selected_player_display_timeout; // when the selection will time out void FixIntermissionClient(entity e); void FixClientCvars(entity e); float weaponsInMap; void centerprint_atprio(entity e, float prio, string s); void centerprint_expire(entity e, float prio); void centerprint(entity e, string s); .float respawn_countdown; // next number to count float bot_waypoints_for_items; .float attack_finished_for[WEP_COUNT]; .float attack_finished_single; #ifdef INDEPENDENT_ATTACK_FINISHED #define ATTACK_FINISHED(ent) ((ent).(attack_finished_for[(ent).weapon])) #else #define ATTACK_FINISHED(ent) ((ent).attack_finished_single) #endif // assault game mode: Which team is attacking in this round? float assault_attacker_team; // speedrun: when 1, player auto teleports back when capture timeout happens .float speedrunning; // Q3 support .float notteam; .float notsingle; .float notfree; .float notq3a; float q3acompat_machineshotgunswap; // database float ServerProgsDB; .float team_saved; float some_spawn_has_been_used; float have_team_spawns; // set when showing a kill countdown .entity killindicator; .float killindicator_teamchange; void Damage (entity targ, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force); float lockteams; .float parm_idlesince; float sv_maxidle; float sv_maxidle_spectatorsareidle; float sv_pogostick; float sv_doublejump; float tracebox_hits_trigger_hurt(vector start, vector mi, vector ma, vector end); float next_pingtime; .float Version; .float SendFlags; .float(entity to, float sendflags) SendEntity; // player sounds, voice messages .string playersound_attack; .string playersound_attackinfive; .string playersound_coverme; .string playersound_defend; .string playersound_freelance; .string playersound_incoming; .string playersound_meet; .string playersound_needhelp; .string playersound_seenflag; .string playersound_taunt; .string playersound_teamshoot; .string playersound_death; .string playersound_drown; .string playersound_falling; // not yet implemented, FIXME .string playersound_gasp; .string playersound_jump; .string playersound_pain25; .string playersound_pain50; .string playersound_pain75; .string playersound_pain100; string globalsound_fall; string globalsound_metalfall; string globalsound_step; string globalsound_metalstep; void PrecachePlayerSounds(string f); void PrecacheGlobalSound(string samplestring); void UpdatePlayerSounds(); void ClearPlayerSounds(); void PlayerSound(.string samplefield, float channel, float teamsay); // 0 is normal, 1 is team, 2 is last attacker void GlobalSound(string samplestring, float channel, float teamsay); // 0 is normal, 1 is team, 2 is last attacker void VoiceMessage(string type); .float version_mismatch; float independent_players; #define IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(e) ((e).solid == SOLID_TRIGGER) #define MAKE_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(e) ((e).solid = SOLID_TRIGGER) string clientstuff; .float stat_sys_ticrate; .float phase; .float weapons; .float porto_forbidden; .string fog; string cvar_changes; float game_starttime; //point in time when the countdown is over .float stat_game_starttime; void W_Porto_Remove (entity p); .float projectiledeathtype; .string message2;