float last_weapon; float weapontime; float sb_lines; // still don't know what to do with that NOTE: check dp's sbar.c to see what that should be vector sbar; float sbar_alpha_fg; float sbar_hudselector; float ps_primary, ps_secondary; float ts_primary, ts_secondary; void CSQC_kh_hud(); void CSQC_ctf_hud(); void CSQC_nb_hud(); void MapVote_Draw(); void Sbar_FinaleOverlay() { /*vector pos; pos_x = (vid_conwidth - 1)/2; pos_y = 16; pos_z = 0;*/ //drawpic(pos, "gfx/finale", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); //drawstring(pos, "END", sbar_fontsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); MapVote_Draw(); } float weaponspace[10]; float weapon_first, weapon_last; void Sbar_DrawWeapon_Clear() { float idx; weapon_first = -2; weapon_last = -1; for(idx = 0; idx < 10; ++idx) weaponspace[idx] = 0; for(idx = 0; idx <= 23; ++idx) { if(weaponimpulse[idx] >= 0) { if(weapon_first < 0) weapon_first = idx; weapon_last = idx; } } } void Sbar_DrawWeapon(float nr, float fade, float active) { vector pos, vsize, color; float value, idx, imp, sp; imp = weaponimpulse[nr]; if(imp == 0) idx = 9; else idx = imp - 1; value = (active) ? 1 : 0.6; color_x = color_y = color_z = value; if(sbar_hudselector == 1) { // width = 300, height = 100 const float w_width = 32, w_height = 12, w_space = 2, font_size = 8; sp = weaponspace[idx] + 1; weaponspace[idx] = sp; pos_x = (vid_conwidth - w_width * 9) * 0.5 + w_width * idx; pos_y = (vid_conheight - w_height * sp); pos_z = 0; vsize_x = w_width; vsize_y = w_height; vsize_z = 0; drawpic(pos, strcat("gfx/inv_weapon", ftos(nr)), vsize, color, value * fade * sbar_alpha_fg, 0); pos_x += w_space; pos_y += w_space; vsize_x = font_size; vsize_y = font_size; vsize_z = 0; drawstring(pos, ftos(imp), vsize, '1 1 0', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); } else { // width = 300, height = 100 const float w2_width = 300, w2_height = 100, w2_space = 10; const float w2_scale = 0.4; float f; f = 9 / (weapon_last + 1 - weapon_first); pos_x = vid_conwidth - (w2_width + w2_space) * w2_scale * f; pos_y = (w2_height + w2_space) * w2_scale * nr * f + w2_space; pos_z = 0; vsize_x = w2_width * w2_scale * f; vsize_y = w2_height * w2_scale * f; vsize_z = 0; drawpic(pos, strcat("gfx/inv_weapon", ftos(nr)), vsize, color, value * fade * sbar_alpha_fg, 0); } } void Sbar_DrawXNum (vector pos, float num, float digits, float lettersize, vector rgb, float a, float dflags) { float l, i; string str, tmp; float minus; vector vsize; vsize_x = vsize_y = lettersize; vsize_z = 0; if(num < 0) { minus = true; num = -num; pos_x -= lettersize; } else minus = false; if(digits < 0) { tmp = ftos(num); digits = -digits; str = strcat(substring("0000000000", 0, digits - strlen(tmp)), tmp); } else str = ftos(num); l = strlen(str); if(l > digits) { str = substring(str, l-digits, 999); l = strlen(str); } else if(l < digits) pos_x += (digits-l) * lettersize; if(minus) { drawpic(sbar + pos, "gfx/num_minus", vsize, rgb, a * sbar_alpha_fg, dflags); pos_x += lettersize; } for(i = 0; i < l; ++i) { drawpic(sbar + pos, strcat("gfx/num_", substring(str, i, 1)), vsize, rgb, a * sbar_alpha_fg, dflags); pos_x += lettersize; } } void Cmd_Sbar_SetFields(float argc); void Sbar_InitScores() { float i, f; ps_primary = ps_secondary = ts_primary = ts_secondary = -1; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) { f = (scores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK); if(f == SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) ps_primary = i; if(f == SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY) ps_secondary = i; } if(ps_secondary == -1) ps_secondary = ps_primary; for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) { f = (teamscores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK); if(f == SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) ts_primary = i; if(f == SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY) ts_secondary = i; } if(ts_secondary == -1) ts_secondary = ts_primary; Cmd_Sbar_SetFields(0); } void Sbar_UpdatePlayerPos(entity pl); float SetTeam(entity pl, float Team); //float lastpnum; void Sbar_UpdatePlayerTeams() { float Team; entity pl, tmp; float num; num = 0; for(pl = players.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next) { num += 1; Team = GetPlayerColor(pl.sv_entnum); if(SetTeam(pl, Team)) { tmp = pl.sort_prev; Sbar_UpdatePlayerPos(pl); if(tmp) pl = tmp; else pl = players.sort_next; } } /* if(num != lastpnum) print(strcat("PNUM: ", ftos(num), "\n")); lastpnum = num; */ } float Sbar_ComparePlayerScores(entity left, entity right) { float vl, vr; vl = GetPlayerColor(left.sv_entnum); vr = GetPlayerColor(right.sv_entnum); if(!left.gotscores) vl = COLOR_SPECTATOR; if(!right.gotscores) vr = COLOR_SPECTATOR; if(vl > vr) return true; if(vl < vr) return false; if(vl == COLOR_SPECTATOR) { // FIRST the one with scores (spectators), THEN the ones without (downloaders) // no other sorting if(!left.gotscores && right.gotscores) return true; return false; } vl = left.scores[ps_primary]; vr = right.scores[ps_primary]; if(scores_flags[ps_primary] & SFL_ZERO_IS_WORST) { if(vl == 0 && vr != 0) return 1; if(vl != 0 && vr == 0) return 0; } if(vl > vr) return IS_INCREASING(scores_flags[ps_primary]); if(vl < vr) return IS_DECREASING(scores_flags[ps_primary]); vl = left.scores[ps_secondary]; vr = right.scores[ps_secondary]; if(scores_flags[ps_secondary] & SFL_ZERO_IS_WORST) { if(vl == 0 && vr != 0) return 1; if(vl != 0 && vr == 0) return 0; } if(vl > vr) return IS_INCREASING(scores_flags[ps_secondary]); if(vl < vr) return IS_DECREASING(scores_flags[ps_secondary]); return false; } void Sbar_UpdatePlayerPos(entity player) { for(other = player.sort_next; other && Sbar_ComparePlayerScores(player, other); other = player.sort_next) { SORT_SWAP(player, other); } for(other = player.sort_prev; other != players && Sbar_ComparePlayerScores(other, player); other = player.sort_prev) { SORT_SWAP(other, player); } } float Sbar_CompareTeamScores(entity left, entity right) { float vl, vr; if(left.team == COLOR_SPECTATOR) return 1; if(right.team == COLOR_SPECTATOR) return 0; vl = left.teamscores[ts_primary]; vr = right.teamscores[ts_primary]; if(vl > vr) return IS_INCREASING(teamscores_flags[ts_primary]); if(vl < vr) return IS_DECREASING(teamscores_flags[ts_primary]); vl = left.teamscores[ts_secondary]; vr = right.teamscores[ts_secondary]; if(vl > vr) return IS_INCREASING(teamscores_flags[ts_secondary]); if(vl < vr) return IS_DECREASING(teamscores_flags[ts_secondary]); return false; } void Sbar_UpdateTeamPos(entity Team) { for(other = Team.sort_next; other && Sbar_CompareTeamScores(Team, other); other = Team.sort_next) { SORT_SWAP(Team, other); } for(other = Team.sort_prev; other != teams && Sbar_CompareTeamScores(other, Team); other = Team.sort_prev) { SORT_SWAP(other, Team); } } void Cmd_Sbar_Help(float argc) { print("You can modify the scoreboard using the\n"); print("^3|---------------------------------------------------------------|\n"); print("^1 TO BE DONE\n"); print("Usage:\n"); print("^2sbar_columns_set default\n"); print("^2sbar_columns_set ^7filed1 field2 ...\n"); print("The following field names are recognized (case INsensitive):\n"); print("You can use a ^3|^7 to start the right-aligned fields.\n"); print("^3name^7 or ^3nick^7 Name of a player\n"); print("^3ping^7 Ping time\n\n"); print("^3kd^7 or ^3kdr^7 or ^3kdratio^7 or ^3k/d\n"); print(" The kill-death ratio\n"); print("Before a field you can put a + or - sign, then a comma separated list\n"); print("of game types, then a slash, to make the field show up only in these\n"); print("or in all but these game types.\n"); print("The special game type names 'teams' and 'noteams' can be used to\n"); print("include/exclude ALL teams/noteams game modes.\n"); local float i; print("Additional columns:\n"); for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) { if(scores_label[i] != "") print(strcat(scores_label[i], "\n")); } } #define MIN_NAMELEN 24 #define MAX_NAMELEN 24 string Sbar_DefaultColumnLayout() { return strcat( // fteqcc sucks "ping pl name | ", "-teams,race,lms/kills -teams,lms/deaths -teams,lms,race/suicides -race,dm,tdm/frags ", // tdm already has this in "score" "+ctf/caps +ctf/pickups +ctf/fckills +ctf/returns ", "+lms/lives +lms/rank ", "+kh/caps +kh/pushes +kh/destroyed ", "?+race/laps ?+race/time ?+race/fastest ", "+as/objectives +nexball/faults +nexball/goals", "-lms,race,nexball/score"); } void Cmd_Sbar_SetFields(float argc) { float i, j, slash; string str, pattern; float digit; float have_name, have_primary, have_secondary, have_separator; float missing; // TODO: re enable with gametype dependant cvars? if(argc < 2) // no arguments provided argc = tokenizebyseparator(strcat("x ", cvar_string("sbar_columns")), " "); if(argc < 2) argc = tokenizebyseparator(strcat("x ", Sbar_DefaultColumnLayout()), " "); if(argc == 2) { if(argv(1) == "default") argc = tokenizebyseparator(strcat("x ", Sbar_DefaultColumnLayout()), " "); else if(argv(1) == "all") { string s; s = "ping pl color name |"; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) { if(i != ps_primary) if(i != ps_secondary) if(scores_label[i] != "") s = strcat(s, " ", scores_label[i]); } if(ps_secondary != ps_primary) s = strcat(s, " ", scores_label[ps_secondary]); s = strcat(s, " ", scores_label[ps_primary]); argc = tokenizebyseparator(strcat("x ", s), " "); } } sbar_num_fields = 0; drawfont = sbar_font; digit = stringwidth("0123456789", FALSE) / 10; for(i = 0; i < argc - 1; ++i) { float nocomplain; str = argv(i+1); nocomplain = FALSE; if(substring(str, 0, 1) == "?") { nocomplain = TRUE; str = substring(str, 1, strlen(str) - 1); } slash = strstrofs(str, "/", 0); if(slash >= 0) { pattern = substring(str, 0, slash); str = substring(str, slash + 1, strlen(str) - (slash + 1)); if not(isGametypeInFilter(gametype, teamplay, pattern)) continue; } strunzone(sbar_title[sbar_num_fields]); sbar_title[sbar_num_fields] = strzone(str); sbar_size[sbar_num_fields] = stringwidth(str, FALSE); str = strtolower(str); if(str == "ping") { sbar_field[sbar_num_fields] = SP_PING; } else if(str == "pl") { sbar_field[sbar_num_fields] = SP_PL; } else if(str == "kd" || str == "kdr" || str == "kdratio" || str == "k/d") { sbar_field[sbar_num_fields] = SP_KDRATIO; } else if(str == "name" || str == "nick") { sbar_field[sbar_num_fields] = SP_NAME; sbar_size[sbar_num_fields] = MIN_NAMELEN; // minimum size? any use? have_name = 1; } else if(str == "|") { sbar_field[sbar_num_fields] = SP_SEPARATOR; have_separator = 1; } else { for(j = 0; j < MAX_SCORE; ++j) if(str == strtolower(scores_label[j])) goto found; // sorry, but otherwise fteqcc -O3 miscompiles this and warns about "unreachable code" :notfound if(str == "frags") { j = SP_FRAGS; } else { if not(nocomplain) print(strcat("^1Error:^7 Unknown score field: '", str, "'\n")); continue; } :found sbar_field[sbar_num_fields] = j; if(j == ps_primary) have_primary = 1; if(j == ps_secondary) have_secondary = 1; } ++sbar_num_fields; if(sbar_num_fields >= MAX_SBAR_FIELDS) break; } if(scores_flags[ps_primary] & SFL_ALLOW_HIDE) have_primary = 1; if(scores_flags[ps_secondary] & SFL_ALLOW_HIDE) have_secondary = 1; if(ps_primary == ps_secondary) have_secondary = 1; missing = !have_primary + !have_secondary + !have_separator + !have_name; if(sbar_num_fields+missing < MAX_SBAR_FIELDS) { if(!have_name) { strunzone(sbar_title[sbar_num_fields]); for(i = sbar_num_fields; i > 0; --i) { sbar_title[i] = sbar_title[i-1]; sbar_size[i] = sbar_size[i-1]; sbar_field[i] = sbar_field[i-1]; } sbar_title[0] = strzone("name"); sbar_field[0] = SP_NAME; sbar_size[0] = MIN_NAMELEN; // minimum size? any use? ++sbar_num_fields; print("fixed missing field 'name'\n"); if(!have_separator) { strunzone(sbar_title[sbar_num_fields]); for(i = sbar_num_fields; i > 1; --i) { sbar_title[i] = sbar_title[i-1]; sbar_size[i] = sbar_size[i-1]; sbar_field[i] = sbar_field[i-1]; } sbar_title[1] = strzone("|"); sbar_field[1] = SP_SEPARATOR; sbar_size[1] = stringwidth("|", FALSE); ++sbar_num_fields; print("fixed missing field '|'\n"); } } else if(!have_separator) { strunzone(sbar_title[sbar_num_fields]); sbar_title[sbar_num_fields] = strzone("|"); sbar_size[sbar_num_fields] = stringwidth("|", FALSE); sbar_field[sbar_num_fields] = SP_SEPARATOR; ++sbar_num_fields; print("fixed missing field '|'\n"); } if(!have_secondary) { strunzone(sbar_title[sbar_num_fields]); sbar_title[sbar_num_fields] = strzone(scores_label[ps_secondary]); sbar_size[sbar_num_fields] = stringwidth(sbar_title[sbar_num_fields], FALSE); sbar_field[sbar_num_fields] = ps_secondary; ++sbar_num_fields; print("fixed missing field '", scores_label[ps_secondary], "'\n"); } if(!have_primary) { strunzone(sbar_title[sbar_num_fields]); sbar_title[sbar_num_fields] = strzone(scores_label[ps_primary]); sbar_size[sbar_num_fields] = stringwidth(sbar_title[sbar_num_fields], FALSE); sbar_field[sbar_num_fields] = ps_primary; ++sbar_num_fields; print("fixed missing field '", scores_label[ps_primary], "'\n"); } } sbar_field[sbar_num_fields] = SP_END; } // MOVEUP:: vector sbar_field_rgb; string sbar_field_icon0; string sbar_field_icon1; string sbar_field_icon2; vector sbar_field_icon0_rgb; vector sbar_field_icon1_rgb; vector sbar_field_icon2_rgb; float sbar_field_icon0_alpha; float sbar_field_icon1_alpha; float sbar_field_icon2_alpha; string Sbar_GetField(entity pl, float field) { float tmp, num, denom, f; string str; sbar_field_rgb = '1 1 1'; sbar_field_icon0 = ""; sbar_field_icon1 = ""; sbar_field_icon2 = ""; sbar_field_icon0_rgb = '1 1 1'; sbar_field_icon1_rgb = '1 1 1'; sbar_field_icon2_rgb = '1 1 1'; sbar_field_icon0_alpha = 1; sbar_field_icon1_alpha = 1; sbar_field_icon2_alpha = 1; switch(field) { case SP_PING: if not(pl.gotscores) return "\x8D\x8D\x8D"; // >>> sign str = getplayerkey(pl.sv_entnum, "ping"); if(str == "0") return "N/A"; tmp = max(0, min(220, stof(str)-80)) / 220; sbar_field_rgb = '1 1 1' - '0 1 1'*tmp; return str; case SP_PL: if not(pl.gotscores) return "N/A"; str = getplayerkey(pl.sv_entnum, "pl"); if(str == "0") return ""; tmp = bound(0, stof(str), 20) / 20; // 20% is REALLY BAD pl sbar_field_rgb = '1 0.5 0.5' - '0 0.5 0.5'*tmp; return str; case SP_NAME: if(ready_waiting && pl.ready) { sbar_field_icon0 = "gfx/sb_player_ready"; } else if(!teamplay) { f = stof(getplayerkey(pl.sv_entnum, "colors")); { sbar_field_icon0 = "gfx/sb_playercolor_base"; sbar_field_icon1 = "gfx/sb_playercolor_shirt"; sbar_field_icon1_rgb = colormapPaletteColor(floor(f / 16), 0); sbar_field_icon2 = "gfx/sb_playercolor_pants"; sbar_field_icon2_rgb = colormapPaletteColor(mod(f, 16), 1); } } return GetPlayerName(pl.sv_entnum); case SP_FRAGS: f = pl.(scores[SP_KILLS]); f -= pl.(scores[SP_SUICIDES]); return ftos(f); case SP_KDRATIO: num = pl.(scores[SP_KILLS]); denom = pl.(scores[SP_DEATHS]); if(denom == 0) { sbar_field_rgb = '0 1 0'; str = ftos(num); } else if(num <= 0) { sbar_field_rgb = '1 0 0'; str = ftos(num/denom); } else str = ftos(num/denom); tmp = strstrofs(str, ".", 0); if(tmp > 0) str = substring(str, 0, tmp+2); return str; default: tmp = pl.(scores[field]); f = scores_flags[field]; if(field == ps_primary) sbar_field_rgb = '1 1 0'; else if(field == ps_secondary) sbar_field_rgb = '0 1 1'; else sbar_field_rgb = '1 1 1'; return ScoreString(f, tmp); } //return "error"; } float xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, sbwidth; float sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_len; float sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen; float sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_marginlen; float stringwidth_colors(string s) { return stringwidth(s, TRUE); } float stringwidth_nocolors(string s) { return stringwidth(s, FALSE); } string Sbar_FixScoreboardColumnWidth(float i, string str) { float field, maxsize, j, f; vector sz; field = sbar_field[i]; if(field == SP_NAME) // name gets all remaining space { maxsize = (xmax - xmin) / sbar_fontsize_x; for(j = 0; j < sbar_num_fields; ++j) if(j != i) if(sbar_field[j] != SP_SEPARATOR) maxsize -= sbar_size[j] + 1; maxsize += 1; str = textShortenToWidth(str, maxsize, stringwidth_colors); sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_len = stringwidth(str, TRUE); } else sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_len = stringwidth(str, FALSE); sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen = 0; if(sbar_field_icon0 != "") { sz = drawgetimagesize(sbar_field_icon0); f = sz_x / sz_y; if(sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen < f) sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen = f; } if(sbar_field_icon1 != "") { sz = drawgetimagesize(sbar_field_icon1); f = sz_x / sz_y; if(sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen < f) sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen = f; } if(sbar_field_icon2 != "") { sz = drawgetimagesize(sbar_field_icon2); f = sz_x / sz_y; if(sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen < f) sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen = f; } sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen *= sbar_fontsize_y / sbar_fontsize_x; // fix icon aspect if(sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen != 0 && sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_len != 0) sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_marginlen = stringwidth(" ", FALSE); else sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_marginlen = 0; f = sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_len + sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_marginlen + sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen; if(sbar_size[i] < f) sbar_size[i] = f; return str; } void Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(vector pos, entity pl, float is_self) { vector tmp; string str; float i, field; float is_spec; is_spec = (GetPlayerColor(pl.sv_entnum) == COLOR_SPECTATOR); // Layout: tmp_z = 0; if(is_self) { tmp_x = sbwidth; tmp_y = sbar_fontsize_y; drawfill(pos - '1 1 0', tmp + '2 2 0', '1 1 1', 0.3, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } tmp_y = 0; for(i = 0; i < sbar_num_fields; ++i) { field = sbar_field[i]; if(field == SP_SEPARATOR) break; if(is_spec && field != SP_NAME && field != SP_PING) { pos_x += sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_size[i] + sbar_fontsize_x; continue; } str = Sbar_GetField(pl, field); str = Sbar_FixScoreboardColumnWidth(i, str); pos_x += sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_size[i] + sbar_fontsize_x; if(field == SP_NAME) { tmp_x = sbar_fontsize_x*(sbar_size[i] - sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen - sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_marginlen) + sbar_fontsize_x; drawcolorcodedstring(pos - tmp, str, sbar_fontsize, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { tmp_x = sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_len*sbar_fontsize_x + sbar_fontsize_x; drawstring(pos - tmp, str, sbar_fontsize, sbar_field_rgb, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } tmp_x = sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_size[i] + sbar_fontsize_x; if(sbar_field_icon0 != "") drawpic(pos - tmp, sbar_field_icon0, '0 1 0' * sbar_fontsize_y + '1 0 0' * sbar_fontsize_x * sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen, sbar_field_icon1_rgb, sbar_field_icon0_alpha, 0); if(sbar_field_icon1 != "") drawpic(pos - tmp, sbar_field_icon1, '0 1 0' * sbar_fontsize_y + '1 0 0' * sbar_fontsize_x * sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen, sbar_field_icon1_rgb, sbar_field_icon1_alpha, 0); if(sbar_field_icon2 != "") drawpic(pos - tmp, sbar_field_icon2, '0 1 0' * sbar_fontsize_y + '1 0 0' * sbar_fontsize_x * sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen, sbar_field_icon2_rgb, sbar_field_icon2_alpha, 0); } if(sbar_field[i] == SP_SEPARATOR) { pos_x = xmax; for(i = sbar_num_fields-1; i > 0; --i) { field = sbar_field[i]; if(field == SP_SEPARATOR) break; if(is_spec && field != SP_NAME && field != SP_PING) { pos_x -= sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_size[i] + sbar_fontsize_x; continue; } str = Sbar_GetField(pl, field); str = Sbar_FixScoreboardColumnWidth(i, str); if(field == SP_NAME) { tmp_x = sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_len; // left or right aligned? let's put it right... drawcolorcodedstring(pos - tmp, str, sbar_fontsize, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { tmp_x = sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_len; //strlen(str); drawstring(pos - tmp, str, sbar_fontsize, sbar_field_rgb, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } tmp_x = sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_size[i]; if(sbar_field_icon0 != "") drawpic(pos - tmp, sbar_field_icon0, '0 1 0' * sbar_fontsize_y + '1 0 0' * sbar_fontsize_x * sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen, sbar_field_icon1_rgb, sbar_field_icon0_alpha, 0); if(sbar_field_icon1 != "") drawpic(pos - tmp, sbar_field_icon1, '0 1 0' * sbar_fontsize_y + '1 0 0' * sbar_fontsize_x * sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen, sbar_field_icon1_rgb, sbar_field_icon1_alpha, 0); if(sbar_field_icon2 != "") drawpic(pos - tmp, sbar_field_icon2, '0 1 0' * sbar_fontsize_y + '1 0 0' * sbar_fontsize_x * sbar_fixscoreboardcolumnwidth_iconlen, sbar_field_icon2_rgb, sbar_field_icon2_alpha, 0); pos_x -= sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_size[i] + sbar_fontsize_x; } } } float lastpingstime; float scoreboard_bottom; void Sbar_DrawScoreboard() { //float xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; vector rgb, pos, tmp, sbar_save; entity pl, tm; float specs, i; float center_x; if(time > lastpingstime + 10) { localcmd("pings\n"); lastpingstime = time; } sbwidth = Sbar_GetWidth(6.5 * sbar_fontsize_y); xmin = 0.5 * (vid_conwidth - sbwidth); ymin = 45; xmax = vid_conwidth - xmin; ymax = vid_conheight - 0.2*vid_conheight; center_x = xmin + 0.5*sbwidth; //Sbar_UpdateFields(); // Initializes position //pos_x = xmin; pos_y = ymin; pos_z = 0; // Heading drawfont = sbar_bigfont; pos_x = center_x - stringwidth("Scoreboard", TRUE)*0.5*24; drawstring(pos, "Scoreboard", '24 24 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_x = xmin; pos_y += 24 + 4; // Titlebar background: tmp_x = sbwidth; tmp_y = sbar_fontsize_y; drawfill(pos - '1 1 0', tmp + '2 2 0', '0.5 0.5 0.5', 0.5, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawfont = sbar_font; for(i = 0; i < sbar_num_fields; ++i) { if(sbar_field[i] == SP_SEPARATOR) break; drawstring(pos, sbar_title[i], sbar_fontsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_x += sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_size[i] + sbar_fontsize_x; } if(sbar_field[i] == SP_SEPARATOR) { pos_x = xmax + sbar_fontsize_x; tmp_y = tmp_z = 0; for(i = sbar_num_fields-1; i > 0; --i) { if(sbar_field[i] == SP_SEPARATOR) break; pos_x -= sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_size[i] + sbar_fontsize_x; /** * FTEQCC BUG! * Using the following line will mess it all up: ** * tmp_x = sbar_size[i] - strlen(sbar_title[i])*8; */ tmp_x = sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_size[i]; tmp_x -= stringwidth(sbar_title[i], FALSE)*sbar_fontsize_x; drawstring(pos + tmp, sbar_title[i], sbar_fontsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } pos_x = xmin; pos_y += 1.5 * sbar_fontsize_y; sbar_save = sbar; sbar = '0 0 0'; if(teamplay) { //for(tm = sortedTeams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next) for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next) { if(!tm.team_size || tm.team == COLOR_SPECTATOR) continue; rgb = GetTeamRGB(tm.team); pos_x = xmin; Sbar_DrawXNum( pos - '6.5 0 0' * sbar_fontsize_y, tm.(teamscores[ts_primary]), 4, sbar_fontsize_y * 1.5, rgb, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(ts_primary != ts_secondary) Sbar_DrawXNum( pos - '4.5 0 0' * sbar_fontsize_y + '0 1.5 0' * sbar_fontsize_y, tm.(teamscores[ts_secondary]), 4, sbar_fontsize_y * 1, rgb, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); specs = tm.team_size; if(specs < 2) specs = 2; tmp_x = sbwidth; tmp_y = 1.25 * sbar_fontsize_y * specs; drawfill(pos - '1 1 0', tmp + '2 0 0', rgb, 0.2, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); for(pl = players.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next) { if(pl.team != tm.team) continue; Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(pos, pl, (pl.sv_entnum == player_localentnum - 1)); pos_y += 1.25 * sbar_fontsize_y; tmp_y -= 1.25 * sbar_fontsize_y; } pos_y += tmp_y + 1.5 * sbar_fontsize_y; } // rgb := tempvector :) rgb = pos + '0 1.5 0' * sbar_fontsize_y; pos_y += 3 * sbar_fontsize_y; specs = 0; for(pl = players.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next) { if(pl.team != COLOR_SPECTATOR) continue; Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(pos, pl, (pl.sv_entnum == player_localentnum - 1)); pos += '0 1.25 0' * sbar_fontsize_y; ++specs; } if(specs) drawstring(rgb, "Spectators", sbar_fontsize, '1 1 1', 1, 0); } else { pos_x = xmin; for(pl = players.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next) { if(pl.team == COLOR_SPECTATOR) continue; Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(pos, pl, (pl.sv_entnum == player_localentnum - 1)); pos_y += 1.25 * sbar_fontsize_y; tmp_y -= 1.25 * sbar_fontsize_y; } // rgb := tempvector :) rgb = pos + '0 1.5 0' * sbar_fontsize_y; pos_y += 3 * sbar_fontsize_y; specs = 0; for(pl = players.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next) { if(pl.team != COLOR_SPECTATOR) continue; Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(pos, pl, (pl.sv_entnum == player_localentnum - 1)); pos += '0 1.25 0' * sbar_fontsize_y; ++specs; } if(specs) drawstring(rgb, "Spectators", sbar_fontsize, '1 1 1', 1, 0); } string str; float tl, fl; str = strcat("playing on ^2", shortmapname, "^7"); tl = getstatf(STAT_TIMELIMIT); fl = getstatf(STAT_FRAGLIMIT); if(gametype == GAME_LMS) { if(tl > 0) str = strcat(str, " for up to ^1", ftos(tl), " minutes^7"); } else { if(tl > 0) str = strcat(str, " for ^1", ftos(tl), " minutes^7"); if(fl > 0) { if(tl > 0) str = strcat(str, " or"); if(teamplay) { str = strcat(str, " until ^3", ScoreString(teamscores_flags[ts_primary], fl)); if(teamscores_label[ts_primary] == "score") str = strcat(str, " points^7"); else if(teamscores_label[ts_primary] == "fastest") str = strcat(str, " is beaten^7"); else str = strcat(str, " ", teamscores_label[ts_primary]); } else { str = strcat(str, " until ^3", ScoreString(scores_flags[ps_primary], fl)); if(scores_label[ps_primary] == "score") str = strcat(str, " points^7"); else if(scores_label[ps_primary] == "fastest") str = strcat(str, " is beaten^7"); else str = strcat(str, " ", scores_label[ps_primary]); } } } pos_y += 1.2 * sbar_fontsize_y; drawcolorcodedstring(pos + '0.5 0 0' * (sbwidth - sbar_fontsize_x * stringwidth(str, TRUE)), str, sbar_fontsize, 0.8, 0); sbar = sbar_save; scoreboard_bottom = pos_y + 2 * sbar_fontsize_y; } string MakeRaceString(float cp, float mytime, float histime, float lapdelta, string hisname) { string col; string timestr; string cpname; string lapstr; lapstr = ""; if(histime == 0) // goal hit { if(mytime > 0) { timestr = strcat("+", ftos_decimals(+mytime, 1)); col = "^1"; } else if(mytime == 0) { timestr = "+0.0"; col = "^3"; } else { timestr = strcat("-", ftos_decimals(-mytime, 1)); col = "^2"; } if(lapdelta > 0) { lapstr = strcat(" (-", ftos(lapdelta), "L)"); col = "^2"; } else if(lapdelta < 0) { lapstr = strcat(" (+", ftos(-lapdelta), "L)"); col = "^1"; } } else if(histime > 0) // anticipation { if(mytime >= histime) timestr = strcat("+", ftos_decimals(mytime - histime, 1)); else timestr = mmsss(histime * 10); col = "^3"; } else col = "^7"; if(cp) cpname = strcat("Intermediate ", ftos(cp)); else cpname = "Finish line"; if(histime < 0) return strcat(col, cpname); else if(hisname == "") return strcat(col, cpname, " (", timestr, ")"); else return strcat(col, cpname, " (", timestr, " ", strcat(hisname, col, lapstr), ")"); } void Sbar_Score(float margin) { float timelimit, minutes, seconds, timeleft, minutesLeft, secondsLeft, distribution, myplace, score; vector sbar_save, place, timer_color; entity tm, pl, me; sbar_save = sbar; myteam = GetPlayerColor(player_localentnum - 1); sbar_y = vid_conheight - (32+12); sbar_x -= margin; place = '-48 -12 0'; if(teamplay) { // Layout: // // team1 team3 team4 // // TEAM2 //for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next) { if(tm.team == COLOR_SPECTATOR || !tm.team_size) // no players? don't display continue; // -32*4 = -128 score = tm.(teamscores[ts_primary]); if(tm.team == myteam) Sbar_DrawXNum('-128 0 0', score, 4, 32, GetTeamRGB(tm.team), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else { Sbar_DrawXNum(place, score, 4, 12, GetTeamRGB(tm.team), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); place_x -= 4*12; } } } else { // me vector := [team/connected frags id] myplace = 0; for(me = players.sort_next; me; me = me.sort_next) { if(me.team != COLOR_SPECTATOR) ++myplace; if(me.sv_entnum == player_localentnum - 1) break; } pl = players.sort_next; if(pl == me) pl = pl.sort_next; if(pl) { distribution = me.(scores[ps_primary]); distribution -= pl.(scores[ps_primary]); } else distribution = 0; if(myplace == 1) Sbar_DrawXNum('-36 -12 0', myplace, 3, 12, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else if(myplace == 2) Sbar_DrawXNum('-36 -12 0', myplace, 3, 12, '1 1 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else Sbar_DrawXNum('-36 -12 0', myplace, 3, 12, '1 0 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); score = me.(scores[ps_primary]); if(distribution >= 0) { Sbar_DrawXNum('-84 -12 0', distribution, 4, 12, ' 1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); Sbar_DrawXNum('-128 0 0', score, 4, 32, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(distribution >= -5) { Sbar_DrawXNum('-84 -12 0', distribution, 4, 12, ' 1 1 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); Sbar_DrawXNum('-128 0 0', score, 4, 32, '1 1 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { Sbar_DrawXNum('-84 -12 0', distribution, 4, 12, ' 1 0 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); Sbar_DrawXNum('-128 0 0', score, 4, 32, '1 0 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } //draw the remaining or elapsed time timelimit = getstatf(STAT_TIMELIMIT); if(timelimit > 0) { timeleft = max(0, timelimit * 60 + getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time); timeleft = ceil(timeleft); minutesLeft = floor(timeleft / 60); secondsLeft = timeleft - minutesLeft*60; if(minutesLeft >= 5) { timer_color = '1 1 1'; //white } else if(minutesLeft >= 1) { timer_color = '1 1 0'; //yellow } else { timer_color = '1 0 0'; //red } if (warmup_stage) { timer_color = '1 1 1'; //don't use red or yellow for timer during warmup } if (cvar("sbar_increment_maptime")) { if (time < getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME)) { //while restart is still active, show negative counter minutes = 0; seconds = ceil(getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time); } else { float elapsedTime; elapsedTime = floor(time - getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME)); //127 minutes = floor(elapsedTime / 60); seconds = elapsedTime - minutes*60; } } else { minutes = minutesLeft; seconds = secondsLeft; } if(minutesLeft >= 1 || (cvar("sbar_increment_maptime") && minutes >= 1) ) { Sbar_DrawXNum('-72 32 0', minutes, 3, 12, timer_color, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(sbar + '-36 32 0', "gfx/num_colon", '12 12 0', timer_color, sbar_alpha_fg, 0); } Sbar_DrawXNum('-24 32 0', seconds, -2, 12, timer_color, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { timer_color = '1 1 1'; //white minutes = floor(time / 60); seconds = floor(time - minutes*60); Sbar_DrawXNum('-72 32 0', minutes, 3, 12, timer_color, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(sbar + '-36 32 0', "gfx/num_colon", '12 12 0', timer_color, sbar_alpha_fg, 0); Sbar_DrawXNum('-24 32 0', seconds, -2, 12, timer_color, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } if(gametype == GAME_RACE) { drawfont = sbar_bigfont; float a; vector m; string s, forcetime; m = '0.5 0 0' * vid_conwidth + '0 0.25 0' * vid_conheight; if(race_checkpointtime) { a = bound(0, 2 - (time - race_checkpointtime), 1); s = ""; forcetime = ""; if(a > 0) // just hit a checkpoint? { if(race_time && race_previousbesttime) s = MakeRaceString(race_checkpoint, race_time / 10 - race_previousbesttime / 10, 0, 0, race_previousbestname); else s = MakeRaceString(race_checkpoint, 0, -1, 0, race_previousbestname); if(race_time) forcetime = mmsss(race_time); } else { if(race_laptime && race_nextbesttime) { a = bound(0, 2 - ((race_laptime + race_nextbesttime/10) - time), 1); if(a > 0) // next one? { s = MakeRaceString(race_nextcheckpoint, time - race_laptime, race_nextbesttime / 10, 0, race_nextbestname); } } } if(s != "" && a > 0) { dummyfunction(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // work around DP bug (set OFS_PARAM5 to 0) drawcolorcodedstring(m - '0 16 0' - '8 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE), s, '16 16 0', sbar_alpha_fg * a, 0); } if(forcetime != "") { a = bound(0, (time - race_checkpointtime) / 0.5, 1); drawstring_expanding(m - '16 0 0' * stringwidth(forcetime, FALSE), forcetime, '32 32 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0, a); } else a = 1; if(race_laptime) { s = mmsss(10*(time - race_laptime)); drawstring(m - '16 0 0' * stringwidth(s, FALSE), s, '32 32 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg * a, 0); } } else { if(race_mycheckpointtime) { a = bound(0, 2 - (time - race_mycheckpointtime), 1); s = MakeRaceString(race_mycheckpoint, race_mycheckpointdelta / 10, -!race_mycheckpointenemy, race_mycheckpointlapsdelta, race_mycheckpointenemy); dummyfunction(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // work around DP bug (set OFS_PARAM5 to 0) drawcolorcodedstring(m - '0 16 0' - '8 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE), s, '16 16 0', sbar_alpha_fg * a, 0); } if(race_othercheckpointtime && race_othercheckpointenemy != "") { a = bound(0, 2 - (time - race_othercheckpointtime), 1); s = MakeRaceString(race_othercheckpoint, -race_othercheckpointdelta / 10, -!race_othercheckpointenemy, race_othercheckpointlapsdelta, race_othercheckpointenemy); dummyfunction(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // work around DP bug (set OFS_PARAM5 to 0) drawcolorcodedstring(m - '0 0 0' - '8 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE), s, '16 16 0', sbar_alpha_fg * a, 0); } } drawfont = sbar_font; } sbar = sbar_save; } void Sbar_MiniscoreItem(vector pos, entity pl, float is_self) { float x, score; pos_x += 72; if(teamplay) drawfill(pos + '0 1 0', '40 6 0', GetTeamRGB(pl.team)*0.5, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawfill(pos + '0 1 0', '40 6 0', '0.5 0.5 0.5', 0.5, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); x = pos_x; pos_x += 5*8; score = pl.(scores[ps_primary]); pos_x -= stringwidth(ftos(score), FALSE)*8; drawstring(pos, ftos(score), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_x = x; if(is_self) { pos_x += 48; drawstring(pos, "\x0D", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_x += 8; } else pos_x += 56; drawcolorcodedstring(pos, GetPlayerName(pl.sv_entnum), '8 8 0', 1, 0); } void Sbar_MiniscoreTeamItem(vector pos, float color, float frags, float is_self) { float x; pos_x += 72; if(teamplay) drawfill(pos + '0 1 0', '40 6 0', GetTeamRGB(color)*0.5, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawfill(pos + '0 1 0', '40 6 0', '0.5 0.5 0.5', 0.5, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); x = pos_x; pos_x += 5*8; pos_x -= stringwidth(ftos(frags), FALSE)*8; drawstring(pos, ftos(frags), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_x = x; if(is_self) { pos_x += 48; drawstring(pos, "\x0D", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_x += 8; } else pos_x += 56; drawstring(pos, GetTeamName(color), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } void Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay(vector pos) { float numlines, up, down, score; entity me, tm, pl; float miniscoreboard_size; miniscoreboard_size = cvar("sbar_miniscoreboard_size"); if(miniscoreboard_size == 0) return; pos_y = vid_conheight - 8; if(miniscoreboard_size < 0) numlines = (vid_conheight - sbar_y + 7) / 8; else numlines = miniscoreboard_size; // give up if there isn't enough room if(pos_x >= vid_conwidth || pos_y >= vid_conheight || numlines < 1) return; // me vector := [team/connected frags id] for(me = players.sort_next; me; me = me.sort_next) { if(me.sv_entnum == player_localentnum - 1) break; } if(teamplay) numlines -= numteams; // figure out how many players above and below we can show up = floor(numlines/2); down = up; if((up + down) > numlines) down = numlines - up; // render bottom-up for(pl = me.sort_next; pl && down > 0; pl = pl.sort_next) { if(pl.team == COLOR_SPECTATOR) continue; Sbar_MiniscoreItem(pos, pl, false); pos_y -= 9; --down; } Sbar_MiniscoreItem(pos, me, true); pos_y -= 9; up += down; // if there weren't enough lines below... add them for(pl = me.sort_prev; pl && up > 0; pl = pl.sort_prev) { if(pl.team == COLOR_SPECTATOR) continue; Sbar_MiniscoreItem(pos, pl, false); pos_y -= 9; --up; } if(teamplay) { for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm.sort_next; tm = tm.sort_next); for(; tm; tm = tm.sort_prev) { if(!tm.team_size || tm.team == COLOR_SPECTATOR) continue; score = tm.(teamscores[ts_primary]); Sbar_MiniscoreTeamItem(pos, tm.team, score, (tm.team == me.team)); pos_y -= 9; } } } float Sbar_WouldDrawScoreboard () { if (sb_showscores) return 1; else if (intermission == 1) return 1; else if (intermission == 2) return 1; else if (getstati(STAT_HEALTH) <= 0 && cvar("cl_deathscoreboard")) return 1; else if(sb_showscores_force) return 1; return 0; } void CSQC_Strength_Timer() { float stat_items, dt; stat_items = getstati(STAT_ITEMS); /* if not(stat_items & IT_STRENGTH) if not(stat_items & IT_INVINCIBLE) return; */ if (getstati(STAT_HEALTH) <= 0) return; vector pos, picsize, number_position; float strength_time, invincibility_time, countdown_fontsize; picsize = '40 40 0'; countdown_fontsize = 22; //element will be positioned on the right side of the screen: pos_x = vid_conwidth - picsize_x - 10; //margin 10 from right border number_position_x = pos_x - 5/*margin to the left from image*/ - countdown_fontsize*2/*width of text*/; pos_y = 180; number_position_y = pos_y; //now calculate the values Sbar_DrawXNum() will be called with: number_position_x = number_position_x - sbar_x; //relative to sbar coordinates number_position_y = number_position_y - sbar_y; //relative to sbar coordinates number_position_y += 10; //center number vertically to the icon pos_z = number_position_z = 0; //strength strength_time = getstatf(STAT_STRENGTH_FINISHED); invincibility_time = getstatf(STAT_INVINCIBLE_FINISHED); if (strength_time) { dt = strength_time - time; if(dt > 0) { if(dt < 5) { drawpic_expanding_two(pos, "gfx/sb_str", picsize, '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, bound(0, (ceil(dt) - dt) / 0.5, 1)); } else { drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_str", picsize, '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } Sbar_DrawXNum(number_position, ceil(dt), 2, countdown_fontsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(dt > -1) { drawpic_expanding(pos, "gfx/sb_str", picsize, '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, bound(0, -dt / 0.5, 1)); } } //add some margin to the invincibility icon pos_y += picsize_y + 10; number_position_y += picsize_y + 10; //invincibility if (invincibility_time) { dt = invincibility_time - time; if(dt > 0) { if(dt < 5) { drawpic_expanding_two(pos, "gfx/sb_invinc", picsize, '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, bound(0, (ceil(dt) - dt) / 0.5, 1)); } else { drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_invinc", picsize, '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } Sbar_DrawXNum(number_position, ceil(dt), 2, countdown_fontsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(dt > -1) { drawpic_expanding(pos, "gfx/sb_invinc", picsize, '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, bound(0, -dt / 0.5, 1)); } } } #define CENTERPRINT_MAX_LINES 30 string centerprint_messages[CENTERPRINT_MAX_LINES]; float centerprint_width[CENTERPRINT_MAX_LINES]; vector centerprint_start; float centerprint_expire; float centerprint_num; float centerprint_offset_hint; vector centerprint_fontsize; void centerprint(string strMessage) { float i, j, n, hcount; string s; centerprint_fontsize = Sbar_GetFontsize("scr_centersize"); centerprint_expire = min(centerprint_expire, time); // if any of the returns happens, this message will fade out if(cvar("scr_centertime") <= 0) return; if(strMessage == "") return; // strip trailing newlines j = strlen(strMessage) - 1; while(substring(strMessage, j, 1) == "\n" && j >= 0) j = j - 1; strMessage = substring(strMessage, 0, j + 1); if(strMessage == "") return; // strip leading newlines and remember them, they are a hint that the message should be lower on the screen j = 0; while(substring(strMessage, j, 1) == "\n" && j < strlen(strMessage)) j = j + 1; strMessage = substring(strMessage, j, strlen(strMessage) - j); centerprint_offset_hint = j; if(strMessage == "") return; // if we get here, we have a message. Initialize its height. centerprint_num = 0; n = tokenizebyseparator(strMessage, "\n"); i = hcount = 0; for(j = 0; j < n; ++j) { getWrappedLine_remaining = argv(j); while(getWrappedLine_remaining) { s = getWrappedLine(vid_conwidth * 0.75 / centerprint_fontsize_x, stringwidth_colors); if(centerprint_messages[i]) strunzone(centerprint_messages[i]); centerprint_messages[i] = strzone(s); centerprint_width[i] = stringwidth(s, TRUE); ++i; // half height for empty lines looks better if(s == "") hcount += 0.5; else hcount += 1; if(i >= CENTERPRINT_MAX_LINES) break; } } float h, havail; h = centerprint_fontsize_y*hcount; havail = vid_conheight; if(cvar("con_chatpos") < 0) havail -= (-cvar("con_chatpos") + cvar("con_chat")) * cvar("con_chatsize"); // avoid overlapping chat centerprint_start_x = 0; #if 0 float forbiddenmin, forbiddenmax, allowedmin, allowedmax, preferred; // here, the centerprint would cover the crosshair. REALLY BAD. forbiddenmin = vid_conheight * 0.5 - h - 16; forbiddenmax = vid_conheight * 0.5 + 16; allowedmin = scoreboard_bottom; allowedmax = havail - h; preferred = (havail - h)/2; // possible orderings (total: 4! / 4 = 6) // allowedmin allowedmax forbiddenmin forbiddenmax // forbiddenmin forbiddenmax allowedmin allowedmax if(allowedmax < forbiddenmin || allowedmin > forbiddenmax) { // forbidden doesn't matter in this case centerprint_start_y = bound(allowedmin, preferred, allowedmax); } // allowedmin forbiddenmin allowedmax forbiddenmax else if(allowedmin < forbiddenmin && allowedmax < forbiddenmax) { centerprint_start_y = bound(allowedmin, preferred, forbiddenmin); } // allowedmin forbiddenmin forbiddenmax allowedmax else if(allowedmin < forbiddenmin) { // make sure the forbidden zone is not covered if(preferred > (forbiddenmin + forbiddenmax) * 0.5) centerprint_start_y = bound(allowedmin, preferred, forbiddenmin); else centerprint_start_y = bound(forbiddenmax, preferred, allowedmin); } // forbiddenmin allowedmin allowedmax forbiddenmax else if(allowedmax < forbiddenmax) { // it's better to leave the allowed zone (overlap with scoreboard) than // to cover the forbidden zone (crosshair) if(preferred > (forbiddenmin + forbiddenmax) * 0.5) centerprint_start_y = forbiddenmax; else centerprint_start_y = forbiddenmin; } // forbiddenmin allowedmin forbiddenmax allowedmax else { centerprint_start_y = bound(forbiddenmax, preferred, allowedmax); } #else centerprint_start_y = min( max( max(scoreboard_bottom, vid_conheight * 0.5 + 16), (havail - h)/2 ), havail - h ); #endif centerprint_num = i; centerprint_expire = time + cvar("scr_centertime"); } void Sbar_DrawCenterPrint (void) { float i; vector pos; string ts; float a; //if(time > centerprint_expire) // return; //a = bound(0, 1 - 2 * (time - centerprint_expire), 1); a = bound(0, 1 - 4 * (time - centerprint_expire), 1); //sz = 1.2 / (a + 0.2); if(a <= 0) return; pos = centerprint_start; for (i=0; i= 666) s = "^1Match has already begun"; else if(sk.(scores[ps_primary]) > 0) s = "^1You have no more lives left"; else s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("jump", "+jump"), "^1 to join"); } else s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("jump", "+jump"), "^1 to join"); o = Sbar_DrawNoteLine(o, s); //show restart countdown: if (time < getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME)) { float countdown; //we need to ceil, otherwise the countdown would be off by .5 when using round() countdown = ceil(getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time); s = strcat("^1Game starts in ^3", ftos(countdown), "^1 seconds"); o = Sbar_DrawNoteLine(o, s); } } if(warmup_stage && !intermission) { s = "^2Currently in ^1warmup^2 stage!"; o = Sbar_DrawNoteLine(o, s); } // move more important stuff more to the middle so its more visible o_y = vid_conheight * 0.66; string blinkcolor; if(mod(time, 1) >= 0.5) blinkcolor = "^1"; else blinkcolor = "^3"; if(ready_waiting && !intermission) { if(ready_waiting_for_me) { if(warmup_stage) s = strcat(blinkcolor, "Press ^3", getcommandkey("ready", "ready"), blinkcolor, " to end warmup"); else s = strcat(blinkcolor, "Press ^3", getcommandkey("ready", "ready"), blinkcolor, " once you are ready"); } else { if(warmup_stage) s = strcat("^2Waiting for others to ready up to end warmup..."); else s = strcat("^2Waiting for others to ready up..."); } o = Sbar_DrawNoteLine(o, s); } else if(warmup_stage && !intermission) { s = strcat("^2Press ^3", getcommandkey("ready", "ready"), "^2 to end warmup"); o = Sbar_DrawNoteLine(o, s); } if(vote_waiting) { s = strcat("^2A vote has been called for ^1", vote_called_vote); o = Sbar_DrawNoteLine(o, s); if(vote_waiting_for_me) { s = strcat(blinkcolor, "Press ^3", getcommandkey("vote yes", "vyes"), blinkcolor, " to accept"); o = Sbar_DrawNoteLine(o, s); s = strcat(blinkcolor, "Press ^3", getcommandkey("vote no", "vno"), blinkcolor, " to reject"); o = Sbar_DrawNoteLine(o, s); s = strcat(blinkcolor, "Press ^3", getcommandkey("vote abstain", "vabstain"), blinkcolor, " to abstain"); o = Sbar_DrawNoteLine(o, s); } else { s = strcat("^2Waiting for others to vote..."); o = Sbar_DrawNoteLine(o, s); } } if(teamplay && !intermission) { entity tm; float ts_min, ts_max; tm = teams.sort_next; if (tm) { for(; tm.sort_next; tm = tm.sort_next) { if(!tm.team_size || tm.team == COLOR_SPECTATOR) continue; if(!ts_min) ts_min = tm.team_size; else ts_min = min(ts_min, tm.team_size); if(!ts_max) ts_max = tm.team_size; else ts_max = max(ts_max, tm.team_size); } if ((ts_max - ts_min) > 1) { s = strcat(blinkcolor, "Teamnumbers are unbalanced!"); tm = GetTeam(myteam, false); if (tm) if (tm.team != COLOR_SPECTATOR) if (tm.team_size == ts_max) s = strcat(s, " Press ^3", getcommandkey("team menu", "menu_showteamselect"), blinkcolor, " to adjust"); o = Sbar_DrawNoteLine(o, s); } } } //Sbar_SortFrags(); Sbar_UpdatePlayerTeams(); sb_lines = 24; if (sb_showscores) { Sbar_DrawScoreboard(); Sbar_DrawCenterPrint(); } else if (intermission == 1) { Sbar_DrawScoreboard(); Sbar_DrawCenterPrint(); return; } else if (intermission == 2) { Sbar_FinaleOverlay(); Sbar_DrawCenterPrint(); } else { if (sb_showscores || sb_showscores_force || (getstati(STAT_HEALTH) <= 0 && cvar("cl_deathscoreboard"))) { sbar_x = (vid_conwidth - 640.0)*0.5; sbar_y = vid_conheight - 47; //Sbar_DrawAlphaPic (sbar_x, sbar_y, sb_scorebar, sbar_alpha_bg.value); //drawpic('0 0 0', "gfx/scorebar", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', cvar("sbar_alpha_bg"), 0); Sbar_DrawScoreboard (); } else { if (sb_lines && sbar_hudselector == 1) { stat_items = getstati(STAT_ITEMS); stat_weapons = getstati(STAT_WEAPONS); sbar_x = (vid_conwidth - 320.0)*0.5; sbar_y = vid_conheight - 24.0 - 16.0; sbar_z = 0; fade = 3.2 - 2 * (time - weapontime); fade = bound(0.7, fade, 1); x = 1.0; Sbar_DrawWeapon_Clear(); for(i = 1; i <= 24; ++i) { if(weaponimpulse[i-1] >= 0) if(stat_weapons & x) { Sbar_DrawWeapon(i-1, fade, (i == activeweapon)); } x *= 2; } // armor x = getstati(STAT_ARMOR); if (x > 0) { // "gfx/sb_armor" //Sbar_DrawStretchPic (72, 0, sb_armor[0], sbar_alpha_fg.value, 24, 24); drawpic(sbar + '72 0 0', "gfx/sb_armor", '24 24 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); if(x > 200) Sbar_DrawXNum('0 0 0', x, 3, 24, '0 1 0', 1, 0); else if(x > 100) Sbar_DrawXNum('0 0 0', x, 3, 24, '0.2 1 0', 1, 0); else if(x > 50) Sbar_DrawXNum('0 0 0', x, 3, 24, '0.6 0.7 0.8', 1, 0); else if(x > 25) Sbar_DrawXNum('0 0 0', x, 3, 24, '1 1 0.2', 1, 0); else Sbar_DrawXNum('0 0 0', x, 3, 24, '0.7 0 0', 1, 0); } // health x = getstati(STAT_HEALTH); if (x != 0) { // "gfx/sb_health" //Sbar_DrawStretchPic (184, 0, sb_health, sbar_alpha_fg.value, 24, 24); drawpic(sbar + '184 0 0', "gfx/sb_health", '24 24 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); if(x > 200) Sbar_DrawXNum('112 0 0', x, 3, 24, '0 1 0', 1, 0); else if(x > 100) Sbar_DrawXNum('112 0 0', x, 3, 24, '0.2 1 0', 1, 0); else if(x > 50) Sbar_DrawXNum('112 0 0', x, 3, 24, '0.6 0.7 0.8', 1, 0); else if(x > 25) Sbar_DrawXNum('112 0 0', x, 3, 24, '1 1 0.2', 1, 0); else Sbar_DrawXNum('112 0 0', x, 3, 24, '0.7 0 0', 1, 0); } // ammo for(i = 0, v = '0 0 0'; (x = GetAmmoStat(i)) >= 0; ++i) if(stat_items & GetAmmoItemCode(i)) { x = getstati(x); drawpic(sbar + '296 0 0' + v, GetAmmoPicture(i), '24 24 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); if(x > 10) Sbar_DrawXNum('224 0 0' + v, x, 3, 24, '0.6 0.7 0.8', 1, 0); else Sbar_DrawXNum('224 0 0' + v, x, 3, 24, '0.7 0 0', 1, 0); v_y -= 30; } if (sbar_x + 320 + 160 <= vid_conwidth) Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay(sbar + '320 0 0'); if (sbar_x > 0) Sbar_Score(16); // The margin can be at most 8 to support 640x480 console size: // 320 + 2 * (144 + 16) = 640 } else if (sb_lines) { stat_items = getstati(STAT_ITEMS); stat_weapons = getstati(STAT_WEAPONS); sbar_x = (vid_conwidth - 640.0)*0.5; sbar_y = vid_conheight - 47; sbar_z = 0; fade = 3 - 2 * (time - weapontime); x = 1.0; Sbar_DrawWeapon_Clear(); for(i = 1; i <= 24; ++i) { if(weaponimpulse[i-1] >= 0) if(stat_weapons & x) { Sbar_DrawWeapon(i-1, fade, (i == activeweapon)); } x *= 2; } if (sb_lines > 24) drawpic(sbar, "gfx/sbar", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); else drawpic(sbar, "gfx/sbar_minimal", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); // armor // (340-3*24) = 268 Sbar_DrawXNum('268 12 0', getstati(STAT_ARMOR), 3, 24, '0.6 0.7 0.8', 1, 0); // health // (154-3*24) = 82 x = getstati(STAT_HEALTH); if(x > 100) Sbar_DrawXNum('82 12 0', x, 3, 24, '1 1 1', 1, 0); else if(x <= 25 && time - floor(time) > 0.5) Sbar_DrawXNum('82 12 0', x, 3, 24, '0.7 0 0', 1, 0); else Sbar_DrawXNum('81 12 0', x, 3, 24, '0.6 0.7 0.8', 1, 0); // ammo for(i = 0, v = '0 0 0'; (x = GetAmmoStat(i)) >= 0; ++i) if(stat_items & GetAmmoItemCode(i)) { x = getstati(x); drawpic(sbar + '519 0 0' + v, GetAmmoPicture(i), '0 0 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); if(x > 10) Sbar_DrawXNum('447 12 0' + v, x, 3, 24, '0.6 0.7 0.8', 1, 0); else Sbar_DrawXNum('447 12 0' + v, x, 3, 24, '0.7 0 0', 1, 0); v_y -= 40; } if (sb_lines > 24) drawpic(sbar, "gfx/sbar_overlay", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_MODULATE); if (sbar_x + 600 + 160 <= vid_conwidth) Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay (sbar + '600 0 0'); if (sbar_x > 0) Sbar_Score(-16); // Because: // Mini scoreboard uses 12*4 per other team, that is, 144 // pixels when there are four teams... // Nexuiz by default sets vid_conwidth to 800... makes // sbar_x == 80... // so we need to shift it by 64 pixels to the right to fit // BUT: then it overlaps with the image that gets drawn // for viewsize 100! Therefore, just account for 3 teams, // that is, 96 pixels mini scoreboard size, needing 16 pixels // to the right! } //show strength/invincibility ICON and timer: CSQC_Strength_Timer(); if(gametype == GAME_KEYHUNT) { CSQC_kh_hud(); } else if(gametype == GAME_CTF) { CSQC_ctf_hud(); } else if(gametype == GAME_NEXBALL) { CSQC_nb_hud(); } } Sbar_DrawCenterPrint(); } } void CSQC_ctf_hud(void) { // cvar("sbar_flagstatus_right") move the flag icons right // cvar("sbar_flagstatus_pos") pixel position of the nexuiz flagstatus icons float redflag, blueflag; float stat_items; vector pos; stat_items = getstati(STAT_ITEMS); redflag = (stat_items/IT_RED_FLAG_TAKEN) & 3; blueflag = (stat_items/IT_BLUE_FLAG_TAKEN) & 3; /** * FTEQCC BUG! * For some reason now not even THAT works there... * Maybe the minus' precedence screws it up? The last one there, maybe I should use brackets ** * pos_x = (cvar("sbar_flagstatus_right")) ? vid_conwidth - 10 - sbar_x - 64 : 10 - sbar_x; ** Should try those later: * pos_x = (cvar("sbar_flagstatus_right")) ? (vid_conwidth - 10 - sbar_x - 64) : (10 - sbar_x); * pos_x = ( (cvar("sbar_flagstatus_right")) ? vid_conwidth - 10 - 64 : 10 ) - sbar_x; */ if(cvar("sbar_flagstatus_right")) pos_x = vid_conwidth - 10 - sbar_x - 64; else pos_x = 10 - sbar_x; pos_z = 0; if(sbar_hudselector == 1) pos_y = (vid_conheight - sbar_y) - cvar("sbar_flagstatus_pos") - 64; else pos_y = -117; pos += sbar; switch(redflag) { case 1: drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_flag_red_taken", '128 64 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); break; case 2: drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_flag_red_lost", '128 64 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); break; case 3: drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_flag_red_carrying", '128 64 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); break; default: if(stat_items & IT_CTF_SHIELDED) if(myteam == COLOR_TEAM2) drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_flag_red_shielded", '128 64 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); break; } pos_y -= 64; switch(blueflag) { case 1: drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_flag_blue_taken", '128 64 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); break; case 2: drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_flag_blue_lost", '128 64 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); break; case 3: drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_flag_blue_carrying", '128 64 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); break; default: if(stat_items & IT_CTF_SHIELDED) if(myteam == COLOR_TEAM1) drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_flag_blue_shielded", '128 64 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); break; } } //box style #define NBPB_SIZE '128 66 0' #define NBPB_BT 2 //thickness #define NBPB_BRGB '1 1 1' #define NBPB_BALPH 1 //alpha #define NBPB_BFLAG DRAWFLAG_NORMAL #define NBPB_IALPH 0.4 #define NBPB_IFLAG DRAWFLAG_NORMAL #define NBPB_IRGB '0.7 0.1 0' void CSQC_nb_hud(void) { float stat_items, nb_pb_starttime, dt, p; vector pos; stat_items = getstati(STAT_ITEMS); nb_pb_starttime = getstatf(STAT_NB_METERSTART); if(cvar_or("sbar_ballstatus_right", cvar("sbar_flagstatus_right"))) pos_x = vid_conwidth - 66 - sbar_x - 64; // the 66 comes from trial and error, no idea about the 64 (see CTF) else pos_x = 10 - sbar_x; pos_z = 0; if(sbar_hudselector == 1) pos_y = (vid_conheight - sbar_y) - cvar_or("sbar_ballstatus_pos", 123) - 64; else pos_y = -124; // 17 more than flag icons pos += sbar; pos_y -= 1; //vertical margin to the picture //Manage the progress bar if any if (nb_pb_starttime > 0) { vector s; dt = mod(time - nb_pb_starttime, nb_pb_period); // one period of positive triangle p = 2 * dt / nb_pb_period; if (p > 1) p = 2 - p; s = NBPB_SIZE; //Draw the filling drawfill(pos, p * s_x * '1 0 0' + s_y * '0 1 0', NBPB_IRGB, NBPB_IALPH, NBPB_IFLAG); //Draw the box s = NBPB_SIZE; drawline(NBPB_BT, pos , pos + '1 0 0' * s_x, NBPB_BRGB, NBPB_BALPH, NBPB_BFLAG); drawline(NBPB_BT, pos , pos + '0 1 0' * s_y, NBPB_BRGB, NBPB_BALPH, NBPB_BFLAG); drawline(NBPB_BT, pos + s, pos + '1 0 0' * s_x, NBPB_BRGB, NBPB_BALPH, NBPB_BFLAG); drawline(NBPB_BT, pos + s, pos + '0 1 0' * s_y, NBPB_BRGB, NBPB_BALPH, NBPB_BFLAG); } pos_y += 1; //vertical margin to the picture if (stat_items & IT_KEY1) drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_nexball_carrying", '128 64 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); }