// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BEGIN REQUIRED CSQC FUNCTIONS //include "main.qh" void() menu_show_error = { drawstring('0 200 0', "ERROR - MENU IS VISIBLE BUT NO MENU WAS DEFINED!", '8 8 0', '1 0 0', 1, 0); }; // CSQC_Init : Called every time the CSQC code is initialized (essentially at map load) // Useful for precaching things void() menu_sub_null = { }; // let's make this a general data buffer... float using_gps; #ifdef USE_FTE float __engine_check; #endif string config_get(string key, string defaultvalue) { string s; s = db_get(configdb, strcat("/s/", key)); if(s == "") return defaultvalue; else return db_get(configdb, strcat("/v/", key)); } void CSQC_Init(void) { #ifdef USE_FTE #pragma target ID __engine_check = checkextension("DP_SV_WRITEPICTURE"); if(!__engine_check) { print("^3Your engine build is outdated\n^3This Server uses a newer QC VM. Please update!\n"); localcmd("\ndisconnect\n"); return; } #pragma target FTE #endif float i; CSQC_CheckEngine(); configdb = db_create(); drawfont = 0; menu_visible = FALSE; menu_show = menu_show_error; menu_action = menu_sub_null; using_gps = false; maxclients = 255; // we later get the real maxclients to speed up stuff //ctf_temp_1 = ""; // localcmd("alias order \"cmd order $*\""); enable if ctf-command thingy is used //registercmd("ctf_menu"); registercmd("ons_map"); //registercmd("menu_action"); registercmd("sbar_columns_set"); registercmd("sbar_columns_help"); registercvar("sbar_usecsqc", "1"); registercvar("sbar_columns", "default", CVAR_SAVE); gametype = 0; gps_start = world; // sbar_fields uses strunzone on the titles! for(i = 0; i < MAX_SBAR_FIELDS; ++i) sbar_title[i] = strzone("(null)"); postinit = false; teams = Sort_Spawn(); players = Sort_Spawn(); GetTeam(COLOR_SPECTATOR, true); // add specs first } // CSQC_Shutdown : Called every time the CSQC code is shutdown (changing maps, quitting, etc) void CSQC_Shutdown(void) { #ifdef USE_FTE #pragma TARGET id if(!__engine_check) return 0; #pragma TARGET fte #endif remove(teams); remove(players); db_close(configdb); } .float has_team; float SetTeam(entity o, float Team) { entity tm; if(Team == -1) // leave { if(o.has_team) { //print("(DISCONNECT) leave team ", ftos(o.team), "\n"); tm = GetTeam(o.team, false); tm.team_size -= 1; o.has_team = 0; return TRUE; } } else { if not(o.has_team) { //print("(CONNECT) enter team ", ftos(o.team), "\n"); o.team = Team; tm = GetTeam(Team, true); tm.team_size += 1; o.has_team = 1; return TRUE; } else if(Team != o.team) { //print("(CHANGE) leave team ", ftos(o.team), "\n"); tm = GetTeam(o.team, false); tm.team_size -= 1; o.team = Team; //print("(CHANGE) enter team ", ftos(o.team), "\n"); tm = GetTeam(Team, true); tm.team_size += 1; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void Playerchecker_Think() { entity pl; float i; for(i = 0; i < maxclients; ++i) { if(getplayerkey(i, "name") == "") { if(playerslots[i].sort_prev) { //print("playerchecker: KILL KILL KILL\n"); // player disconnected SetTeam(playerslots[i], -1); RemovePlayer(playerslots[i]); playerslots[i].sort_prev = world; playerslots[i].gotscores = 0; } } else { if not(playerslots[i].sort_prev) { //print("playerchecker: SPAWN SPAWN SPAWN\n"); // player connected if not(playerslots[i]) playerslots[i] = spawn(); playerslots[i].sv_entnum = i; playerslots[i].gotscores = 0; SetTeam(playerslots[i], COLOR_SPECTATOR); RegisterPlayer(playerslots[i]); Sbar_UpdatePlayerPos(playerslots[i]); } } } self.nextthink = time + 0.2; } void PostInit(void) { float i; print(strcat("PostInit\n maxclients = ", ftos(maxclients), "\n")); localcmd(strcat("\nsbar_columns_set ", cvar_string("sbar_columns"), ";\n")); entity playerchecker; playerchecker = spawn(); playerchecker.think = Playerchecker_Think; playerchecker.nextthink = time + 0.2; postinit = true; } // CSQC_ConsoleCommand : Used to parse commands in the console that have been registered with the "registercmd" function // Return value should be 1 if CSQC handled the command, otherwise return 0 to have the engine handle it. void Cmd_Sbar_SetFields(float); void Cmd_Sbar_Help(float); float CSQC_ConsoleCommand(string strMessage) { float argc; // Tokenize String //argc = tokenize(strMessage); argc = tokenizebyseparator(strMessage, " "); // Acquire Command local string strCmd; strCmd = argv(0); /*if(strCmd == "ctf_menu") { ctf_menu_show(); nReturn = true; } else*/ if(strCmd == "ons_map") { Cmd_ons_map(); return true; } else if(strCmd == "sbar_columns_set") { Cmd_Sbar_SetFields(argc); return true; } else if(strCmd == "sbar_columns_help") { Cmd_Sbar_Help(argc); return true; } else if(strCmd == "+showscores") { sb_showscores = true; return true; } else if(strCmd == "-showscores") { sb_showscores = false; return true; } return false; } float GameCommand(string msg) { float argc; argc = tokenize(msg); string cmd; cmd = argv(0); if(cmd == "mv_download") { Cmd_MapVote_MapDownload(argc); return true; } return false; } // CSQC_InputEvent : Used to perform actions based on any key pressed, key released and mouse on the client. // Return value should be 1 if CSQC handled the input, otherwise return 0 to have the input passed to the engine. // All keys are in ascii. // bInputType = 0 is key pressed, 1 is key released, 2 is mouse input. // In the case of keyboard input, nPrimary is the ascii code, and nSecondary is 0. // In the case of mouse input, nPrimary is xdelta, nSecondary is ydelta. float CSQC_InputEvent(float bInputType, float nPrimary, float nSecondary) { local float bSkipKey; bSkipKey = false; if(menu_visible) if(menu_action(bInputType, nPrimary, nSecondary)) return TRUE; return bSkipKey; } // END REQUIRED CSQC FUNCTIONS // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BEGIN OPTIONAL CSQC FUNCTIONS void Ent_ReadONS() { entity gps; using_gps = true; self.origin_x = ReadCoord(); self.origin_y = ReadCoord(); self.angles_y = ReadCoord(); self.origin_z = self.angles_x = self.angles_z = 0; for(gps = gps_start; gps; gps = gps.chain) { if(gps == self) break; } if(!gps) { self.chain = gps_start; gps_start = self; } } void Ent_RemoveONS() { if(gps_start == self) gps_start = self.chain; else { local entity ent; ent = gps_start; while(ent.chain != self && ent.chain != world) ent = ent.chain; if(ent.chain == self) ent.chain = self.chain; } } void Ent_ReadPlayerScore() { float i, Team; float isNew; entity tm, o; // damnit -.- don't want to go change every single .sv_entnum in sbar.qc AGAIN // (no I've never heard of M-x replace-string, sed, or anything like that) isNew = !self.owner; // workaround for DP bug self.sv_entnum = ReadByte()-1; Team = GetPlayerColor(self.sv_entnum); if not(playerslots[self.sv_entnum]) playerslots[self.sv_entnum] = spawn(); o = self.owner = playerslots[self.sv_entnum]; o.sv_entnum = self.sv_entnum; o.gotscores = 1; if not(o.sort_prev) RegisterPlayer(o); SetTeam(o, Team); for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) o.(scores[i]) = ReadShort(); Sbar_UpdatePlayerPos(o); } void Ent_ReadTeamScore() { float i; entity o; self.team = ReadByte(); o = self.owner = GetTeam(self.team, true); for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) o.(teamscores[i]) = ReadShort(); Sbar_UpdateTeamPos(o); } // CSQC_Ent_Update : Called every frame that the server has indicated an update to the SSQC / CSQC entity has occured. // The only parameter reflects if the entity is "new" to the client, meaning it just came into the client's PVS. void Ent_Remove(); void(float bIsNewEntity) CSQC_Ent_Update = { float msg, t; t = ReadByte(); if(self.enttype) if(t != self.enttype) Ent_Remove(); self.enttype = t; if(self.enttype == ENT_CLIENT_ENTCS) { self.sv_entnum = ReadByte()-1; for(msg = ReadByte(); msg != ENTCS_MSG_END; msg = ReadByte()) { switch(msg) { case ENTCS_MSG_ONS_GPS: Ent_ReadONS(); break; case ENTCS_MSG_ONS_REMOVE: Ent_RemoveONS(); break; default: error("unknown ENTCS_MSG type\n"); } } } else if(self.enttype == ENT_CLIENT_SCORES) Ent_ReadPlayerScore(); else if(self.enttype == ENT_CLIENT_TEAMSCORES) Ent_ReadTeamScore(); else error("unknown entity type in CSQC_Ent_Update\n"); }; // Destructor, but does NOT deallocate the entity by calling remove(). Also // used when an entity changes its type. For an entity that someone interacts // with others, make sure it can no longer do so. void Ent_Remove() { if(self.enttype == ENT_CLIENT_ENTCS) { if(using_gps) //gametype == GAME_ONSLAUGHT) { if(gps_start == self) gps_start = self.chain; else { local entity ent; ent = gps_start; while(ent.chain != self && ent.chain != world) ent = ent.chain; if(ent.chain == self) ent.chain = self.chain; } } } else if(self.enttype == ENT_CLIENT_SCORES) { entity tm; if(self.owner) { SetTeam(self.owner, -1); if(self.owner.sort_prev) RemovePlayer(self.owner); self.owner.sort_prev = NULL; } } else if(self.enttype == ENT_CLIENT_TEAMSCORES) { /* if(self.owner) RemoveTeam(self.owner); */ // we don't NEED to remove them... they won't display anyway // plus, svqc never does this anyway } self.enttype = 0; self.classname = ""; // TODO possibly set more stuff to defaults } // CSQC_Ent_Remove : Called when the server requests a SSQC / CSQC entity to be removed. Essentially call remove(self) as well. void CSQC_Ent_Remove() { if(self.enttype) Ent_Remove(); remove(self); } void Gamemode_Init() { local string mapinfo, infoline; local float len; local float file; local vector mi_min, mi_max; if(!strcasecmp(substring(mapname, 0, 5), "maps/")) shortmapname = substring(mapname, 5, 999); else shortmapname = mapname; len = strlen(shortmapname); if(!strcasecmp(substring(shortmapname, len-4, 4), ".bsp")) shortmapname = substring(shortmapname, 0, len-4); shortmapname = strzone(shortmapname); if(gametype == GAME_ONSLAUGHT) { mapinfo = strcat("maps/", minimapname, ".info"); minimapname = strzone(strcat("gfx/", shortmapname, "_mini.tga")); mi_min = world.mins; mi_max = world.maxs; file = fopen(mapinfo, FILE_READ); if(file >= 0) { while((infoline = fgets(file))) { if(!strncasecmp(infoline, "mins", 4)) { mi_min = stov(substring(infoline, 5, 999)); } else if(!strncasecmp(infoline, "maxs", 4)) { mi_max = stov(substring(infoline, 5, 999)); } else if(strncasecmp(infoline, "//", 2)) { // don't print comment-style lines print(strcat("mapinfo: ", infoline, "\n")); } } } else { print(strcat("Map has no .info file (", mapinfo, ").\n")); } fclose(file); print(strcat("Mins: ", vtos(mi_min), " Maxs: ", vtos(mi_max), "\n")); mi_center = (mi_min + mi_max) * 0.5; mi_scale = mi_max - mi_min; print(strcat("Using ", minimapname, " as minimap.\n")); precache_pic(minimapname); precache_pic("gfx/ons-cp-neutral.tga"); precache_pic("gfx/ons-cp-red.tga"); precache_pic("gfx/ons-cp-blue.tga"); precache_pic("gfx/ons-frame.tga"); precache_pic("gfx/ons-frame-team.tga"); } else if(gametype == GAME_KEYHUNT) { precache_pic("gfx/sb_key_carrying"); precache_pic("gfx/sb_key_carrying_outline"); } } // CSQC_Parse_StuffCmd : Provides the stuffcmd string in the first parameter that the server provided. To execute standard behavior, simply execute localcmd with the string. void CSQC_Parse_StuffCmd(string strMessage) { localcmd(strMessage); } // CSQC_Parse_Print : Provides the print string in the first parameter that the server provided. To execute standard behavior, simply execute print with the string. void CSQC_Parse_Print(string strMessage) { print(strMessage); } // CSQC_Parse_CenterPrint : Provides the centerprint string in the first parameter that the server provided. To execute standard behavior, simply execute cprint with the string. void CSQC_Parse_CenterPrint(string strMessage) { cprint(strMessage); } void CSQC_CheckRevision(); void Gamemode_Init(); void Net_ReadScoresInfo() { float i; gametype = ReadByte(); for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) { scores_label[i] = strzone(ReadString()); scores_flags[i] = ReadByte(); } for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) { teamscores_label[i] = strzone(ReadString()); teamscores_flags[i] = ReadByte(); } Sbar_InitScores(); Gamemode_Init(); } void Net_ReadInit() { csqc_revision = ReadShort(); maxclients = ReadByte(); CSQC_CheckRevision(); } string Net_ReadPicture() { string img; if(csqc_flags & CSQC_FLAG_READPICTURE) { img = ReadPicture(); print(strcat("Got Picture: ", img, "\n")); } else { img = ReadString(); print(strcat("^3Warning: ^7Couldn't download ", img, ". This is probably because your engine build is outdated.\n")); float psize, i; psize = ReadShort(); // Can I be sure that ReadShort is 2 bytes and ReadLong is 4 bytes? // Because then this could be optimized to first get all 4-byte-groups, // then the remaining 2, then the remaining 1 for(i = 0; i < psize; ++i) ReadByte(); } return img; } void Net_Config() { string key, value; key = ReadString(); value = ReadString(); db_put(configdb, strcat("/v/", key), value); db_put(configdb, strcat("/s/", key), "1"); } void Net_ReadRace() { float checkpoint, t; float b; b = ReadByte(); switch(b) { case RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_HIT_QUALIFYING: race_checkpoint = ReadByte(); race_time = ReadShort(); race_previousbesttime = ReadShort(); if(race_previousbestname) strunzone(race_previousbestname); race_previousbestname = strzone(ReadString()); race_checkpointtime = time; if(race_checkpoint == 0) race_laptime = time; // valid break; case RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_CLEAR: race_laptime = 0; race_checkpointtime = 0; break; case RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_NEXT_QUALIFYING: race_nextcheckpoint = ReadByte(); race_nextbesttime = ReadShort(); if(race_nextbestname) strunzone(race_nextbestname); race_nextbestname = strzone(ReadString()); break; case RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_HIT_RACE: race_mycheckpoint = ReadByte(); race_mycheckpointtime = time; race_mycheckpointdelta = ReadShort(); race_mycheckpointlapsdelta = ReadByte(); if(race_mycheckpointenemy) strunzone(race_mycheckpointenemy); race_mycheckpointenemy = strzone(ReadString()); break; case RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_HIT_RACE_BY_OPPONENT: race_othercheckpoint = ReadByte(); race_othercheckpointtime = time; race_othercheckpointdelta = ReadShort(); race_othercheckpointlapsdelta = ReadByte(); if(race_othercheckpointenemy) strunzone(race_othercheckpointenemy); race_othercheckpointenemy = strzone(ReadString()); break; } } // CSQC_Parse_TempEntity : Handles all temporary entity network data in the CSQC layer. // You must ALWAYS first acquire the temporary ID, which is sent as a byte. // Return value should be 1 if CSQC handled the temporary entity, otherwise return 0 to have the engine process the event. float CSQC_Parse_TempEntity() { local float bHandled; bHandled = true; // Acquire TE ID local float nTEID; nTEID = ReadByte(); // NOTE: Could just do return instead of break... switch(nTEID) { case TE_CSQC_INIT: Net_ReadInit(); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_MAPVOTE: Net_Mapvote(); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_CONFIG: Net_Config(); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_SCORESINFO: Net_ReadScoresInfo(); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_RACE: Net_ReadRace(); bHandled = true; break; default: // No special logic for this temporary entity; return 0 so the engine can handle it bHandled = false; break; } if(!postinit) PostInit(); return bHandled; } // COMMIT-TODO: Update if necessare, before committing void CSQC_CheckRevision() { if(csqc_revision == CSQC_REVISION) { print("^2SVQC and CSQC revisions are compatible.\n"); } else if(csqc_revision < CSQC_REVISION) { print("^1Your csprogs.dat (CSQC) version is newer than the one on the server.\n"); } else if(csqc_revision > CSQC_REVISION) { print("^1Your csprogs.dat (CSQC) is too old for this server.\n"); print("^1Please update to a newer version.\n"); } }