// Property of Alientrap/AK // custom/creategame/maps.qc /* =================== Item_Nex_Map_Info =================== */ /* =================== Item_Nex_Map_Info_Destroy =================== */ void() Item_Nex_Map_Info_Destroy = { String_EntityFree( self, link ); String_EntityFree( self, picture ); String_EntityFree( self, text ); String_EntityFree( self, normal ); }; /* =================== Item_Nex_Map_Info_Spawn =================== */ void() Item_Nex_Map_Info_Spawn = { String_EntityZone( self, link ); String_EntityZone( self, picture ); String_EntityZone( self, text ); String_EntityZone( self, normal ); Gfx_Precache( self.picture ); self._destroy = Item_Nex_Map_Info_Destroy; }; /* =================== Item_Nex_MapDB =================== */ string _Nex_MapList_FullPath; string _Nex_MapList_Name; string _Nex_MapList_FilteredFullPath; string _Nex_MapList_FilteredName; string _Nex_MapList_Filter; entity _Nex_MapList_Root; /* =================== Item_Nex_MapDB_EnumFiles =================== */ // map definition format // name // rest: description text void() Item_Nex_MapDB_EnumFiles = { local float lSearchHandle; local float lSearchSize; local float lSearchCounter; local entity lMap; lSearchHandle = search_begin( "maps/*.mapcfg", true, true ); if( lSearchHandle < 0 ) return; lSearchCounter = 0; for( lSearchSize = search_getsize( lSearchHandle ); lSearchCounter < lSearchSize; ++lSearchCounter ) { local float lHandle; local string lFilename; local string lStripped; local string lPic; local string lName; local string lDescription; local string lTitle; lFilename = search_getfilename( lSearchHandle, lSearchCounter ); lStripped = String_Zone( substring( lFilename, 0, strlen( lFilename ) - 7 ) ); lName = String_Zone( substring( lStripped, 5, 100000 ) ); lHandle = fopen( strcat( lStripped, ".txt" ), FILE_READ ); if( lHandle < 0 ) { lTitle = String_Zone( lName ); lDescription = String_Zone( strcat( "--NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE--\n", lFilename ) ); } else { // uncomment this line and comment the other if you have the old map info files //lTitle = String_Zone( lName ); lTitle = String_Zone( fgets( lHandle ) ); lPic = fgets( lHandle ); // also get picture if(lPic) { lStripped = String_Zone( lPic ); } lDescription = String_Create(); do { local string lLine; lLine = fgets( lHandle ); lDescription = String_Append( lDescription, strcat( lLine, "\n" ) ); } while( validstring( lLine ) ); fclose( lHandle ); } // save this in a new Map_Info lMap = Menu_CreateItem( "Item_Nex_Map_Info", ftos( lSearchCounter ), self.name ); lMap.link = lName; // check the picture if( Gfx_Precache( lStripped ) ) { lMap.picture = lStripped; } else { lMap.picture = "gfx/m_nomap"; } lMap.normal = lTitle; lMap.text = lDescription; _Nex_MapList_FullPath = Util_AltStringPushBack( _Nex_MapList_FullPath, lName ); _Nex_MapList_Name = Util_AltStringPushBack( _Nex_MapList_Name, lTitle ); Menu_LinkItem( lMap ); String_Free( lTitle ); String_Free( lName ); String_Free( lStripped ); String_Free( lDescription ); } search_end( lSearchHandle ); _Nex_MapList_FilteredFullPath = String_Set( _Nex_MapList_FilteredFullPath, _Nex_MapList_FullPath ); _Nex_MapList_FilteredName = String_Set( _Nex_MapList_FilteredName, _Nex_MapList_Name ); Menu_LinkChildren( self ); self.minValue = 1; self.stepValue = 1; self.maxValue = fabs( lMap.orderPos ); }; /* =================== Item_Nex_MapDB_Destroy =================== */ void() Item_Nex_MapDB_Destroy = { String_Free( _Nex_MapList_FullPath ); String_Free( _Nex_MapList_Name ); String_Free( _Nex_MapList_FilteredFullPath ); String_Free( _Nex_MapList_FilteredName ); String_Free( _Nex_MapList_Filter ); _Nex_MapList_Root = null_entity; }; /* =================== Item_Nex_MapDB_Spawn =================== */ void() Item_Nex_MapDB_Spawn = { if( _Nex_MapList_Root ) error( "There is already another Item_Nex_MapDB object!" ); _Nex_MapList_FullPath = String_Create(); _Nex_MapList_Name = String_Create(); _Nex_MapList_FilteredFullPath = String_Create(); _Nex_MapList_FilteredName = String_Create(); _Nex_MapList_Filter = String_Create(); _Nex_MapList_Root = self; Item_Nex_MapDB_EnumFiles(); self._destroy = Item_Nex_MapDB_Destroy; }; /* =================== Nex_MapDB_GetByName =================== */ entity( string pPath ) Nex_MapDB_GetByPath = { local entity lNode; if( !_Nex_MapList_Root ) error( "No Item_Nex_MapDB found!" ); for( lNode = _Nex_MapList_Root._child ; lNode ; lNode = lNode._next ) { if( lNode.link == pPath ) { return lNode; } } return null_entity; }; /* =================== Nex_MapDB_GetFilteredByIndex =================== */ entity( float pIndex ) Nex_MapDB_GetFilteredByIndex = { local entity lNode; local float lFilteredIndex; if( !_Nex_MapList_Root ) error( "No Item_Nex_MapDB found!" ); pIndex = fabs( pIndex ); lFilteredIndex = 0; for( lNode = _Nex_MapList_Root._child ; lNode ; lNode = lNode._next ) { if( substring( lNode.link, 0, strlen( _Nex_MapList_Filter ) ) == _Nex_MapList_Filter ) { ++lFilteredIndex; } if( pIndex == lFilteredIndex ) { return lNode; } } return null_entity; }; /* =================== Nex_MapDB_GetByIndex =================== *//* entity( float pIndex ) Nex_MapDB_GetByIndex = { local entity lNode; if( !_Nex_MapList_Root ) error( "No Item_Nex_MapDB found!" ); pIndex = fabs( pIndex ); for( lNode = _Nex_MapList_Root._child ; lNode ; lNode = lNode._next ) { if( fabs( lNode.orderPos ) == pIndex ) { return lNode; } } return null_entity; };*/ /* =================== Nex_MapDB_FilterMaps =================== */ void( string pPrefix ) Nex_MapDB_FilterMaps = { local float lPrefixLength; local float lCounter; local float lSize; _Nex_MapList_Filter = String_Set( _Nex_MapList_Filter, pPrefix ); _Nex_MapList_FilteredFullPath = String_Set( _Nex_MapList_FilteredFullPath, "" ); _Nex_MapList_FilteredName = String_Set( _Nex_MapList_FilteredName, "" ); lPrefixLength = strlen( pPrefix ); lSize = Util_GetAltStringCount( _Nex_MapList_FullPath ); for( lCounter = 0 ; lCounter < lSize ; ++lCounter ) { local string lPath; lPath = Util_GetAltStringItem( _Nex_MapList_FullPath, lCounter ); if( substring( lPath, 0, lPrefixLength ) == pPrefix ) { local string lName; lName = Util_GetAltStringItem( _Nex_MapList_Name, lCounter ); _Nex_MapList_FilteredFullPath = Util_AltStringPushBack( _Nex_MapList_FilteredFullPath, lPath ); _Nex_MapList_FilteredName = Util_AltStringPushBack( _Nex_MapList_FilteredName, lName ); String_Free( lName ); } String_Free( lPath ); } }; /* =================== Nex_MapDB_GetFilteredPathAltString =================== */ string() Nex_MapDB_GetFilteredPathAltString = { return _Nex_MapList_FilteredFullPath; } /* =================== Nex_MapDB_GetFilteredNameAltString =================== */ string() Nex_MapDB_GetFilteredNameAltString = { return _Nex_MapList_FilteredName; }; /* =================== Nex_MapDB_GetPathAltString =================== */ string() Nex_MapDB_GetPathAltString = { return _Nex_MapList_FullPath; }; /* =================== Nex_MapDB_GetNameAltString =================== */ string() Nex_MapDB_GetNameAltString = { return _Nex_MapList_Name; }; /* =================== Nex_MapDB_GetFilteredIndex =================== */ float( entity pItem ) Nex_MapDB_GetFilteredIndex = { local float lIndex; local float lCount; lCount = Util_GetAltStringCount( _Nex_MapList_FilteredFullPath ); for( lIndex = 0 ; lIndex < lCount ; ++lIndex ) { local string lPath; lPath = String_Normal( Util_GetAltStringItem( _Nex_MapList_FilteredFullPath, lIndex ) ); if( lPath == pItem.link ) { return lIndex + 1; } } return 1; }; /* =================== Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_Save =================== */ void() Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_Save = { local float lCount; local float lIndex; local string lOutput; lOutput = String_Create(); lCount = Util_GetAltStringCount( self.valueList ); for( lIndex = 0 ; lIndex < lCount ; lIndex++ ) { lOutput = String_Append( lOutput, strcat( "\'", String_Normal( Util_GetAltStringItem( self.valueList, lIndex ) ), "\'" ) ); } cvar_set( self.cvarName, lOutput ); cvar_set( strcat( self.cvarName, "_index" ), "0" ); String_Free( lOutput ); }; /* =================== Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_Load =================== */ void() Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_Load = { local string lEntry; local entity lMapInfo; local float lCounter; local float lCount; DataLink_Nex_MapList_Clear( self ); lCount = tokenize( cvar_string( self.cvarName ) ); lEntry = String_Create(); for( lCounter = 0 ; lCounter < lCount ; lCounter++ ) { lEntry = String_Set( lEntry, argv( lCounter ) ); lMapInfo = Nex_MapDB_GetByPath( lEntry ); if( lMapInfo == null_entity ) { print( self.cvarName, ": Map '", lEntry, "' not found in database - ignored\n" ); continue; } self.descList = Util_AltStringPushBack( self.descList, lMapInfo.normal ); self.valueList = Util_AltStringPushBack( self.valueList, lMapInfo.link ); } String_Free( lEntry ); DataLink_Nex_MapList_UpdateRange( self ); Nex_MapSelector_Synchronize(); }; /* =================== Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_ExecString =================== */ void() Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_ExecString = { local float lCount; local float lIndex; Data_ExecString = String_Append( Data_ExecString, strcat( "set \"", self.cvarName, "_index\" \"0\"\nset \"", self.cvarName, "\" \"" ) ); lCount = Util_GetAltStringCount( self.valueList ); for( lIndex = 0 ; lIndex < lCount ; lIndex++ ) { Data_ExecString = String_Append( Data_ExecString, strcat( "\'", String_Normal( Util_GetAltStringItem( self.valueList, lIndex ) ), "\'" ) ); } Data_ExecString = String_Append( Data_ExecString, "\"\n" ); }; /* =================== Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_DataEvent =================== */ void( float pEvent ) Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_DataEvent = { switch( pEvent ) { case ITEM_DATA_SYNC: if( self.cvarName != "" ) { Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_Load(); } break; case ITEM_DATA_SEND: if( self.cvarName != "" ) { Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_Save(); } break; case ITEM_DATA_RESET: self._realValue = 1.0; break; case ITEM_DATA_TEST_START: break; case ITEM_DATA_TEST_END: break; case ITEM_DATA_SAVE_EXECSTRING: if( self.cvarName != "" ) { Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_ExecString(); } break; case ITEM_DATALINK_SET: case ITEM_DATALINK_GET: self._realValue = floor( self._realValue ); if( self._realValue < 1.0 ) { self._realValue = 1.0; } else if( self._realValue > self.maxValue ) { self._realValue = self.maxValue; } break; } }; /* =================== IDLNML_Reinit =================== */ void() IDLNML_Reinit = { Raise_DataEvent( self, ITEM_DATA_SYNC ); }; /* =================== Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_Destroy =================== */ void() Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_Destroy = { String_EntityFree( self, valueList ); String_EntityFree( self, cvarName ); Item_DataLink_Switch_Destroy(); }; /* =================== Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_Spawn =================== */ void() Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_Spawn = { Item_DataLink_Switch_Init(); String_EntityZone( self, valueList ); String_EntityZone( self, cvarName ); if( self.cvarName != "" ) { registercvar( self.cvarName, "", CVAR_SAVE ); registercvar( strcat( self.cvarName, "_index" ), "", CVAR_SAVE ); } self.minValue = 1.0; self.maxValue = 1.0; self.stepValue = 0.0; self._reinit = IDLNML_Reinit; self._dataEvent = Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_DataEvent; self._destroy = Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_Destroy; CtCall_Init(); }; /* =================== Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_InitWithMapList =================== */ void() Item_DataLink_Nex_MapList_InitWithMapList = { String_EntitySet( self, valueList, Nex_MapDB_GetFilteredPathAltString() ); String_EntitySet( self, descList, Nex_MapDB_GetFilteredNameAltString() ); self._realValue = 1.0; DataLink_Nex_MapList_UpdateRange( self ); }; /* =================== DataLink_Nex_MapList_UpdateRange =================== */ void( entity pItem ) DataLink_Nex_MapList_UpdateRange = { pItem.minValue = 1.0; pItem.maxValue = Util_GetAltStringCount( pItem.descList ); if( pItem.maxValue >= 1 ) { pItem.stepValue = 1.0; } else { pItem.maxValue = 1.0; pItem.stepValue = 0.0; } }; /* =================== DataLink_Nex_MapList_InsertEntryAfter =================== */ void( entity pItem, string pName, string pPath ) DataLink_Nex_MapList_InsertEntryAfter = { local float lIndex; Raise_DataEvent( pItem, ITEM_DATALINK_GET ); // - 1, because minValue == 1 lIndex = pItem._realValue - 1; pItem.descList = Util_InsAltStringItem( pItem.descList, lIndex, pName ); pItem.valueList = Util_InsAltStringItem( pItem.valueList, lIndex, pPath ); DataLink_Nex_MapList_UpdateRange( pItem ); }; /* =================== DataLink_Nex_MapList_DeleteEntry =================== */ void( entity pItem ) DataLink_Nex_MapList_DeleteEntry = { local float lIndex; if( pItem.stepValue == 0.0 ) return; Raise_DataEvent( pItem, ITEM_DATALINK_GET ); lIndex = pItem._realValue - 1; pItem.descList = Util_DelAltStringItem( pItem.descList, lIndex ); pItem.valueList = Util_DelAltStringItem( pItem.valueList, lIndex ); DataLink_Nex_MapList_UpdateRange( pItem ); }; /* =================== DataLink_Nex_MapList_MoveEntryUp =================== */ void( entity pItem ) DataLink_Nex_MapList_MoveEntryUp = { local string lName; local string lPath; local float lIndexNew; local float lIndexOld; Raise_DataEvent( pItem, ITEM_DATALINK_GET ); if( pItem._realValue == 1 ) return; // map 1..n to 0..n-1 lIndexOld = pItem._realValue - 1; // we want to insert it up by one, ie. insert it after up by two lIndexNew = lIndexOld - 2; lName = Util_GetAltStringItem( pItem.descList, lIndexOld ); lPath = Util_GetAltStringItem( pItem.valueList, lIndexOld ); pItem.descList = Util_InsAltStringItem( pItem.descList, lIndexNew, String_Normal( lName ) ); pItem.valueList = Util_InsAltStringItem( pItem.valueList, lIndexNew, String_Normal( lPath ) ); // adjust lIndexOld for the entry that has been inserted before it lIndexOld = lIndexOld + 1; pItem.descList = Util_DelAltStringItem( pItem.descList, lIndexOld ); pItem.valueList = Util_DelAltStringItem( pItem.valueList, lIndexOld ); DataLink_Nex_MapList_UpdateRange( pItem ); }; /* =================== DataLink_Nex_MapList_MoveEntryDown =================== */ void( entity pItem ) DataLink_Nex_MapList_MoveEntryDown = { local string lName; local string lPath; local float lIndexNew; local float lIndexOld; Raise_DataEvent( pItem, ITEM_DATALINK_GET ); if( pItem._realValue == pItem.maxValue ) return; // map 1..n to 0..n-1 lIndexOld = pItem._realValue - 1; // we want to insert it down by one lIndexNew = lIndexOld + 1; lName = Util_GetAltStringItem( pItem.descList, lIndexOld ); lPath = Util_GetAltStringItem( pItem.valueList, lIndexOld ); pItem.descList = Util_InsAltStringItem( pItem.descList, lIndexNew, String_Normal( lName ) ); pItem.valueList = Util_InsAltStringItem( pItem.valueList, lIndexNew, String_Normal( lPath ) ); pItem.descList = Util_DelAltStringItem( pItem.descList, lIndexOld ); pItem.valueList = Util_DelAltStringItem( pItem.valueList, lIndexOld ); DataLink_Nex_MapList_UpdateRange( pItem ); }; /* =================== DataLink_Nex_MapList_SetFirst =================== */ void( entity pItem, string pName, string pPath ) DataLink_Nex_MapList_SetFirst = { if( pItem.stepValue == 0.0 ) { pItem.descList = Util_AltStringPush( pItem.descList, pName ); pItem.valueList = Util_AltStringPush( pItem.valueList, pPath ); } else { pItem.descList = Util_SetAltStringItem( pItem.descList, 0, pName ); pItem.valueList = Util_SetAltStringItem( pItem.valueList, 0, pPath ); } DataLink_Nex_MapList_UpdateRange( pItem ); }; /* =================== DataLink_Nex_MapList_Clear =================== */ void( entity pItem ) DataLink_Nex_MapList_Clear = { String_EntitySet( pItem, descList, "" ); String_EntitySet( pItem, valueList, "" ); DataLink_Nex_MapList_UpdateRange( pItem ); }; /* =================== DataLink_Nex_MapList_GetCurrentName =================== */ string( entity pItem ) DataLink_Nex_MapList_GetCurrentName = { Raise_DataEvent( pItem, ITEM_DATALINK_GET ); return Util_GetAltStringItem( pItem.descList, pItem._realValue - 1 ); }; /* =================== DataLink_Nex_MapList_GetCurrentPath =================== */ string( entity pItem ) DataLink_Nex_MapList_GetCurrentPath = { Raise_DataEvent( pItem, ITEM_DATALINK_GET ); return Util_GetAltStringItem( pItem.valueList, pItem._realValue - 1 ); };