Item Layout KeyHunt { direction [Nex_DefaultVertDirection] size '900 585' origin '600 50' alignment [AlignFirst] //Derive Nex_Option_Switch KeyHunt_Active //{ // text "Play KeyHunt" // target "::Data::Game::KeyHunt::KeyHunt_Active::Switch" //} Derive Nex_Option_EditBox TimeLimit { text "Time Limit Override (disable: -1)" // use the same one from the basic menu target "Data::Server::TimeLimit::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox DomFragLimit { text "Score Limit Override (disable: -1)" target "Data::Game::KeyHunt::PointLimit::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch TeamsOverride { text "Number of teams" target "Data::Game::KeyHunt::TeamsOverride::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox DelayRound { text "Time between rounds" target "Data::Game::KeyHunt::DelayRound::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox DelayTracking { text "Preparation time" target "Data::Game::KeyHunt::DelayTracking::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox DelayReturn { text "Timeout of dropped keys" target "Data::Game::KeyHunt::DelayReturn::Text" } Derive Nex_Line Seperator {} Derive TextButton Reset { normal "Reset to default" init Nex_Action_ResetData target "::Data::Game::KeyHunt" } }