// ambient+diffuse+specular+normalmap+attenuation+cubemap+fog shader // written by Forest 'LordHavoc' Hale // common definitions between vertex shader and fragment shader: #ifdef __GLSL_CG_DATA_TYPES #define myhalf half #define myhvec2 hvec2 #define myhvec3 hvec3 #else #define myhalf float #define myhvec2 vec2 #define myhvec3 vec3 #endif varying vec2 TexCoord; varying vec2 TexCoordLightmap; varying myhvec3 CubeVector; varying vec3 LightVector; varying vec3 EyeVector; #ifdef USEFOG varying vec3 EyeVectorModelSpace; #endif varying myhvec3 VectorS; // direction of S texcoord (sometimes crudely called tangent) varying myhvec3 VectorT; // direction of T texcoord (sometimes crudely called binormal) varying myhvec3 VectorR; // direction of R texcoord (surface normal) // vertex shader specific: #ifdef VERTEX_SHADER uniform vec3 LightPosition; uniform vec3 EyePosition; uniform myhvec3 LightDir; // TODO: get rid of tangentt (texcoord2) and use a crossproduct to regenerate it from tangents (texcoord1) and normal (texcoord3) void main(void) { gl_FrontColor = gl_Color; // copy the surface texcoord TexCoord = vec2(gl_TextureMatrix[0] * gl_MultiTexCoord0); #if !defined(MODE_LIGHTSOURCE) && !defined(MODE_LIGHTDIRECTION) TexCoordLightmap = vec2(gl_MultiTexCoord4); #endif #ifdef MODE_LIGHTSOURCE // transform vertex position into light attenuation/cubemap space // (-1 to +1 across the light box) CubeVector = vec3(gl_TextureMatrix[3] * gl_Vertex); // transform unnormalized light direction into tangent space // (we use unnormalized to ensure that it interpolates correctly and then // normalize it per pixel) vec3 lightminusvertex = LightPosition - gl_Vertex.xyz; LightVector.x = dot(lightminusvertex, gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz); LightVector.y = dot(lightminusvertex, gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz); LightVector.z = dot(lightminusvertex, gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz); #endif #ifdef MODE_LIGHTDIRECTION LightVector.x = dot(LightDir, gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz); LightVector.y = dot(LightDir, gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz); LightVector.z = dot(LightDir, gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz); #endif // transform unnormalized eye direction into tangent space #ifndef USEFOG vec3 EyeVectorModelSpace; #endif EyeVectorModelSpace = EyePosition - gl_Vertex.xyz; EyeVector.x = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz); EyeVector.y = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz); EyeVector.z = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz); #ifdef MODE_LIGHTDIRECTIONMAP_MODELSPACE VectorS = gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz; VectorT = gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz; VectorR = gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz; #endif // transform vertex to camera space, using ftransform to match non-VS // rendering gl_Position = ftransform(); } #endif // VERTEX_SHADER // fragment shader specific: #ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER uniform sampler2D Texture_Normal; uniform sampler2D Texture_Color; uniform sampler2D Texture_Gloss; uniform samplerCube Texture_Cube; uniform sampler2D Texture_FogMask; uniform sampler2D Texture_Pants; uniform sampler2D Texture_Shirt; uniform sampler2D Texture_Lightmap; uniform sampler2D Texture_Deluxemap; uniform sampler2D Texture_Glow; uniform myhvec3 LightColor; uniform myhvec3 AmbientColor; uniform myhvec3 DiffuseColor; uniform myhvec3 SpecularColor; uniform myhvec3 Color_Pants; uniform myhvec3 Color_Shirt; uniform myhvec3 FogColor; uniform myhalf OffsetMapping_Scale; uniform myhalf OffsetMapping_Bias; uniform myhalf FogRangeRecip; uniform myhalf AmbientScale; uniform myhalf DiffuseScale; uniform myhalf SpecularScale; uniform myhalf SpecularPower; void main(void) { // apply offsetmapping #ifdef USEOFFSETMAPPING myhvec2 TexCoordOffset = myhvec2(TexCoord); #define TexCoord TexCoordOffset myhvec3 eyedir = myhvec3(normalize(EyeVector)); #ifdef USEOFFSETMAPPING_RELIEFMAPPING myhalf depthbias = 1.0 - eyedir.z; // should this be a -? depthbias = 1.0 - depthbias * depthbias; // 14 sample relief mapping: linear search and then binary search myhvec3 OffsetVector = myhvec3(EyeVector.xy * (1.0 / EyeVector.z) * depthbias * OffsetMapping_Scale * myhvec2(-0.1, 0.1), -0.1); vec3 RT = vec3(TexCoord - OffsetVector.xy * 10.0, 1.0) + OffsetVector; if (RT.z > texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a) RT += OffsetVector; if (RT.z > texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a) RT += OffsetVector; if (RT.z > texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a) RT += OffsetVector; if (RT.z > texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a) RT += OffsetVector; if (RT.z > texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a) RT += OffsetVector; if (RT.z > texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a) RT += OffsetVector; if (RT.z > texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a) RT += OffsetVector; if (RT.z > texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a) RT += OffsetVector; if (RT.z > texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a) RT += OffsetVector;OffsetVector *= 0.5;RT -= OffsetVector; if (RT.z > texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a) RT += OffsetVector;OffsetVector *= 0.5;RT -= OffsetVector; if (RT.z > texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a) RT += OffsetVector;OffsetVector *= 0.5;RT -= OffsetVector; if (RT.z > texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a) RT += OffsetVector;OffsetVector *= 0.5;RT -= OffsetVector; if (RT.z > texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a) RT += OffsetVector;OffsetVector *= 0.5;RT -= OffsetVector; if (RT.z > texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a) RT += OffsetVector;OffsetVector *= 0.5;RT -= OffsetVector; TexCoord = RT.xy; #else // parallax mapping as described in the paper // "Parallax Mapping with Offset Limiting: A Per-Pixel Approximation of Uneven Surfaces" by Terry Welsh // The paper provides code in the ARB fragment program assembly language // I translated it to GLSL but may have done something wrong - SavageX myhalf height = texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).a; height = (height * myhalf(OffsetMapping_Scale)) + myhalf(-0.02); // scale and bias TexCoordOffset += myhalf(height) * myhvec2(eyedir.x, -1.0 * eyedir.y); #endif #endif // combine the diffuse textures (base, pants, shirt) vec4 color = vec4(texture2D(Texture_Color, TexCoord)); #ifdef USECOLORMAPPING color.rgb += myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Pants, TexCoord)) * Color_Pants + myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Shirt, TexCoord)) * Color_Shirt; #endif #ifdef MODE_LIGHTSOURCE // light source // get the surface normal and light normal myhvec3 surfacenormal = normalize(myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - 0.5); myhvec3 diffusenormal = myhvec3(normalize(LightVector)); // calculate directional shading color.rgb *= (AmbientScale + DiffuseScale * max(dot(surfacenormal, diffusenormal), 0.0)); #ifdef USESPECULAR myhvec3 specularnormal = myhvec3(normalize(diffusenormal + myhvec3(normalize(EyeVector)))); color.rgb += myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord)) * SpecularScale * pow(max(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal), 0.0), SpecularPower); #endif #ifdef USECUBEFILTER // apply light cubemap filter //color.rgb *= normalize(CubeVector) * 0.5 + 0.5;//vec3(textureCube(Texture_Cube, CubeVector)); color.rgb *= myhvec3(textureCube(Texture_Cube, CubeVector)); #endif // apply light color color.rgb *= LightColor; // apply attenuation // // the attenuation is (1-(x*x+y*y+z*z)) which gives a large bright // center and sharp falloff at the edge, this is about the most efficient // we can get away with as far as providing illumination. // // pow(1-(x*x+y*y+z*z), 4) is far more realistic but needs large lights to // provide significant illumination, large = slow = pain. color.rgb *= max(1.0 - dot(CubeVector, CubeVector), 0.0); #elif defined(MODE_LIGHTDIRECTION) // directional model lighting // get the surface normal and light normal myhvec3 surfacenormal = normalize(myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - 0.5); myhvec3 diffusenormal = myhvec3(normalize(LightVector)); // calculate directional shading color.rgb *= AmbientColor + DiffuseColor * max(dot(surfacenormal, diffusenormal), 0.0); #ifdef USESPECULAR myhvec3 specularnormal = myhvec3(normalize(diffusenormal + myhvec3(normalize(EyeVector)))); color.rgb += myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord)) * SpecularColor * pow(max(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal), 0.0), SpecularPower); #endif #elif defined(MODE_LIGHTDIRECTIONMAP_MODELSPACE) || defined(MODE_LIGHTDIRECTIONMAP_TANGENTSPACE) // deluxemap lightmapping using light vectors in modelspace (evil q3map2) // get the surface normal and light normal myhvec3 surfacenormal = normalize(myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - 0.5); #ifdef MODE_LIGHTDIRECTIONMAP_MODELSPACE myhvec3 diffusenormal_modelspace = myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Deluxemap, TexCoordLightmap)) - 0.5; myhvec3 diffusenormal = normalize(myhvec3(dot(diffusenormal_modelspace, VectorS), dot(diffusenormal_modelspace, VectorT), dot(diffusenormal_modelspace, VectorR))); #else myhvec3 diffusenormal = normalize(myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Deluxemap, TexCoordLightmap)) - 0.5); #endif // calculate directional shading myhvec3 tempcolor = color.rgb * (DiffuseScale * max(dot(surfacenormal, diffusenormal), 0.0)); #ifdef USESPECULAR myhvec3 specularnormal = myhvec3(normalize(diffusenormal + myhvec3(normalize(EyeVector)))); tempcolor += myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord)) * SpecularScale * pow(max(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal), 0.0), SpecularPower); #endif // apply lightmap color color.rgb = tempcolor * myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordLightmap)) + color.rgb * myhvec3(AmbientScale); #else // MODE none (lightmap) // apply lightmap color color.rgb *= myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordLightmap)) * DiffuseScale + myhvec3(AmbientScale); #endif // MODE color *= gl_Color; #ifdef USEGLOW color.rgb += myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Glow, TexCoord)); #endif #ifdef USEFOG // apply fog myhalf fog = texture2D(Texture_FogMask, myhvec2(length(EyeVectorModelSpace)*FogRangeRecip, 0.0)).x; color.rgb = color.rgb * fog + FogColor * (1.0 - fog); #endif gl_FragColor = color; } #endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER