06/05/2002 It's not finished, but since people are interested in seeing the code, here it is. Current status: - It currently uses SDL (http://www.libsdl.org) and OpenAL (http://opensource.creative.com) - The OpenGL code is complete minus one or two things, but it is unoptimized. - Keyboard and mouse work. Joystick code exists but it is not finished. - Lots of debug messages. Recompile with NDEBUG defined to get rid of them. - Only the demo was tested. The full version may or may not work (edit pstypes.h to build the full version). Mods, etc. have also not been tested. - Networking (TCP) seems to work OK. - Sound code is only partially implemented. - Currently all files need to be in the current working directory. - The Windows version might still compile, but wasn't tested. (The Linux-specific code is separated by a PLAT_UNIX define). Fred2, etc., were not touched. Hope this helps! ---------------------------------------------- Freespace 2 - A Linux port hacked together by: Dan Olson Steven Fuller Charles Mason