]> icculus.org git repositories - divverent/darkplaces.git/blob - snd_3dras.c
add a half-baked "commandmode" (currently it has, like messagemode, no history, no...
[divverent/darkplaces.git] / snd_3dras.c
1 // BSD
3 #include "quakedef.h"
4 #include "snd_3dras_typedefs.h"
5 #include "snd_3dras.h"
7 cvar_t bgmvolume = {CVAR_SAVE, "bgmvolume", "1", "volume of background music (such as CD music or replacement files such as sound/cdtracks/track002.ogg)"};
8 cvar_t volume = {CVAR_SAVE, "volume", "0.7", "volume of sound effects"};
9 cvar_t snd_staticvolume = {CVAR_SAVE, "snd_staticvolume", "1", "volume of ambient sound effects (such as swampy sounds at the start of e1m2)"};
10 cvar_t snd_initialized = { CVAR_READONLY, "snd_initialized", "0", "indicates the sound subsystem is active"};
11 cvar_t snd_mutewhenidle = {CVAR_SAVE, "snd_mutewhenidle", "1", "whether to disable sound output when game window is inactive"};
12 cvar_t snd_streaming = { CVAR_SAVE, "snd_streaming", "1", "enables keeping compressed ogg sound files compressed, decompressing them only as needed, otherwise they will be decompressed completely at load (may use a lot of memory)"};
13 static cvar_t snd_precache = {0, "snd_precache", "1", "loads sounds before they are used"};
15 static dllhandle_t   ras_dll = NULL;
16 // This values is used as a multiple version support check AND to check if the lib has been loaded with success (its 0 if it failed)
17 int ras_version;
19 static mempool_t *snd_mempool;
20 static sfx_t sfx_list ={//This is a header, never contains only useful data, only the first next (makes the code less complex, later)
21         NULL, //next
22         "",  //name[MAX_QPATH];
23         NULL, //sounddata
24         0,    //locks
25         0    //flags
26         //0,    //loopstart,
27         //0     //total_length
28 };
29 static unsigned int channel_id_count=0;
30 static channel_t channel_list={
31         NULL, //next
32         NULL, //soundevent
33         0, //entnum
34         0, //entchannel
35         0 //id
36 };
37 static entnum_t  entnum_list={
38         NULL,// *next;
39         0,   //  entnum;
40         {0.0,0.0,0.0}, //lastloc
41         NULL,// *soundsource;// This is also used to indicate a unused slot (when it's pointing to 0)
42 };
44 int   updatecount=0;
45 int   soundblocked=0;
46 int   openframe;
47 void* soundworld;
48 void* listener;
49 float listener_location   [3];
51 //1 qu = 0.0381 meter aka 38.1 mm
52 //2^17 qu's is the max map size in DP
53 //3DRAS uses atleast 32 bit to store it's locations.
54 //So the smallest possible step is 0.0381*2^17/2^(32)
55 // =~ 1.16 nm so let's pick 2 to be safe
56 static float DP_Ras_UnitSize=(float)2/1000/1000; //2 nm
57 static float DP_Ras_VolumeScale=0.075;
58 //static float QU_Size = 0.0381; //meter
59 //static float DP_QU_Ras_Scale=QU_Size/DP_Ras_UnitSize;
60 static float DP_QU_Ras_Scale=19050;
61 static void* (*ras_delete                     )(void*);
62 static int   (*ras_getversion                 )();
63 static void* (*ras_soundworld_new             )(SampleRate, WaveLength);
64 static void  (*ras_soundworld_destroy         )(void*);
65 static void  (*ras_soundworld_endframe        )(void*);
66 static int   (*ras_soundworld_beginframe      )(void*);
67 static void  (*ras_soundworld_setmainlistener )(void*,void*);
68 static void  (*ras_soundworld_setscale        )(void*,const Scale);
69 static void* (*ras_fileinputwhole_new         )(unsigned char*, Index);
70 static void* (*ras_audiodecoderwav_new        )(void*, int);
71 static void* (*ras_audiodecoderogg_new        )(void*);
72 static void* (*ras_sounddataoneshot_new       )(void*,WaveLength,Amount);
73 static void* (*ras_sounddataloop_new          )(void*,WaveLength,Amount);
74 static void* (*ras_listener_new               )(void*,Location*,Scalar*);
75 static void* (*ras_listener_setlocation       )(void*,Location*);
76 static void* (*ras_listener_setrotation       )(void*,Scalar  *,Scalar*,Scalar*);
77 static void* (*ras_soundsource_new            )(void*,SoundVolume,Location*);
78 static int   (*ras_soundsource_ended          )(void*);
79 static void  (*ras_soundsource_setlocation    )(void*,Location*);
80 static void* (*ras_soundevent_new             )(void*,void*,void*,SoundPower,Ratio);
81 static void  (*ras_soundevent_setsoundpower   )(void*,SoundPower);
82 static int   (*ras_soundevent_ended           )(void*);
83 static int   (*ras_setcoordinatesystem        )(Location*,Location*,Location*);
84 static int   (*ras_testrotation               )(Scalar  *,Scalar  *,Scalar  *);
86 // #define RAS_PRINT //Comment out for to not print extra crap.
88 static dllfunction_t ras_funcs[] =
89 {
90         {"Delete"                                      ,(void**) &ras_delete                     },
91         {"SetCoordinateSystem"                         ,(void**) &ras_setcoordinatesystem        },
92         {"TestRotation"                                ,(void**) &ras_testrotation               },
93         {"GetVersion"                                  ,(void**) &ras_getversion                 },
94         {"SoundWorld_New"                              ,(void**) &ras_soundworld_new             },
95         {"SoundWorld_Destroy"                          ,(void**) &ras_soundworld_destroy         },
96         {"SoundWorld_EndFrame"                         ,(void**) &ras_soundworld_endframe        },
97         {"SoundWorld_BeginFrame"                       ,(void**) &ras_soundworld_beginframe      },
98         {"FileInputWhile_New"                          ,(void**) &ras_fileinputwhole_new         },
99         {"AudioDecoderFileWav_New"                     ,(void**) &ras_audiodecoderwav_new        },
100         {"AudioDecoderFileOgg_New"                     ,(void**) &ras_audiodecoderogg_new        },
101         {"SoundDataAudioDecoderOneShot_New"            ,(void**) &ras_sounddataoneshot_new       },
102         //{"SoundDataAudioDecoderFileLoop_New"           ,(void**) &ras_sounddataloop_new          },
103         {"SoundWorld_SetMainListener"                  ,(void**) &ras_soundworld_setmainlistener },
104         {"SoundWorld_SetScale"                         ,(void**) &ras_soundworld_setscale        },
105         {"ListenerPlayer_New"                          ,(void**) &ras_listener_new               },
106         {"ListenerPlayer_SetLocation"                  ,(void**) &ras_listener_setlocation       },
107         {"ListenerPlayer_SetRotation_InVectors"        ,(void**) &ras_listener_setrotation       },
108         {"SoundSource_Ended"                           ,(void**) &ras_soundsource_ended          },
109         {"SoundSourcePoint_New"                        ,(void**) &ras_soundsource_new            },
110         {"SoundSourcePoint_SetLocation"                ,(void**) &ras_soundsource_setlocation    },
111         {"SoundEvent_New"                              ,(void**) &ras_soundevent_new             },
112         {"SoundEvent_Ended"                            ,(void**) &ras_soundevent_ended           },
113         {"SoundEvent_SetSoundPower"                    ,(void**) &ras_soundevent_setsoundpower   },
114         { NULL                                         , NULL                                      }
115 };
116 static const char* ras_dllname [] =
117 {
118         #if defined(WIN64)
119                 "3dras64.dll",
120         #elif defined(WIN32)
121                 "3dras32.dll",
122         #elif defined(MACOSX)
123                 "3dras.dylib",
124         #else
125                 "3dras.so",
126         #endif
127                 NULL
128 };
130 // --- entnum_t List functions ----
131 void entnum_new(entnum_t** prev, entnum_t** new){ //Adds a new item to the start of the list and sets the pointers.
132         (*new)=Mem_Alloc(snd_mempool,sizeof(entnum_t));
133         if(&new){
134                 (*new)->next=entnum_list.next;
135                 entnum_list.next=(*new);
136                 (*prev)=&entnum_list;
137         }else{
138                 Con_Printf("Could not allocate memory for a new entnum_t");
139         }
140 }
141 void entnum_begin(entnum_t** prev, entnum_t** now){ //Goes to the beginning of the list and sets the pointers.
142         (*prev)=&entnum_list;
143         (*now )=entnum_list.next;
144 }
145 void entnum_next(entnum_t** prev, entnum_t** now){ //Goes to the next element
146         (*prev)=(*now);
147         (*now )=(*now)->next;
148 }
149 void entnum_delete_and_next(entnum_t** prev, entnum_t** now){ //Deletes the element and goes to the next element
150         entnum_t* next;
151         next=(*now)->next;
152         if((*now)->rasptr) ras_delete((*now)->rasptr);
153         Mem_Free(*now);
154         (*now)=next;
155         (*prev)->next=(*now);
156 }
157 // --- End Of entnum_t List functions ----
159 // --- channel_t List functions ----
160 void channel_new(channel_t** prev, channel_t** new){ //Adds a new item to the start of the list and sets the pointers.
161         (*new)=Mem_Alloc(snd_mempool,sizeof(channel_t));
162         if(&new){
163                 (*new)->next=channel_list.next;
164                 channel_list.next=(*new);
165                 (*prev)=&channel_list;
166         }else{
167                 Con_Printf("Could not allocate memory for a new channel_t");
168         }
169 }
170 void channel_begin(channel_t** prev, channel_t** now){ //Goes to the beginning of the list and sets the pointers.
171         (*prev)=&channel_list;
172         (*now )=channel_list.next;
173 }
174 void channel_next(channel_t** prev, channel_t** now){ //Goes to the next element
175         (*prev)=(*now );
176         (*now )=(*now)->next;
177 }
178 void channel_delete_and_next(channel_t** prev, channel_t** now){ //Deletes the element and goes to the next element
179         channel_t* next;
180         next=(*now)->next;
181         if((*now)->rasptr) ras_delete((*now)->rasptr);
182         Mem_Free(*now);
183         (*now)=next;
184         (*prev)->next=(*now);
185 }
186 // --- End Of channel_t List functions ----
188 // --- sfx_t List functions ----
189 void sfx_new(sfx_t** prev, sfx_t** new){ //Adds a new item to the start of the list and sets the pointers.
190         (*new)=Mem_Alloc(snd_mempool,sizeof(sfx_t));
191         if(&new){
192                 (*new)->next=sfx_list.next;
193                 sfx_list.next=(*new);
194                 (*prev)=&sfx_list;
195         }else{
196                 Con_Printf("Could not allocate memory for a new sfx_t");
197         }
198 }
199 void sfx_begin(sfx_t** prev, sfx_t** now){ //Goes to the beginning of the list and sets the pointers.
200         (*prev)=&sfx_list;
201         (*now )=sfx_list.next;
202 }
203 void sfx_next(sfx_t** prev, sfx_t** now){ //Goes to the next element
204         (*prev)=(*now );
205         (*now )=(*now)->next;
206 }
207 void sfx_delete_and_next(sfx_t** prev, sfx_t** now){ //Deletes the element and goes to the next element
208         sfx_t* next;
209         next=(*now)->next;
210         if((*now)->rasptr) ras_delete((*now)->rasptr);
211         Mem_Free(*now);
212         (*now)=next;
213         (*prev)->next=(*now);
214 }
215 // --- End Of sfx_t List functions ----
217 void channel_new_smart(channel_t** prev, channel_t** now){
218         channel_new(prev,now);
219         ++channel_id_count;
220         (*now)->id=channel_id_count;
221 }
222 void Free_Unlocked_Sfx(void){
223         sfx_t *prev, *now;
224         sfx_begin(&prev,&now);
225         while(now){
226                 if(
227                         !(now->flags & SFXFLAG_SERVERSOUND) &&
228                         now->locks<=0
229                 ){
230                         sfx_delete_and_next(&prev,&now);
231                 }else{
232                         sfx_next(&prev,&now);
233                 }
234         }
235 }
236 void DP_To_Ras_Location(const float in[3],Location out[3]){
237         out[0]=(Location)(in[0]*DP_QU_Ras_Scale );
238         out[1]=(Location)(in[1]*DP_QU_Ras_Scale );
239         out[2]=(Location)(in[2]*DP_QU_Ras_Scale );
240 }
241 void S_Restart_f(void){
242         S_Shutdown();
243         S_Startup();
244 }
245 static void S_Play_Common (float fvol, float attenuation){
246         int i;
247         char name [MAX_QPATH];
248         sfx_t *sfx;
249         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
250                 #ifdef RAS_PRINT
251                         Con_Printf("Called S_Play_Common\n");
252                         Con_Printf("Does this need to be location in depend channel ?\n");
253                 #endif
255                 i = 1;
256                 while (i < Cmd_Argc ())
257                 {
258                         // Get the name, and appends ".wav" as an extension if there's none
259                         strlcpy (name, Cmd_Argv (i), sizeof (name));
260                         if (!strrchr (name, '.'))
261                                 strlcat (name, ".wav", sizeof (name));
262                         i++;
264                         // If we need to get the volume from the command line
265                         if (fvol == -1.0f)
266                         {
267                                 fvol = atof (Cmd_Argv (i));
268                                 i++;
269                         }
271                         sfx = S_PrecacheSound (name, true, false);
272                         if (sfx)
273                                 S_StartSound (-1, 0, sfx, listener_location, fvol, attenuation);
274                 }
275         }
276 }
277 static void S_Play_f(void){
278         S_Play_Common (1.0f, 1.0f);
279 }
280 static void S_Play2_f(void){
281         S_Play_Common (1.0f, 0.0f);
282 }
283 static void S_PlayVol_f(void){
284         S_Play_Common (-1.0f, 0.0f);
285 }
286 static void S_SoundList_f(void){
287         channel_t *prev_c, *now_c;
288             sfx_t *prev_s, *now_s;
289          entnum_t *prev_e, *now_e;
290          int count_c,count_s,count_e;
292         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
294                 Con_Printf("Sfx (SoundDatas) :\n"
295                                  "------------------\n"
296                                  "Locks\tflags\tpointer\tName\n");
297                 count_s=0;
298                 sfx_begin(&prev_s,&now_s);
299                 while(now_s){
300                         ++count_s;
301                         Con_Printf("%i\t%i\t%i\t%s\n",
302                                 now_s->locks, now_s->flags, now_s->rasptr!=NULL, now_s->name
303                         );
304                         sfx_next(&prev_s,&now_s);
305                 }
307                 Con_Printf("Entnum (SoundSources) :\n"
308                                  "-----------------------\n"
309                                  "Ent\tpointer\n");
310                 count_e=0;
311                 entnum_begin(&prev_e,&now_e);
312                 while(now_e){
313                         ++count_e;
314                         Con_Printf("%i\t%i\n",
315                                 now_e->entnum, now_e->rasptr!=NULL
316                         );
317                         entnum_next(&prev_e,&now_e);
318                 }
320                 Con_Printf("Channels (SoundEvents) :\n"
321                                  "------------------------\n"
322                                  "Ent\tChannel\tID\tpointer\n");
323                 count_c=0;
324                 channel_begin(&prev_c,&now_c);
325                 while(now_c){
326                         ++count_c;
327                         Con_Printf("%i\t%i\t%i\t%i\n",
328                                 now_c->entnum, now_c->entchannel, now_c->id, now_c->rasptr!=NULL
329                         );
330                         channel_next(&prev_c,&now_c);
331                 }
333                 Con_Printf(
334                         "Count:\n"
335                         "------\n"
336                         "Channels: %i\n"
337                         "Sfx's:    %i\n"
338                         "Entities: %i\n",
339                         count_c,count_s,count_e
340                 );
341         }
342 }
343 void Free_All_sfx(){
344         sfx_t *prev, *now;
345         sfx_begin(&prev,&now);
346         while(now) sfx_delete_and_next(&prev,&now);
347 }
348 void Free_All_channel(){
349         channel_t *prev, *now;
350         channel_begin(&prev,&now);
351         while(now) channel_delete_and_next(&prev,&now);
352 }
353 void Free_All_entnum(){
354         entnum_t *prev, *now;
355         entnum_begin(&prev,&now);
356         while(now) entnum_delete_and_next(&prev,&now);
357 }
358 void S_Init (void){
359         Location up[3],right[3],front[3];
360         ras_version=0;
361         snd_mempool = Mem_AllocPool("sound", 0, NULL);
362         if(ras_dll) Con_Printf( "3D RAS already loaded ... (this indicates a bug)\n");
363         if (Sys_LoadLibrary (ras_dllname, &ras_dll, ras_funcs))
364         {
365                 Con_Printf ("Loading 3D RAS succeeded\n");
366                 Con_Printf ("Checking the lib version\n");
367                 ras_version=ras_getversion();
368                 if (ras_version>0){
370                         Con_Printf ("Version %i found\n",ras_version);
371                         Cvar_RegisterVariable(&volume);
372                         Cvar_RegisterVariable(&bgmvolume);
373                         Cvar_RegisterVariable(&snd_staticvolume);
374                         Cvar_RegisterVariable(&snd_precache);
376                         Cmd_AddCommand("play", S_Play_f, "play a sound at your current location (not heard by anyone else)");
377                         Cmd_AddCommand("snd_play", S_Play_f, "play a sound at your current location (not heard by anyone else)");
378                         Cmd_AddCommand("play2", S_Play2_f, "play a sound globally throughout the level (not heard by anyone else)");
379                         Cmd_AddCommand("snd_play2", S_Play2_f, "play a sound globally throughout the level (not heard by anyone else)");
380                         Cmd_AddCommand("playvol", S_PlayVol_f, "play a sound at the specified volume level at your current location (not heard by anyone else)");
381                         Cmd_AddCommand("snd_playvol", S_PlayVol_f, "play a sound at the specified volume level at your current location (not heard by anyone else)");
382                         Cmd_AddCommand("stopsound", S_StopAllSounds, "silence");
383                         Cmd_AddCommand("soundlist", S_SoundList_f, "list loaded sounds");
384                         Cmd_AddCommand("snd_stopsound", S_StopAllSounds, "silence");
385                         Cmd_AddCommand("snd_soundlist", S_SoundList_f, "list loaded sounds");
386                         Cmd_AddCommand("snd_restart", S_Restart_f, "restart sound system");
387                         Cmd_AddCommand("snd_shutdown", S_Shutdown, "shutdown the sound system keeping the dll loaded");
388                         Cmd_AddCommand("snd_startup", S_Startup, "start the sound system");
389                         Cmd_AddCommand("snd_unloadallsounds", S_UnloadAllSounds_f, "unload all sound files");
391                         //Set the coordinate system inside the lib equal to the one inside dp:
392                            up[0]= 0 ,   up[1]= 0 ,    up[2]=1;
393                         right[0]= 0 ,right[1]=-1 , right[2]=0;
394                         front[0]= 1 ,front[1]= 0 , front[2]=0;
395                         if(ras_setcoordinatesystem(right,up,front)==0){
396                                 Con_Printf("Failed to set the Coordinate System\n");
397                                 ras_version=0;
398                         }
399                 }else{
400                         Con_Printf ("Failed to get the lib version\n");
401                         Sys_UnloadLibrary (&ras_dll);
402                         ras_dll=0;
403                 }
404         }else{
405                 ras_dll=0;
406                 Con_Printf ("Loading 3D RAS failed\n");
407                 Sys_UnloadLibrary (&ras_dll);
408         }
409 }
410 void S_Terminate (void){
411         if(ras_dll){
412                 S_Shutdown();
413                 Free_All_sfx(); // <= The only valid place to free the sfx.
414                 Sys_UnloadLibrary(&ras_dll);
415                 ras_dll=0;
416                 ras_version=0;
417         }
418 }
420 void S_Startup (void){
421         Location loc[3]={0, 0, 0};
422         Scalar   rot[4]={1.0, 0, 0, 0};
423         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
424                 channel_id_count=1;
425                 soundworld= ras_soundworld_new(48000,0.1);
426                 if(soundworld==0){
427                         Con_Printf("Failed to start a SoundWorld\n");
428                 }else{
429                         Con_Printf("Succeeded in starting a new SoundWorld\n");
430                         listener=ras_listener_new(soundworld,loc,rot);
431                         ras_soundworld_setmainlistener(soundworld,listener);
432                         openframe = ras_soundworld_beginframe(soundworld);
433                         ras_soundworld_setscale(soundworld,DP_Ras_UnitSize);
434                 }
435         }
436 }
437 void S_Shutdown (void){
438         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll && soundworld){
439                 if(openframe) ras_soundworld_endframe(soundworld);
441                 //Order doesn't really matter because the lib takes care of the references
442                 //Free_All_sfx(); <= DO NOT FREE SFX ... they just keep sending in the old sfx causing havoc.
443                 Free_All_channel();
444                 Free_All_entnum();
446                 ras_soundworld_destroy(soundworld);
447                 soundworld=ras_delete(soundworld);
448                 if(soundworld){
449                         Con_Printf("Failed to stop the SoundWorld\n");
450                 }else{
451                         Con_Printf("Succeeded in stopping the SoundWorld\n");
452                 }
453         }
454 }
455 void S_UnloadAllSounds_f(void){
456         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
457                 Free_All_sfx();
458         }
459 }
461 void S_Update(const matrix4x4_t *listener_matrix){
462         float forward   [3];
463         float left      [3];
464         float up        [3];
465         float float3    [3];
466         Location location3 [3];
467         entnum_t  *prev_e, *now_e;
468         channel_t *prev_c, *now_c;
469         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll && soundworld){
470                 Matrix4x4_ToVectors(listener_matrix,forward,left,up,listener_location); //Add the new player location.
471                 if(openframe){
472                         VectorNegate(left,left);
473                         DP_To_Ras_Location(listener_location,location3);
474                         ras_listener_setlocation(listener,location3);
475                         ras_listener_setrotation(listener,left,up,forward);
476                         /*
477                         Con_Printf(
478                                 "DP:  Left={%f|%f|%f} Up={%f|%f|%f} Front={%f|%f|%f}\n",
479                                    left[0],   left[1],   left[2],
480                                      up[0],     up[1],     up[2],
481                                 forward[0],forward[1],forward[2]
482                         );
483                         ras_testrotation(left,up,forward);
484                         Con_Printf(
485                                 "RAS: Left={%f|%f|%f} Up={%f|%f|%f} Front={%f|%f|%f}\n",
486                                    left[0],   left[1],   left[2],
487                                      up[0],     up[1],     up[2],
488                                 forward[0],forward[1],forward[2]
489                         );
490                         */
491                         if(updatecount>100){
492                                 updatecount=0;
493                                 #ifdef RAS_PRINT
494                                 Con_Printf("S_Update: Add a callback to SCR_CaptureVideo_SoundFrame.\n");
495                                 Con_Printf("S_Update: Add Slomo.\n");
496                                 Con_Printf("S_Update: Add BlockedSoundCheck.\n");
497                                 Con_Printf("S_Update: Add Slomo(as a cvar) and pauze.\n");
498                                 #endif
499                         }else{
500                                 ++updatecount;
501                         }
502                         //(15:20:31) div0: (at the moment, you can extend it to multichannel)
503                         //(15:20:40) div0: see S_CaptureAVISound()
504                         if(cl.entities){ //if there is a list of ents
505                                 //Update all entities there position into the sound sources.
506                                 entnum_begin(&prev_e,&now_e);
507                                 while(now_e){
508                                         if(!now_e->rasptr){
509                                                 Con_Printf("S_Update: Found an entnum_t without a valid RAS-ptr... This indicates a bug.\n");
510                                                 entnum_delete_and_next(&prev_e,&now_e);
511                                         }else{ //Look for unused ent and drop them.
512                                                 if(now_e->entnum!=-1){ //Talking about an ent ? Or a static sound source ?
513                                                         if(ras_soundsource_ended(now_e->rasptr)){
514                                                                         VectorCopy(cl.entities[now_e->entnum].state_current.origin,float3);
515                                                                         VectorCopy(now_e->lastloc,float3);
516                                                                         DP_To_Ras_Location(float3,location3);
517                                                                         ras_soundsource_setlocation(now_e->rasptr,location3);
518                                                                         entnum_next(&prev_e,&now_e);
519                                                         }else{
520                                                                 entnum_delete_and_next(&prev_e,&now_e);
521                                                         }
522                                                 }else{
523                                                         if(ras_soundsource_ended(now_e->rasptr)){
524                                                                 entnum_delete_and_next(&prev_e,&now_e);
525                                                         }else{
526                                                                 entnum_next(&prev_e,&now_e);
527                                                         }
528                                                 }
529                                         }
530                                 }
531                         }else{
532                                 Free_All_entnum();
533                         }
534                         channel_begin(&prev_c,&now_c);
535                         while(now_c){
536                                 if(!now_c->rasptr){
537                                         Con_Printf("S_Update: Found an channel_t without a valid RAS-ptr... This indicates a bug.\n");
538                                         channel_delete_and_next(&prev_c,&now_c);
539                                 }else{ //Look for stopped sound channels and free them
540                                         if(ras_soundevent_ended(now_c->rasptr)){
541                                                 channel_delete_and_next(&prev_c,&now_c);
542                                         }else{
543                                                 channel_next(&prev_c,&now_c);
544                                         }
545                                 }
546                         }
547                         ras_soundworld_endframe  (soundworld);
548                 }
549                 openframe =ras_soundworld_beginframe(soundworld);
550         }
551 }
552 void S_ExtraUpdate (void){
553         // This lib is unable to use any extra updates.
554         //if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
555         //}
556 }
557 sfx_t* S_FindName (const char *name){
558         sfx_t *prev,*now;
559         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
560                 #ifdef RAS_PRINT
561                 Con_Printf("Called S_FindName %s\n",name);
562                 #endif
564                 if (strlen (name) >= sizeof (now->name))
565                 {
566                         Con_Printf ("S_FindName: sound name too long (%s)\n", name);
567                         return NULL;
568                 }
570                 sfx_begin(&prev,&now);
571                 // Seek in list
572                 while (now){
573                         if(strcmp (now->name, name)==0) return now;
574                         sfx_next(&prev,&now);
575                 }
577                 // None found in the list,
578                 // Add a sfx_t struct for this sound
579                 sfx_new(&prev,&now);
580                 now->locks=0;
581                 now->flags=0;
582                 now->rasptr=0;
583                 //sfx->looptstart=0;
584                 //sfx->total_length=0;
585                 strlcpy (now->name, name, sizeof (now->name));
586                 return now;
587         }
588         return NULL;
589 }
590 int S_LoadSound(sfx_t *sfx, int complain){
591         fs_offset_t filesize;
592         char namebuffer[MAX_QPATH +16  ];
593         char filename  [MAX_QPATH +16+4];
594         char fileext   [4];
595         size_t len;
596         unsigned char *data=NULL;
597         void* file_ptr=NULL;
598         void* decoder_ptr=NULL;
599         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
601                 fileext[4]=0; //Terminator
602                 // See if already loaded
603                 if (sfx->rasptr) return true;
605                 // LordHavoc: if the sound filename does not begin with sound/, try adding it
606                 if (!data && strncasecmp(sfx->name, "sound/", 6))
607                 {
608                         len = dpsnprintf (namebuffer, sizeof(namebuffer), "sound/%s", sfx->name);
609                         if (len < 0){ // name too long
610                                 Con_DPrintf("S_LoadSound: name \"%s\" is too long\n", sfx->name);
611                                 return false;
612                         }
613                         if(!data){
614                                 data = FS_LoadFile(namebuffer, snd_mempool, false, &filesize);
615                                 if(data) memcpy(fileext,namebuffer+len-3,3); //Copy the extention
616                         }
617                         if(!data){ //Stick .wav to the end and try again
618                                 memcpy(filename,namebuffer,len);
619                                 memcpy(filename+len-4,".wav",5);
620                                 data = FS_LoadFile(filename, snd_mempool, false, &filesize);
621                                 if(data) memcpy(fileext,"wav",3);
622                         }
623                         if(!data){ //Stick .ogg to the end and try again
624                                 memcpy(filename,namebuffer,len);
625                                 memcpy(filename+len-4,".ogg",5);
626                                 data = FS_LoadFile(filename, snd_mempool, false, &filesize);
627                                 if(data) memcpy(fileext,"ogg",3);
628                         }
629                 }
630                 if(!data){
631                         // LordHavoc: then try without the added sound/ as wav and ogg
632                         len = dpsnprintf (namebuffer, sizeof(namebuffer), "%s", sfx->name);
633                         if (len < 0){ // name too long
634                                 Con_DPrintf("S_LoadSound: name \"%s\" is too long\n", sfx->name);
635                                 return false;
636                         }
637                         if(!data){
638                                 data = FS_LoadFile(namebuffer, snd_mempool, false, &filesize);
639                                 if(data) memcpy(fileext,namebuffer+len-3,3); //Copy the file extention
640                         }
641                         if(!data){ //Stick .wav to the end
642                                 memcpy(filename,namebuffer,len);
643                                 memcpy(filename+len-4,".wav",5);
644                                 data = FS_LoadFile(filename, snd_mempool, false, &filesize);
645                                 if(data) memcpy(fileext,"wav",3);
646                         }
647                         if(!data){ //Stick .ogg to the end
648                                 memcpy(filename,namebuffer,len);
649                                 memcpy(filename+len-4,".ogg",5);
650                                 data = FS_LoadFile(filename, snd_mempool, false, &filesize);
651                                 if(data) memcpy(fileext,"ogg",3);
652                         }
653                 }
654                 if (!data){
655                         if(complain) Con_Printf("Failed attempt load file '%s'\n",namebuffer);
656                 }else{ //if the file loaded: pass to RAS 3D
657                         file_ptr=ras_fileinputwhole_new(data,filesize);
658                         // There we transfered to file to RAS 3D
659                         // So lets free up data shall we ?
660                         FS_Close(data);
662                         if(!file_ptr){
663                                 Con_Printf("Failed to upload file to audio lib\n");
664                         }else{
665                                 if(0==strncasecmp(fileext,"wav",3)){
666                                         decoder_ptr=ras_audiodecoderwav_new(file_ptr,true); //(true)use seek mode: some quake files are broken.
667                                 }
668                                 if(0==strncasecmp(fileext,"ogg",3)){
669                                         decoder_ptr=ras_audiodecoderogg_new(file_ptr);
670                                 }
671                                 if(!decoder_ptr){
672                                         Con_Printf("File succeeded to load, but no decoder available for '%s'\n",fileext);
673                                 }else{
674                                         #ifdef RAS_PRINT
675                                         Con_Printf("ToDo: Add a cvar to configure the cache size and number of cache blocks.\n");
676                                         Con_Printf("ToDo: Add support for looping sounds.\n");
677                                         #endif
678                                         sfx->rasptr=ras_sounddataoneshot_new(decoder_ptr,0.05,8);
679                                 }
680                                 file_ptr=ras_delete(file_ptr);
681                         }
682                         return !(sfx->rasptr);
683                 }
684                 return false;
685         }
686         return false;
687 }
688 sfx_t *S_PrecacheSound (const char *name, qboolean complain, qboolean lock){
689         sfx_t *sfx;
690         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
691                 #ifdef RAS_PRINT
692                 Con_Printf("Called S_PrecacheSound %s, %i, %i\n",name,complain,lock);
693                 #endif
694                 if (name == NULL || name[0] == 0)
695                         return NULL;
696                 sfx = S_FindName (name);
697                 if (sfx == NULL) return NULL;
698                 if (lock) ++(sfx->locks);
699                 if (snd_precache.integer) S_LoadSound(sfx, complain);
700                 return sfx;
701         }
702         return NULL;
703 }
704 void S_ServerSounds (char serversound [][MAX_QPATH], unsigned int numsounds){
705         sfx_t *prev_s, *now_s;
706         unsigned int i;
708         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
709                 Con_Printf("Called S_ServerSounds\n");
710                 for(i=0;i<numsounds;++i){
711                         Con_Printf("Loading :'%s'\n",serversound[i]);
712                         // Load the ambient sounds
714                         Con_Printf("ToDo: Load abmient sounds (Need geometry).\n");
716                         // Remove the SFXFLAG_SERVERSOUND flag
717                         sfx_begin(&prev_s,&now_s);
718                         while(now_s){
719                                 if (now_s->flags & SFXFLAG_SERVERSOUND) now_s->flags &= ~SFXFLAG_SERVERSOUND;
720                                 sfx_next(&prev_s,&now_s);
721                         }
723                         // Add 1 lock and the SFXFLAG_SERVERSOUND flag to each sfx in "serversound"
724                         for (i = 1; i < numsounds; i++){
725                                 now_s = S_FindName (serversound[i]);
726                                 if (now_s != NULL)
727                                         now_s->flags |= SFXFLAG_SERVERSOUND;
728                         }
730                         Free_Unlocked_Sfx();
731                 }
732         }
733 }
734 qboolean S_IsSoundPrecached (const sfx_t *sfx){
735         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
736                 return !sfx->rasptr;
737         }
738         return 0;
739 }
741 void S_KillChannel (channel_t *now){ //Silences a SoundEvent
742         if(now->rasptr){
743                 ras_soundevent_setsoundpower(now->rasptr,0);
744                 ras_delete(now->rasptr);
745                 now->rasptr=0;
746         }else{
747                 Con_Printf("S_KillChannel: Warning pointer was 0 ... this indicates a bug.\n");
748         }
749 }
751 int S_StartSound_OnEnt (int entnum, int entchannel, sfx_t *sfx, float fvol, float attenuation){
752          entnum_t *prev_e, *now_e;
753         channel_t *prev_c, *now_c;
754         Location tmp_location[3];
756         //If there is a game world
757         if(!cl.entities){
758                 Con_Printf("S_StartSound_OnEnt: no entity list exists\n");
759                 return -1;
760         }
762         // Look for the correct ent_t
763         entnum_begin(&prev_e,&now_e);
764         while(now_e){
765                 if(now_e->entnum==entnum) break;
766                 entnum_next(&prev_e,&now_e);
767         }
768         //We found no ent ...  lets make one...
769         if(!now_e){
770                 entnum_new(&prev_e,&now_e);
771                 if(!now_e){
772                         Con_Printf("S_StartSound_OnEnt: could not make new entnum_t\n");
773                         return -1;
774                 }
775                 VectorCopy(cl.entities[entnum].state_current.origin, now_e->lastloc);
776                 DP_To_Ras_Location(now_e->lastloc,tmp_location);
777                 now_e->rasptr=ras_soundsource_new(soundworld,1.0,tmp_location);
778                 if(!now_e->rasptr){
779                         Con_Printf("S_StartSound_OnEnt: could not create a new sound source\n");
780                         return -1;
781                 }
782         }
784         //Ok now lets look for the channel.
785         channel_begin(&prev_c,&now_c);
786         while(now_c){
787                 if(
788                         now_c->entnum==entnum &&
789                         now_c->entchannel==entchannel
790                 ) break;
791                 channel_next(&prev_c,&now_c);
792         }
794         if(now_c){ //O dear the channel excists ....
795                 S_KillChannel(now_c);
796         }else{ //We found no channel .... So we need to make a new one ...
797                 channel_new_smart(&prev_c,&now_c);
798                 now_c->entnum    =entnum;
799                 now_c->entchannel=entchannel;
800                 if(!now_c){
801                         Con_Printf("S_StartSound_OnEnt: could not make new channel_t\n");
802                         channel_delete_and_next(&prev_c,&now_c);
803                         return -1;
804                 }
805         }
807         //Lets start the sound on the acquired sound source and channel
808         now_c->rasptr=ras_soundevent_new(
809                 soundworld,now_e->rasptr,sfx->rasptr,fvol*DP_Ras_VolumeScale,1.0
810         );
811         if(!now_c->rasptr){ //Whoops, failed, lets delete this channel then.
812                 channel_delete_and_next(&prev_c,&now_c);
813                 Con_Printf("S_StartSound_OnEnt: could not make a new soundevent.\n");
814                 return -1;
815         }
816         return now_c->id;
817 }
818 int S_StartSound_OnLocation (sfx_t *sfx, vec3_t origin, float fvol, float attenuation){
819          entnum_t *prev_e, *now_e;
820         channel_t *prev_c, *now_c;
821         Location tmp_location[3];
822         DP_To_Ras_Location(origin,tmp_location);
824          entnum_new      (&prev_e,&now_e);
825         VectorCopy(now_e->lastloc,origin);
826         now_e->entnum=-1;
827         now_e->rasptr=ras_soundsource_new(soundworld,1.0,tmp_location);
828         if(!now_e->rasptr){
829                 Con_Printf("S_StartSound_OnLocation: Could not make a new soundsource.\n");
830                 entnum_delete_and_next(&prev_e,&now_e);
831                 return -1;
832         }
833         channel_new_smart(&prev_c,&now_c);
834         now_c->entnum=-1;
835         now_c->entchannel=-1;
836         now_c->rasptr =ras_soundevent_new(soundworld,now_e->rasptr,sfx->rasptr,fvol*DP_Ras_VolumeScale,1.0);
837         if(!now_c->rasptr){
838                  entnum_delete_and_next(&prev_e,&now_e);
839                 channel_delete_and_next(&prev_c,&now_c);
840                 Con_Printf("S_StartSound_OnLocation: Could not make a new soundevent.\n");
841                 return -1;
842         }
843         return now_c->id;
844 }
847 // Qantourisc on the wicked-quake-sound-system:
848 // --------------------------------------------
849 // entnum can be Zero or lower => This means "use the origin" so it's not tracked.
850 // entnum -1 is a "world" containing more then 1 soundsource.
851 // If channel !=  0 try to overwrite the requested channel. Otherwise play it on some random channel.
852 // If channel == -1 overwrite the first track of the ent.
853 // If a channel replacement is requested, only allow overwriting if it's owned by the same channel.
854 // If no channel can be replaced, pick a new one.
855 // Also when you overwrite a channel, that one has to stop dead.
856 // This function returns the channel it was played on (so it can be stopped later)
857 // This starts CD-music: S_StartSound (-1, 0, sfx, vec3_origin, cdvolume, 0);
858 // The channel you return then, can later be requested to be stopped.
860 int S_StartSound (int entnum, int entchannel, sfx_t *sfx, vec3_t origin, float fvol, float attenuation){
861         sfx_t *prev_s,*now_s;
862         int sfx_ok;
863         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll && soundworld){
864                 #ifdef RAS_PRINT
865                 Con_Printf("Called S_StartSound %i, %i, %f, %f\n",entnum,entchannel,fvol,attenuation);
866                 #endif
867                 if(sfx==NULL){ // They pass this to me ... but WHY ? it makes no sense !
868                         #ifdef RAS_PRINT
869                         Con_Printf("S_StartSound: forgot to mention a sfx!\n");
870                         #endif
871                         return -1;
872                 }
874                 sfx_ok=0;
875                 sfx_begin(&prev_s,&now_s);
876                 while(now_s){
877                         if(now_s==sfx){
878                                 sfx_ok=1;
879                                 break;
880                         }
881                         sfx_next(&prev_s,&now_s);
882                 }
883                 if(!sfx_ok){
884                         Con_Printf("S_StartSound: passed illegal sfx_t!\n");
885                         return -1;
886                 }
887                 if (!S_LoadSound(sfx,true)) return -1;
890                 if(entnum!=-1){ //If we are talking about an ent
891                         return S_StartSound_OnEnt(entnum,entchannel,sfx,fvol,attenuation);
892                 }else{
893                         return S_StartSound_OnLocation(      sfx,origin,fvol,attenuation);
894                 }
895         }
896         Con_Printf("S_StartSound: engine not stated\n");
897         return -1;
898 }
899 qboolean S_LocalSound (const char *s){
900         sfx_t   *sfx;
901         int             ch_ind;
902         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
903                 #ifdef RAS_PRINT
904                 Con_Printf("Called S_LocalSound %s\n",s);
905                 #endif
907                 sfx = S_PrecacheSound (s, true, false);
908                 if (!sfx)
909                 {
910                         Con_Printf("S_LocalSound: can't precache %s\n", s);
911                         return false;
912                 }
914                 // Local sounds must not be freed
915                 sfx->flags |= SFXFLAG_PERMANENTLOCK;
916                 #ifdef RAS_PRINT
917                 Con_Printf("S_LocalSound: this is still a small hack\n");
918                 #endif
919                 ch_ind = S_StartSound (cl.viewentity, 0, sfx, listener_location, 1, 0);
920                 if (ch_ind < 0)
921                         return false;
923                 //channels[ch_ind].flags |= CHANNELFLAG_LOCALSOUND;
924                 return true;
925         }
926         return 0;
927 }
928 void S_StaticSound (sfx_t *sfx, vec3_t origin, float fvol, float attenuation){
929         //Static sounds should not be looped
930         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
931                 #ifdef RAS_PRINT
932                 Con_Printf("Called S_StaticSound\n");
933                 Con_Printf("Waiting on Qantourisc to add Static sounds in his lib.\n");
934                 #endif
935                 //Static sounds are sounds that are not pauzed, and or played locally.
936         }
937 }
938 void S_StopSound (int entnum, int entchannel){
939         channel_t *prev, *now;
940         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
941                 //Con_Printf("Called S_StopSound %i, %i\n",entnum,entchannel);
942                 channel_begin(&prev,&now);
943                 while(now){
944                         if(now->entnum==entnum && now->entchannel==entchannel) break;
945                         channel_next(&prev,&now);
946                 }
947                 if(now){ //If we found our to delete sound.
948                         S_KillChannel(now);
949                         channel_delete_and_next(&prev,&now);
950                 }else{
951                         Con_Printf("S_StopSound: Could not find the requested entnum-entchannel sound\n");
952                 }
953         }
954 }
955 void S_StopAllSounds (void){
956         channel_t *prev, *now;
957         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
958                 //Con_Printf("Called S_StopAllSounds\n");
959                 channel_begin(&prev,&now);
960                 while(now){
961                         S_KillChannel(now);
962                         channel_next(&prev,&now);
963                 }
964         }
965 }
966 void S_PauseGameSounds (qboolean toggle){
967         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
968                 Con_Printf("Called S_PauseGameSounds %i\n",toggle);
969                 //Localsounds should not be pauzed
970         }
971 }
972 void S_StopChannel (unsigned int channel_ind){
973         channel_t *prev,*now;
974         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
975                 channel_begin(&prev,&now);
976                 while(now){
977                         if(now->id==channel_ind){
978                                 S_KillChannel(now);
979                                 channel_delete_and_next(&prev,&now);
980                         }else{
981                                 channel_next(&prev,&now);
982                         }
983                 }
984         }
985 }
986 qboolean S_SetChannelFlag (unsigned int ch_ind, unsigned int flag, qboolean value){
987         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
988                 Con_Printf("Called S_SetChannelFlag %u, %u, %i\n",ch_ind, flag, value);
989         }
990         return 0;
991 }
992 void S_SetChannelVolume (unsigned int ch_ind, float fvol){
993         channel_t *prev,*now;
994         if(ras_version>0 && ras_dll){
995                 Con_Printf("Called S_SetChannelVolume %u, %f\n",ch_ind, fvol);
996                 channel_begin(&prev,&now);
997                 while(now){
998                         if(now->id==ch_ind){
999                                 if(now->rasptr){
1000                                         ras_soundevent_setsoundpower(now->rasptr,fvol*DP_Ras_VolumeScale);
1001                                 }else{
1002                                         Con_Printf("S_StopChannel: Warning pointer was 0 ... this indicates a bug.\n");
1003                                 }
1004                         }
1005                         channel_next(&prev,&now);
1006                 }
1007         }
1008 }
1010 void S_BlockSound (void){
1011         soundblocked++;
1012 }
1013 void S_UnblockSound (void){
1014         soundblocked--;
1015         if(soundblocked<0){
1016                 Con_Printf("S_UnblockSound: Requested more S_UnblockSound then S_BlockSound.\n");
1017         }
1018 }
1020 int S_GetSoundRate (void){
1021         Con_Printf("Inside 3DRAS, the soundrate of the end-user is NONE of the dev's concern.\n");
1022         Con_Printf("So let's assume 44100.\n");
1023         return 44100;
1024 }