]> icculus.org git repositories - divverent/nexuiz.git/blob - data/scripts/racetrack.shader
midi2cfg-ng: new command syntax, support multiple MIDIs (yet to be tested)
[divverent/nexuiz.git] / data / scripts / racetrack.shader
1 race/cliff\r
2 {\r
3         qer_editorimage textures/race/cliff02.tga\r
4         \r
5         q3map_nonplanar\r
6         q3map_shadeangle 120\r
7         q3map_globalTexture\r
8         q3map_lightmapsampleoffset 10\r
9         q3map_alphaMod dotproduct2 ( 0 0 0.80 )\r
10         {\r
11                 map textures/race/cliff02.tga   // Primary\r
12                 tcmod scale 2 2\r
13                 rgbGen identity\r
14         }\r
15         {\r
16                 map textures/race/ground.tga    // Secondary\r
17                 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA\r
18                 tcmod scale 2 2\r
19                 rgbGen identity\r
20                 alphaGen vertex\r
21         }\r
22         {\r
23                 map $lightmap\r
24                 blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO\r
25                 rgbGen identity\r
26         }\r
27 }\r
28 \r
29 textures/race/track02\r
30 {\r
31  qer_editorimage textures/race/track02.tga\r
32                 {\r
33                 map $lightmap\r
34                 rgbGen identity\r
35             }\r
36 \r
37  {\r
38         map textures/race/track02.tga\r
39  }\r
40 }\r
41 \r
42 \r
43 textures/race/tunel01\r
44 {\r
45  qer_editorimage textures/race/tunel01.tga\r
46                 {\r
47                 map $lightmap\r
48                 rgbGen identity\r
49             }\r
50  {\r
51         map textures/race/tunel01.tga\r
52  }\r
53 }\r
54 \r
55 race/clouds1\r
56 {\r
57 qer_editorimage textures/race/cloud1.tga\r
58  {\r
59         map textures/race/cloud1.tga\r
60         tcMod scroll 0.03 0\r
61         blendfunc blend\r
62  }\r
63 }\r
64 race/clouds2\r
65 {\r
66 qer_editorimage textures/race/cloud2.tga\r
67  {\r
68         map textures/race/cloud2.tga\r
69         tcMod scroll 0.021 0\r
70         blendfunc blend\r
71  }\r
72 }\r
73 race/clouds3\r
74 {\r
75 qer_editorimage textures/race/cloud3.tga\r
76  {\r
77         map textures/race/cloud3.tga\r
78         tcMod scroll 0.011 0\r
79         blendfunc blend\r
80  }\r
81 }\r
82 \r
83 race/arrow\r
84 {\r
85 qer_editorimage textures/race/arrow.tga\r
86  {\r
87         map textures/race/arrow.tga\r
88         tcMod scroll 0 2\r
89         blendfunc add\r
90  }\r
91 }\r
92 \r
93 textures/race/nicesky\r
94 {\r
95         qer_editorimage env/med-troubadour-gray/med-troubadour-gray_up.tga\r
96         surfaceparm noimpact\r
97         surfaceparm nolightmap\r
98         surfaceparm sky\r
99         surfaceparm nomarks\r
100         q3map_sunExt .5 .5 .7 100 0 86 3 16\r
101         q3map_skylight 150 3\r
102         skyparms env/med-troubadour-gray/med-troubadour-gray - -\r
103 }