13 // if true, the entire trace was in solid
15 // if true, the initial point was in solid
17 // if true, the trace passed through empty somewhere
19 // if true, the trace passed through water somewhere
21 // fraction of the total distance that was traveled before impact
22 // (1.0 = did not hit anything)
26 // surface normal at impact
28 // entity the surface is on
30 // if not zero, treats this value as empty, and all others as solid (impact
33 // the contents that was hit at the end or impact point
38 void Collision_RoundUpToHullSize(const model_t *cmodel, const vec3_t inmins, const vec3_t inmaxs, vec3_t outmins, vec3_t outmaxs);
39 void Collision_Init (void);
40 void Collision_ClipTrace (trace_t *trace, const void *cent, const model_t *cmodel, const vec3_t corigin, const vec3_t cangles, const vec3_t cmins, const vec3_t cmaxs, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end);