/*QUAKED _skybox (0.77 0.88 1.0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4) Compiler-only entity that specifies a the origin of a skybox (a wholly contained, seperate area of the map), similar to some games' portal skies. When compiled with Q3Map2, the skybox surfaces will be visible from any place where sky is normally visible. It will cast shadows on the normal parts of the map, and can be used with cloud layers and other effects. As it is compiler-only, it can't "scale up" entities in its box. To use this, carve a small box in some larger structure on your map, place this entity inside that box hole, and make a small version on what should be seen in the sky there. -------- KEYS -------- angle : rotation angle of the sky surfaces. angles : Individual control of PITCH, YAW, and ROLL (default 0 0 0). _scale : scaling factor (default 64), good values are between 50 and 300, depending on the map. */ /*QUAKED dom_controlpoint (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) Domination controlpoint In order to get Domination working well in your map, you need to place %:dom_team: and dom_controlpoint entites. You *must* have at least 3 %:dom_team: entities - 2 minimum teams and one blank one (empty netname and no team). You can have up to 4 teams (5 %:dom_team: entities). -------- KEYS -------- message : message to be displayed to all players when this point is captured, preceded by the team's name. This defaults to " has captured a control point". You can specify different names for each point, for example " has captured the Lava Room". wait : How often this point gives its controlling team frags. frags : How many frags this point gives each wait cycle. */ /*QUAKED dom_team (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) Domination team. In order to get Domination working well in your map, you need to place dom_team and %:dom_controlpoint: entites. You *must* have at least 3 dom_team entities - 2 minimum teams and one blank one (empty netname and no team). You can have up to 4 teams (5 dom_team entities). -------- KEYS -------- netname : name of team (Red Team). Set to "" or don't define for the required blank team. cnt : color of the team. See the "Helpful Extras" section for info. model : When this team captures control points, the points turn to this model. If this is the neutral team, points start out as this model. noise : Sound to be played on the control point when it's captured. Only players nearby will hear it. noise1 : Sound to be played to all players when the control point is captured. Also good for an annoncer voice ("Red Team has captured a control point") */ /*QUAKED func_assault_destructible (.5 0 .5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) This is a brush model which can be damaged. Once triggered it's active and will happily receive damage players inflict upon it. Once all health is consumed it'll disappear and trigger the targeted entity/entities. As damage is received the brush model will be tinted in an increasingly visible flavor of red to give visible feedback. -------- KEYS -------- health : The damage this trigger can take target : The entity/entities to be triggered once this entity gets invisible targetname : The name other entities can use to target this entity */ /*QUAKED func_assault_wall (.5 0 .5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) Brush model that'll disappear once the targeted %:target_objective: is fulfilled. This can be used to restrict access to parts of the map until a certain objective has been conquered. -------- KEYS -------- target : targetname of a %:target_objective: */ /*QUAKED func_bobbing (0 .5 .8) ? X_AXIS Y_AXIS Solid entity that oscillates back and forth in a linear motion. By default, it will have an amount of displacement in either direction equal to the dimension of the brush in the axis in which it's bobbing. Entity bobs on the Z axis (up-down) by default. It can also emit sound if the "noise" key is set. Will crush the player when blocked. -------- KEYS -------- speed : amount of time in seconds for one complete oscillation cycle (default 4). height : sets the amount of travel of the oscillation movement (default 32). phase : sets the start offset of the oscillation cycle. Values must be 0 < phase < 1. Any integer phase value is the same as no offset (default 0). noise : path/name of .wav file to play. Use looping sounds only (eg. sound/world/drone6.wav - See Notes). dmg : damage a player who gets crushed by it receives dmgtime : interval to apply dmg to a player who is s in the way message : death message when a player gets crushed -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- X_AXIS : entity will bob along the X axis. Y_AXIS : entity will bob along the Y axis. */ /*QUAKED func_button (0 .5 .8) ? When a button is touched by a player, it moves in the direction set by the "angle" key, triggers all its targets, stays pressed by an amount of time set by the "wait" key, then returns to it's original position where it can be operated again. -------- KEYS -------- angle : determines the direction in which the button will move (up = -1, down = -2). target : all entities with a matching targetname will be triggered. speed : speed of button's displacement (default 40). wait : number of seconds button stays pressed (default 1, -1 = return immediately). lip : lip remaining at end of move (default 4 units). health : (default 0) if set to any non-zero value, the button must take damage (any amount) to activate. */ /*QUAKED func_door (0 .5 .8) ? START_OPEN - DOOR_DONT_LINK - - TOGGLE Normal sliding door entity. By default, the door will activate when player walks close to it or when damage is inflicted to it. If DOOR_DONT_LINK is not set, the door will be linked with all doors it touches. -------- KEYS -------- message : is printed when the door is touched if it is a trigger door and it hasn't been fired yet angle : determines the opening direction targetname : if set, no touch field will be spawned and a remote button or trigger field activates the door. health : if set, door must be shot open speed : movement speed (100 default) wait : wait before returning (3 default, -1 = never return) lip : lip remaining at end of move (8 default) dmg : damage to inflict when blocked (2 default) sounds : when 1, use default door sounds noise1 : sound when the door opens noise2 : sound when the door closes -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- START_OPEN : causes the door to move to its destination when spawned, and operate in reverse. It is used to temporarily or permanently close off an area when triggered (not usefull for touch or takedamage doors). DOOR_DONT_LINK : the door won't link with another door it touches TOGGLE : causes the door to wait in both the start and end states for a trigger event. */ /*QUAKED func_door_secret (0 .5 .8) ? OPEN_ONCE 1ST_LEFT 1ST_DOWN NO_SHOOT ALWAYS_SHOOT Basic secret door. Slides back, then to the side. Angle determines direction. Opens when targeted or when shot; does not create its own trigger field like %:func_door: does. -------- KEYS -------- wait : # of seconds before coming back key1 : first entity key with one-line description key2 : second entity key with one-line description t_width : override WIDTH to move back (or height if going down) t_length : override LENGTH to move sideways dmg : damage to inflict when blocked (2 default) message : text to display when activating the door noise1 : sound when opening backwards or closing noise2 : sound when opening sideways noise3 : sound when stopping -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- OPEN_ONCE : only work once, then stay open 1ST_LEFT : 1st move is left of arrow 1ST_DOWN : 1st move is down from arrow NO_SHOOT : never respond to shots ALWAYS_SHOOT : even if targetname is set, respond to shots */ /*QUAKED func_ladder (0 .5 .8) ? a ladder, need i say no more grab a trigger brush and put it infront of the part that you want the player to climb */ /*QUAKED func_plat (0 .5 .8) ? - - CRUSH Rising platform the player can ride to reach higher places. Plats must always be drawn in the raised position, so they will operate and be lighted correctly but they spawn in the lowered position. The plat will stay in the raised position until the player steps off. -------- KEYS -------- speed : determines how fast the plat moves (default 150). lip : lip remaining at end of move (default 16). Has no effect if "height" is set. height : if set, this will determine the total amount of vertical travel of the plat. dmg : damage to inflict on player when he blocks operation of plat. Plat will reverse direction when blocked. targetname : if set, the trigger that points to this will lower the plat each time it fires. The plat lowers and lifts someone up later. sounds : 2 for alternate sound set, -1 for silence, or use the fields below sound1 : platform starts moving sound sound2 : platform stop sound message : kill message, when someone gets killed by this plat -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- CRUSH : crush players hit by the platform instantly -------- NOTES -------- By default, the total amount of vertical travel of a platform is implicitly determined by the overall vertical size of the brushes of which it's made minus the lip value. But if the "height" key is used, then the total amount of vertical travel of the plat will be exactly that value regardless of the shape and size of the plat and regardless of the value of the "lip" key. Using the "height" key is the best method for any kind of platforms and the only possible one for thin plats which need to travel vertical distances many times their own thickness. Setting the origin key is simply an alternate method to using an origin brush. When using the model2 key, the origin point of the model will correspond to the origin point defined by either the origin brush or the origin coordinate value. */ /*QUAKED func_rotating (0 .5 .8) ? - - X_AXIS Y_AXIS Brush entity that spins in place on one axis (default Z). Use an origin brush to specify define the rotation axis. To rotate around another axis, make a %:func_wall: with an explicit avelocity given. -------- KEYS -------- speed : speed to rotate (in degrees per second) noise : path/name of looping .wav file to play. dmg : Do this mutch dmg every .dmgtime intervall when blocked dmgtime : See above. (0.25s default) message : kill message when crushed by this -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- X_AXIS : rotate around the X axis Y_AXIS : rotate around the Y axis */ /*QUAKED func_stardust (.5 .5 .5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) Point entity with EF_STARDUST applied. This will spawn a particle cloud with mostly golden particles. Used as eye-candy. */ /*QUAKED func_train (0 .5 .8) ? Trains are moving solids that follow a cycle of %:path_corner: entities. Origin brushes are NOT supported; they use the "mins" corner as reference (that is, lowest x, y, and z coordinates). At each node, the train's mins corner hits exactly the %:path_corner:. Trains always start on in the game. Trains do not damage the played when blocked. Trains cannot emit sound. Trains are not triggerable or toggle-able. Trains cannot be block-stopped just by getting in their way, the player must be wedged between the train and another obstacle to block it. -------- KEYS -------- speed : default/initial speed of train (default 100 or overridden by speed value of targeted %:path_corner:) target : targetname of first %:path_corner: to move to at the default speed; ideally, this %:path_corner: shall be exactly where the train starts */ /*QUAKED func_wall (0 .5 .8) ? A solid brush entity. Behaves just like solid brushes, except that it is a separate entity (a submodel) and can be targeted. -------- KEYS -------- targetname : when invoking it by a button etc., it changes the color to the initiator of the action (e.g. the one pressing a button). In Onslaught, this can be used to color control points for team who owns them. In other game types, this can be used as a fun feature. */ /*QUAKED info_location (1 1 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) Location for use by the %l escape in "say" messages. The closest "visible" %:info_location: entity is chosen to find the right location name for a point. -------- KEYS -------- message : name of location, possibly with color codes */ /*QUAKED info_null (0 .5 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) Aiming target for entities like _decal. -------- KEYS -------- targetname : the entity that requires an aiming direction points to this. */ /*QUAKED info_player_attacker (1 0.5 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 45) Attacking team's player spawning location in Assault. Should touch the floor, but not the walls, and should point where the player should look when he spawns there. -------- KEYS -------- cnt : weight of spawnpoint for random selection. Set to a lower value if you have many spawnpoints close together. Default value is 1. */ /*QUAKED info_player_deathmatch (0 1 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 45) Normal player spawning location in game types without team spawns. Should touch the floor, but not the walls, and should point where the player should look when he spawns there. -------- KEYS -------- cnt : weight of spawnpoint for random selection. Set to a lower value if you have many spawnpoints close together. Default value is 1. targetname : when targeted by a %:func_button:, pressing the button will assign the spawnpoint to the team of the activator as an additional spawnpoint, or reassign it if it was already assigned. Also used to assign spawnpoints to Onslaught control points. */ /*QUAKED info_player_defender (.5 .5 .5) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 45) Defending team's player spawning location in Assault. Should touch the floor, but not the walls, and should point where the player should look when he spawns there. -------- KEYS -------- cnt : weight of spawnpoint for random selection. Set to a lower value if you have many spawnpoints close together. Default value is 1. */ /*QUAKED info_player_team1 (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 45) Red team's player spawning location in e.g. CTF and Onslaught. Should touch the floor, but not the walls, and should point where the player should look when he spawns there. -------- KEYS -------- cnt : weight of spawnpoint for random selection. Set to a lower value if you have many spawnpoints close together. Default value is 1. targetname : when targeted by a %:func_button:, pressing the button will reassign the spawnpoint to the team of the activator. If a team has no more spawnpoint left, it immediately loses. */ /*QUAKED info_player_team2 (0 0 1) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 45) Blue team's player spawning location in e.g. CTF and Onslaught. Should touch the floor, but not the walls, and should point where the player should look when he spawns there. -------- KEYS -------- cnt : weight of spawnpoint for random selection. Set to a lower value if you have many spawnpoints close together. Default value is 1. targetname : when targeted by a %:func_button:, pressing the button will reassign the spawnpoint to the team of the activator. If a team has no more spawnpoint left, it immediately loses. */ /*QUAKED info_player_team3 (1 1 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 45) Yellow team's player spawning location, but there is no game mode to use this yet. Anyway, should touch the floor, but not the walls, and should point where the player should look when he spawns there. -------- KEYS -------- cnt : weight of spawnpoint for random selection. Set to a lower value if you have many spawnpoints close together. Default value is 1. targetname : when targeted by a %:func_button:, pressing the button will reassign the spawnpoint to the team of the activator. If a team has no more spawnpoint left, it immediately loses. */ /*QUAKED info_player_team4 (1 0 1) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 45) Pink team's player spawning location, but there is no game mode to use this yet. Anyway, should touch the floor, but not the walls, and should point where the player should look when he spawns there. -------- KEYS -------- cnt : weight of spawnpoint for random selection. Set to a lower value if you have many spawnpoints close together. Default value is 1. targetname : when targeted by a %:func_button:, pressing the button will reassign the spawnpoint to the team of the activator. If a team has no more spawnpoint left, it immediately loses. */ /*QUAKED item_armor_large (.4 .8 .4) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING Large Armor (default 100 armor points) -------- KEYS -------- respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 30) armorvalue : amount of armor it gives (default: 100 (g_pickup_armorlarge)) max_armorvalue : max of armor it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_armorlarge_max)) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/items/g_a25.md3" */ /*QUAKED item_armor_medium (.4 .8 .4) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING Medium Armor (default 25 armor points) -------- KEYS -------- respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 30) armorvalue : amount of armor it gives (default: 25 (g_pickup_armormedium)) max_armorvalue : max of armor it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_armormedium_max)) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/items/g_armormedium.md3" */ /*QUAKED item_armor_small (.4 .8 .4) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING Small Armor (default 5 armor points) -------- KEYS -------- respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 15) armorvalue : amount of armor it gives (default: 5 (g_pickup_armorsmall)) max_armorvalue : max of armor it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_armorsmall_max)) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/items/g_a1.md3" */ /*QUAKED item_bullets (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING Machine Gun ammo -------- KEYS -------- ammo_nails : bullets gained by this item (if unset, g_pickup_nails is used) respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 15) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/items/a_bullets.mdl" */ /*QUAKED item_cells (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING Nex, Electro and Crylink ammo -------- KEYS -------- ammo_cells : cells gained by this item (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used) respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 15) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/items/a_cells.md3" */ /*QUAKED item_flag_team1 (1 0 0) (-48 -48 -37) (48 48 37) CTF flag for team one (Red). Use more than one if you really insist. -------- KEYS -------- model : model to use scale : scaling factor (DO set this when using your own model!) noise : sound played when flag is picked up noise1 : sound played when flag is returned noise2 : sound played when flag is captured noise3 : sound played when flag is lost in the field and respawns itself */ /*QUAKED item_flag_team2 (0 0 1) (-48 -48 -37) (48 48 37) CTF flag for team two (Blue). Use more than one if you really insist. -------- KEYS -------- model : model to use scale : scaling factor (DO set this when using your own model!) noise : sound played when flag is picked up noise1 : sound played when flag is returned noise2 : sound played when flag is captured noise3 : sound played when flag is lost in the field and respawns itself */ /*QUAKED item_health_large (.8 .4 .4) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING Large Health (default 50 health points) -------- KEYS -------- respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 15) health : amount of health it gives (default: 50 (g_pickup_healthlarge)) max_health : max of health it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_healthlarge_max)) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/items/g_h50.md3" */ /*QUAKED item_health_medium (.8 .4 .4) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING Medium Health (default 25 health points) -------- KEYS -------- respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 15) health : amount of health it gives (default: 25 (g_pickup_healthmedium)) max_health : max of health it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_healthmedium_max)) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/items/g_h25.md3" */ /*QUAKED item_health_mega (.8 .4 .4) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING Mega Health (default 100 health points) In Minstagib, this randomly turns into either an invisibility, an extra lives or a speed powerup with a default respawn time of 120. -------- KEYS -------- respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 30) health : amount of health it gives (default: 100 (g_pickup_healthmega)) max_health : max of health it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_healthmega_max)) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/items/g_h100.md3" */ /*QUAKED item_health_small (.8 .4 .4) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING Small Health (default 5 health points) -------- KEYS -------- respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 15) health : amount of health it gives (default: 5 (g_pickup_healthsmall)) max_health : max of health it increases to (default: 5 (g_pickup_healthsmall_max)) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/items/g_h1.md3" */ /*QUAKED item_invincible (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING Strong Shield In Minstagib, this randomly turns into either an invisibility, an extra lives or a speed powerup with a default respawn time of 120. -------- KEYS -------- respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 120) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/items/g_invincible.md3" */ /*QUAKED item_minst_cells (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING Minstagib ammo. Always contains 5 (g_minstagib_ammo_drop) shots. It only appears when playing Minstagib and prevents auto-replacement of %:weapon_nex: & %:weapon_rocketlauncher: when used. -------- KEYS -------- respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 45) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/items/a_cells.md3" */ /*QUAKED item_rockets (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING Rocket Launcher, Hagar and Mortar ammo -------- KEYS -------- ammo_rockets : rockets gained by this item (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used) respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 15) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/items/a_rockets.md3" */ /*QUAKED item_shells (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING Shotgun ammo -------- KEYS -------- ammo_shells : shells gained by this item (if unset, g_pickup_shells is used) respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 15) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/items/a_shells.md3" */ /*QUAKED item_strength (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING Strength aka Quad damage In Minstagib, this randomly turns into either an invisibility, an extra lives or a speed powerup with a default respawn time of 120. -------- KEYS -------- respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 120) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/items/g_strength.md3" */ /*QUAKED light (.65 .65 1) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) LINEAR NOANGLE - - NOGRIDLIGHT Non-displayed point light source. The -pointscale and -scale arguments to Q3Map2 affect the brightness of these lights. The -skyscale argument affects brightness of entity sun lights. -------- KEYS -------- light : overrides the default 300 intensity. _color : weighted RGB value of light color (default white - 1.0 1.0 1.0). target : Lights pointed at a target will be spotlights. radius : overrides the default 64 unit radius of a spotlight at the target point. -------- Q3MAP2 KEYS -------- _sun : Set this key to 1 on a spotlight to make an infinite sun light. fade : Fades light attenuation. Only affects linear lights. scale : Scales light attentation, from SOF2/JK2. Scales the "light" value. -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- LINEAR : Use a linear falloff. Default is inverse distance squared (more realistic). NOANGLE : Ignore angle attenuation. NOGRIDLIGHT : Do not affect the lightgrid (dynamic entity lighting). */ /*QUAKED misc_laser (.5 .5 .5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) Laser beam emitter -------- KEYS -------- target : %:target_position: the laser targets (may be another entity, the laser will then target its origin. Use origin brushes, that is!) mdl : name of particle effect for the beam (see effectinfo.txt; default is misc_laser_beam) dmg : damage inflicted by the beam per second, or -1 for an instant-death ray wait : delay between laser scans (beam refreshes/hurts) */ /*QUAKED misc_models (0 .5 .8) ? A nonsolid brush entity, or a way to load models from a map (e.g. self-animated zym models). Behaves just like nonsolid brushes otherwise. The keys below actually apply to most brush entities as they are engine features; however, they are described here as they aren't overridden by game code in misc_models. -------- KEYS -------- model : when used as a point entity, file name of model to load; when used as a brush entity, do not specify that skin : number of skin to load (when model is used) movetype : way in which it moves: one of 0 = NONE, 1 = ANGLENOCLIP, 2 = ANGLECLIP, 3 = WALK, 4 = STEP, 5 = FLY, 6 = TOSS, 7 = PUSH, 8 = NOCLIP, 9 = FLYMISSILE, 10 = BOUNCE, 11 = BOUNCEMISSILE solid : solidity: one of 0 = NOT, 1 = TRIGGER, 2 = BBOX, 3 = SLIDEBOX, 4 = BSP, 5 = CORPSE avelocity : vector giving its angular velocity (useful for spinning models) frame : animation frame to play (for self-animated zym models) scale : scale factor of the model (range: 0.0625 to 15.9375) colormap : 1024 + 16 * pantscolor + shirtcolor velocity : when movetype isn't 0, initial velocity vector angles : initial looking direction effects : sum of 1 = BRIGHTFIELD, 4 = BRIGHTLIGHT, 8 = DIMLIGHT, 32 = ADDITIVE, 64 = BLUE, 128 = RED, 512 = FULLBRIGHT, 1024 = FLAME, 2048 = STARDUST, 4096 = NOSHADOW, 8192 = NODEPTHTEST, 32768 = DOUBLESIDED, 8388608 = NOMODELFLAGS (ignores the following coming from a model file), 16777216 = ROCKET, 33554432 = GRENADE, 67108864 = GIB, 134217728 = ROTATE, 268435456 = TRACER, 536870912 = ZOMGIB, 1073741824 = TRACER2, -2147483648 = TRACER3 */ /*QUAKED misc_teleporter_dest (1 .5 .25) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 45) Teleport destination location point for %:trigger_teleport: entities. Do not let it touch the floor, but place it slightly higher (like, 16 units above) for better flow when jumping through it. -------- KEYS -------- targetname : make the trigger_teleporter point to this. angle : direction in which player will look when teleported, OR use angles : pitch and yaw when coming out of the teleporter (also specifies the direction the player will aim when coming out) */ /*QUAKED onslaught_controlpoint (0 .5 .8) (-32 -32 0) (32 32 128) Control point. Be sure to give this enough clearance so that the shootable part has room to exist This should link to an onslaught_controlpoint entity or %:onslaught_generator: entity. -------- KEYS -------- targetname : name that %:onslaught_link: entities will use to target this. target : target any entities that are tied to this control point, such as vehicles and buildable structure entities. message : name of this control point (should reflect the location in the map, such as "center bridge", "north tower", etc) */ /*QUAKED onslaught_generator (0 .5 .8) (-32 -32 -24) (32 32 64) Base generator. %:onslaught_link: entities can target this. -------- KEYS -------- team : team that owns this generator (5 = red, 14 = blue, etc), MUST BE SET. targetname : name that %:onslaught_link: entities will use to target this. */ /*QUAKED onslaught_link (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) Link between control points. This entity targets two different %:onslaught_controlpoint: or %:onslaught_generator: entities, and suppresses shielding on both if they are owned by different teams. -------- KEYS -------- target : first control point. target2 : second control point. */ /*QUAKED path_corner (.5 .3 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) Path corner entity that %:func_train: will follow. All path_corner entities of a train have to connect in a circular manner, while the %:func_train: shall point to one of the path_corners (ideally the one at the train's starting point) -------- KEYS -------- target : point to next path_corner in the path. targetname : the train following the path or the previous path_corner in the path points to this. speed : speed of %:func_train: while moving to this path corner. If unset, the value from the %:func_train: will be used. wait : number of seconds %:func_train: will pause on this path corner before moving to next path corner (default: 0.1; to not wait, set this to something like 0.001) */ /*QUAKED runematch_spawn_point (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) Spawnpoint for runes in a runematch. */ /*QUAKED target_assault_roundend (1 0 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) This entity ends the current assault round if triggered or if the timelimit is reached. Ending a round means swapping attacker/defender teams, resetting objectives and rewarding the winning team. Every assault map needs this entity. There should only be one per map. -------- KEYS -------- health : Time in seconds how long a round in assault shall last. Default is 300 seconds. targetname : Name to target this entity */ /*QUAKED target_assault_roundstart (.5 0 .5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) This entity triggers its targets whenever a new assault round is started. This can be usued to e.g. activate the first objective. -------- KEYS -------- target : targetname of the entity/entities to be triggered */ /*QUAKED target_objective (.5 0 .5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) target_objective controls an objective. Once triggered the objective is active and has 100 "health" points. If this "health" falls below zero it is assumed this objective has been fulfilled and entities targeted will be triggered (e.g. to activate the next objective or to end this round). Use %:target_objective_decrease: to decrease the objective health. -------- KEYS -------- target : targetname of the entity to be triggered once this objective is fulfilled. targetname : targetname for this entitiy so it can be triggered by other entities. */ /*QUAKED target_objective_decrease (0 1 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) When triggered decreases health of the targeted %:target_objective: by the amount specified in dmg. Remember, %:target_objective: has 100 health points and is considered conquered if health falls below zero. If you want e.g. two events to happen to conquer an objective you'd need two target_objective_decrease, each with a value for cnt of e.g. 51. To show attackers and defenders where to go, target_objective_decrease will show a fitting sprite ("Defend" to defenders, "Destroy"/"Push" to attackers) which can be seen through walls. -------- KEYS -------- target : The targetname of the %:target_objective: you want to manipulate. targetname : Name for other entities to target this entity. dmg : The amount of "health"-points you want to subtract from the objective health. Defaults to 101. -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- */ /*QUAKED target_position (0 .5 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) Aiming target for entities like %:light: and %:trigger_push:. -------- KEYS -------- targetname : the entity that requires an aiming direction points to this. */ /*QUAKED trigger_impulse (.5 .5 .5) ? An accelerator/dampener/wind field. Can be used in two ways: "dampener field": just set strength to a value from 0 to 1. Entering the field will slow down to this factor. "accelerator field": just set strength to a value from 1 to infinity. Entering the field will accelerate by this factor. "wind field": set strength to the amount of velocity to add per second, and target a %:target_position:. The field will apply force in the direction from its own origin to the target (use an origin brush to specify its own origin, or this will fail) when touched. -------- KEYS -------- target : "wind field": points to the %:target_position: to which the player will get pushed. strength : "wind field": amount of force per second to apply in direction from origin to target. "dampener/accelerator field": slowdown/speedup factor. */ /*QUAKED trigger_push (1 .5 0) ? Jump pad. What else? Can be used in three ways: Nexuiz "target/height" way: put the %:target_position: where the player should land, and tune height to get a nice jump path. A good starting value for height is 100. Q3A "target" way: put the %:target_position: at the apex of the jump, and hope the player will land at the right spot. Good luck. Quake "movedir/speed" way: player will get velocity movedir * speed * 10 when using the jump pad -------- KEYS -------- target : point the player will fly to when using the jump pad (use a %:target_position: here) height : if height is 0, the (player's origin at the) apex of the jump will be at the target; otherwise, the apex will be abs(height) above the higher point of player's origin and the target; if positive, the apex will be reached in the jump from initial origin to target movedir : when target is not set, direction vector to push to speed : speed of jump pad (default: 1000) noise : sound to play when jump pad is used; default is misc/jumppad.wav; you can set it to "" to make the pad silent */ /*QUAKED trigger_teleport (.5 .5 .5) ? Touching this will teleport players to the location of the targeted %:misc_teleporter_dest: entity. Note that in Nexuiz, teleporters preserve momentum of the player using them. -------- KEYS -------- target : this must point to a %:misc_teleporter_dest: entity. */ /*QUAKED weapon_crylink (1 0 .5) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING the Crylink -------- KEYS -------- ammo_cells : initial cells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used) respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 15) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/weapons/g_crylink.md3" */ /*QUAKED weapon_electro (1 0 .5) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING the Electro -------- KEYS -------- ammo_cells : initial cells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used) respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 15) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/weapons/g_electro.md3" */ /*QUAKED weapon_grenadelauncher (1 0 .5) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING the Mortar -------- KEYS -------- ammo_rockets : initial rockets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used) respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 15) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/weapons/g_gl.md3" */ /*QUAKED weapon_hagar (1 0 .5) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING the Hagar -------- KEYS -------- ammo_rockets : initial rockets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used) respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 15) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/weapons/g_hagar.md3" */ /*QUAKED weapon_nex (1 0 .5) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING the Nex In Minstagib, this turns into an %:item_minst_cells: if no explicit %:item_minst_cells: have been placed. -------- KEYS -------- ammo_cells : initial cells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used) respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 15 * g_balance_nex_respawntime_modifier) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/weapons/g_nex.md3" */ /*QUAKED weapon_rocketlauncher (1 0 .5) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING the Rocket Launcher In Minstagib, this turns into an %:item_minst_cells: if no explicit %:item_minst_cells: have been placed. -------- KEYS -------- ammo_rockets : initial rockets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used) respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 15) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/weapons/g_rl.md3" */ /*QUAKED weapon_shotgun (1 0 .5) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING the Shotgun -------- KEYS -------- ammo_shells : initial shells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_shells is used) respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 15) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/weapons/g_shotgun.md3" */ /*QUAKED weapon_uzi (1 0 .5) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) FLOATING the Machine Gun -------- KEYS -------- ammo_nails : initial bullets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_nails is used) respawntime : time till it respawns (default: 15) -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING : the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- model="models/weapons/g_uzi.md3" */