#!/bin/sh if test "$1" = "ubuntu"; then APPEND="ubuntu1"; else if test "$1" = "debian"; then APPEND=""; else echo "Usage: makedeb [ubuntu|debian]"; exit 1; fi fi # get the version from configure.ac VERSION=$(grep AC_INIT\(\\\[obconf\\] configure.ac|cut -d [ -f 3-|cut -d ] -f 1) echo echo "Building deb for obconf-$VERSION-0$APPEND" echo TIME="$(date '+%a, %d %B %Y %T %z')" IN=debian/changelog.in OUT=debian/changelog # make sure configure gets run with the right parameters make distclean > /dev/null || rm -f config.status rm -f $OUT sed -e "s!@time@!$TIME!" -e "s!@version@!$VERSION-0$APPEND!" $IN >$OUT && \ fakeroot debian/rules binary && \ make distclean > /dev/null