In addition to d2x, you need some data files to play. On un*x, these files need to go into a shared data directory (/usr/local/share/games/d2x by default). On Windows or DOS, they go in the same directory as the d2x binary. Base Installation ----------------- The base install depends on which version of the datafiles you have. d2x currently supports the full version, the OEM version (Destination: Quartzon), the PC shareware version, and the Mac shareware version. Place these files into your shared data dir: Full Version: alien1.pig alien2.pig descent2.ham descent2.hog descent2.s11 descent2.s22 fire.pig groupa.pig ice.pig water.pig OEM Version: descent2.ham descent2.hog descent2.s11 descent2.s22 fire.pig groupa.pig ice.pig water.pig PC Shareware: d2demo.ham d2demo.hog d2demo.pig Mac Shareware: d2demo.ham d2demo.hog d2demo.pig descent2.s11 exit.ham d2.mn2 Mission Installation -------------------- d2x should be able to play any missions for Descent 1 or Descent 2, including the original Descent 1 mission (Descent: First Strike) In order to play any add-on missions, you need to have a full set of textures. That is, your base installation above must be the "Full Version", the "OEM Version", or the "Mac Shareware" version. To install an additional mission, just place the .hog and the .msn or .mn2 file into your missions directory. The missions directory can be inside the system-wide data dir, or your $HOME/.d2x dir. d2x will look in both places. To install the mission from Descent 1: Place these files into your missions directory: descent.hog descent.msn (distributed with d2x) Vertigo Installation -------------------- Vertigo consists of both game enhancements (codenamed HOARD) and an additional mission. To install HOARD, place hoard.ham in your data dir. To play the vertigo mission, place d2x.hog and d2x.mn2 in your mission dir. Notes ----- In unix, the filenames must be in _lower case_. It's important. It is not necessary to run the D2 setup program to extract the files you need, just use unarj to extract the files from descent2.sow on the cd. If you use the mac data files, and they are not auto-detected (colors come out wrong), use the -macdata switch.