float last_weapon; float activeweapon; float weapontime; float sb_lines; // still don't know what to do with that NOTE: check dp's sbar.c to see what that should be vector sbar; vector sbar_fontsize; float sbar_alpha_fg; float sbar_hudselector; entity sortedPlayers; entity sortedTeams; .float sb_frags; .float sb_team; .float sb_player; .float sb_caps; entity team1, team2, team3, team4, teamspec; void CSQC_kh_hud(); void CSQC_ctf_hud(); void MapVote_Draw(); void Sbar_FinaleOverlay() { /*vector pos; pos_x = (vid_conwidth - 1)/2; pos_y = 16; pos_z = 0;*/ //drawpic(pos, "gfx/finale", '0 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); //drawstring(pos, "END", sbar_fontsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); MapVote_Draw(); } void Sbar_DrawWeapon(float nr, float fade, float active) { vector pos, vsize, color; float value; value = (active) ? 1 : 0.6; color_x = color_y = color_z = value; if(sbar_hudselector == 1) { // width = 300, height = 100 const float w_width = 32, w_height = 12, w_space = 2, font_size = 8; pos_x = (vid_conwidth - w_width * 9) * 0.5 + w_width * nr; pos_y = (vid_conheight - w_height); pos_z = 0; vsize_x = w_width; vsize_y = w_height; vsize_z = 0; drawpic(pos, strcat("gfx/inv_weapon", ftos(nr)), vsize, color, value * fade * sbar_alpha_fg, 0); pos_x += w_space; pos_y += w_space; vsize_x = font_size; vsize_y = font_size; vsize_z = 0; drawstring(pos, ftos(nr+1), vsize, '1 1 0', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); } else { // width = 300, height = 100 const float w2_width = 300, w2_height = 100, w2_space = 10; const float w2_scale = 0.4; pos_x = vid_conwidth - (w2_width + w2_space) * w2_scale; pos_y = (w2_height + w2_space) * w2_scale * nr + w2_space; pos_z = 0; vsize_x = w2_width * w2_scale; vsize_y = w2_height * w2_scale; vsize_z = 0; drawpic(pos, strcat("gfx/inv_weapon", ftos(nr)), vsize, color, value * fade * sbar_alpha_fg, 0); } } void Sbar_DrawXNum (vector pos, float num, float digits, float lettersize, vector rgb, float a, float dflags) { float l, i; string str, tmp; float minus; vector vsize; vsize_x = vsize_y = lettersize; vsize_z = 0; if(num < 0) { minus = true; num = -num; pos_x -= lettersize; } else minus = false; if(digits < 0) { tmp = ftos(num); digits = -digits; str = strcat(substring("0000000000", 0, digits - strlen(tmp)), tmp); } else str = ftos(num); l = strlen(str); if(l > digits) { str = substring(str, l-digits, 999); l = strlen(str); } else if(l < digits) pos_x += (digits-l) * lettersize; if(minus) { drawpic(sbar + pos, "gfx/num_minus", vsize, rgb, a * sbar_alpha_fg, dflags); pos_x += lettersize; } for(i = 0; i < l; ++i) { drawpic(sbar + pos, strcat("gfx/num_", substring(str, i, 1)), vsize, rgb, a * sbar_alpha_fg, dflags); pos_x += lettersize; } } float Sbar_PlayerCmp(entity l, entity r) { if(teamplay) { if(l.sb_team > r.sb_team) return true; else if(l.sb_team > r.sb_team) return false; if(gametype == GAME_CTF) { if(l.sb_caps > r.sb_caps) return true; else if(l.sb_caps < r.sb_caps) return false; } } if(l.sb_frags > r.sb_frags) return true; else if(l.sb_frags < r.sb_frags) return false; return (l.sb_player > r.sb_player); } float Sbar_TeamCmp(entity l, entity r) { if(gametype == GAME_CTF) { if(l.sb_caps > r.sb_caps) return true; else if(l.sb_caps < r.sb_caps) return false; } if(l.sb_frags > r.sb_frags) return true; else if(l.sb_frags < r.sb_frags) return false; return (l.sb_player > r.sb_player); } void Sbar_Init() { sortedPlayers = Sort_New(Sbar_PlayerCmp); sortedTeams = Sort_New(Sbar_TeamCmp); team1 = Sort_Next(sortedTeams); team1.sb_team = COLOR_TEAM1; team2 = Sort_Next(sortedTeams); team2.sb_team = COLOR_TEAM2; team3 = Sort_Next(sortedTeams); team3.sb_team = COLOR_TEAM3; team4 = Sort_Next(sortedTeams); team4.sb_team = COLOR_TEAM4; teamspec = Sort_Next(sortedTeams); teamspec.sb_team = COLOR_SPECTATOR; } void Sbar_UpdatePosFrags(entity player) { other = player.sort_prev; while(other != sortedPlayers && player.sb_frags > other.sb_frags) { SORT_SWAP(other, player); other = player.sort_prev; } other = player.sort_next; while(other && player.sb_frags < other.sb_frags) { SORT_SWAP(player, other); other = player.sort_next; } } void Sbar_UpdatePosFragsCTF(entity player) { other = player.sort_prev; while(other != sortedPlayers && player.sb_frags > other.sb_frags && player.sb_caps == other.sb_caps) { SORT_SWAP(other, player); other = player.sort_prev; } other = player.sort_next; while(other && player.sb_frags < other.sb_frags && player.sb_caps == other.sb_caps) { SORT_SWAP(player, other); other = player.sort_next; } } void Sbar_UpdatePosCaps(entity player) { other = player.sort_prev; while(other != sortedPlayers && player.sb_caps > other.sb_caps) { SORT_SWAP(other, player); other = player.sort_prev; } other = player.sort_next; while(other && player.sb_caps < other.sb_caps) { SORT_SWAP(player, other); other = player.sort_next; } // let it update the frags now too, so if we have more frags then the next guy with the same caps // we beat his ass :) player.sb_frags -= 1; } void Sbar_UpdatePosTeam(entity player) { player.sb_caps -= 1; // team change needs a full update other = player.sort_prev; while(other != sortedPlayers && player.sb_team > other.sb_team) { SORT_SWAP(other, player); other = player.sort_prev; } other = player.sort_next; while(other && player.sb_team < other.sb_team) { SORT_SWAP(player, other); other = player.sort_next; } } void Sbar_UpdatePlayer(entity player) { float i; if(player.sb_frags == -666) i = COLOR_SPECTATOR; else i = GetPlayerColor(player.sb_player); if(player.sb_team != i) { player.sb_team = i; Sbar_UpdatePosTeam(player); } if(gametype == GAME_CTF) { i = stof(bufstr_get(databuf, DATABUF_CAPTURES + player.sb_player)); if(player.sb_caps != i) { player.sb_caps = i; Sbar_UpdatePosCaps(player); } i = stof(getplayerkey(player.sb_player, "frags")); if(player.sb_frags != i) { player.sb_frags = i; Sbar_UpdatePosFragsCTF(player); } } else { i = stof(getplayerkey(player.sb_player, "frags")); if(player.sb_frags != i) { player.sb_frags = i; Sbar_UpdatePosFrags(player); } } } void Sbar_UpdateTeamPosCaps(entity tm) { other = tm.sort_prev; while(other != sortedTeams && tm.sb_caps > other.sb_caps) { SORT_SWAP(other, tm); other = tm.sort_prev; } other = tm.sort_next; while(other && tm.sb_caps < tm.sb_caps) { SORT_SWAP(tm, other); other = tm.sort_next; } } void Sbar_UpdateTeamPosFrags(entity tm) { other = tm.sort_prev; while(other != sortedTeams && tm.sb_caps == other.sb_caps && tm.sb_frags > other.sb_frags) { SORT_SWAP(other, tm); other = tm.sort_prev; } other = tm.sort_next; while(other && tm.sb_caps == other.sb_caps && tm.sb_frags < other.sb_frags) { SORT_SWAP(tm, other); other = tm.sort_next; } } void Sbar_SortFrags() { float i; entity tmp; float t1f, t2f, t3f, t4f; Sort_Reset(sortedPlayers); numteams = 0; if(teamplay) { Sort_Reset(sortedTeams); tmp = Sort_Next(sortedTeams); team1.sb_player = 0; team2.sb_player = 0; team3.sb_player = 0; team4.sb_player = 0; teamspec.sb_player = 0; t1f = team1.sb_frags; t2f = team2.sb_frags; t3f = team3.sb_frags; t4f = team4.sb_frags; team1.sb_frags = 0; team2.sb_frags = 0; team3.sb_frags = 0; team4.sb_frags = 0; for(i = 0; i < maxclients; ++i) { if(strlen(getplayerkey(i, "name")) <= 0) continue; Sort_Reset(sortedPlayers); tmp = NULL; while(Sort_HasNext(sortedPlayers)) { tmp = Sort_Next(sortedPlayers); if(tmp.sb_player == i) break; } if(!tmp || tmp.sb_player != i) tmp = Sort_Next(sortedPlayers); tmp.sb_player = i; tmp.frame = time; Sbar_UpdatePlayer(tmp); switch(tmp.sb_team) { case COLOR_TEAM1: team1.sb_frags += tmp.sb_frags; team1.sb_player++; break; case COLOR_TEAM2: team2.sb_frags += tmp.sb_frags; team2.sb_player++; break; case COLOR_TEAM3: team3.sb_frags += tmp.sb_frags; team3.sb_player++; break; case COLOR_TEAM4: team4.sb_frags += tmp.sb_frags; team4.sb_player++; break; case COLOR_SPECTATOR: teamspec.sb_frags += tmp.sb_frags; teamspec.sb_player++; break; } if(i == player_localentnum-1) myteam = tmp.sb_team; } if(team1.sb_player) ++numteams; if(team2.sb_player) ++numteams; if(team3.sb_player) ++numteams; if(team4.sb_player) ++numteams; if(team1.sb_caps != caps_team1) { team1.sb_caps = caps_team1; Sbar_UpdateTeamPosCaps(team1); } if(team2.sb_caps != caps_team2) { team2.sb_caps = caps_team2; Sbar_UpdateTeamPosCaps(team2); } if(team1.sb_frags != t1f) Sbar_UpdateTeamPosFrags(team1); if(team2.sb_frags != t2f) Sbar_UpdateTeamPosFrags(team2); if(team3.sb_frags != t3f) Sbar_UpdateTeamPosFrags(team3); if(team4.sb_frags != t4f) Sbar_UpdateTeamPosFrags(team4); } else { for(i = 0; i < maxclients; ++i) { if(strlen(getplayerkey(i, "name")) <= 0) continue; Sort_Reset(sortedPlayers); tmp = NULL; while(Sort_HasNext(sortedPlayers)) { tmp = Sort_Next(sortedPlayers); if(tmp.sb_player == i) break; } if(!tmp || tmp.sb_player != i) tmp = Sort_Next(sortedPlayers); tmp.sb_player = i; tmp.frame = time; Sbar_UpdatePlayer(tmp); } } Sort_RemoveOld(sortedPlayers); } void Cmd_Sbar_Help(float argc) { print("You can modify the scoreboard using the\n"); print("^3|---------------------------------------------------------------|\n"); print("^2sbar_columns^7 cvar and the ^2sbar_columns_set command.\n"); print("^2sbar_columns^7 specifies the default layout and\n"); print("^2sbar_columns_set^7 actually changes the layout.\n"); print("You can call ^2sbar_columns_set^7 with the new layout\n"); print("as parameters, or eithout parameters it will read the cvar.\n\n"); print("Usage:\n"); print("^2sbar_columns_set ^7filed1 field2 ...\n"); print("Fields which are not relevant to the current gametype\n"); print("won't be displayed\n\n"); print("The following field names are recognized (case INsensitive):\n"); print("^3name^7 or ^3nick^7 Name of a player\n"); print("^3caps^7 or ^3captures^7 Number of flags captured\n"); print("^3rets^7 or ^3returns^7 Number of flags returned\n"); print("^3frags^7 or ^3kills^7 Frags\n"); print("^3deaths^7 or ^3dths^7 Number of deaths\n"); print("^3kd^7 or ^3kdr^7 or ^3kdratio^7 or ^3k/d\n"); print(" The kill-death ratio\n"); print("^3ping^7 Ping time\n\n"); print("You can use a ^3|^7 to start the right-aligned fields.\n"); print("Example: ping name | caps rets frags k/d\n"); print("This will put the ping and the name on the left side.\n"); print("The captures, returns, frags and kill-death ratio will be\n"); print("rendered beginning on the right side.\n"); } #define MIN_NAMELEN 24 #define MAX_NAMELEN 24 void Cmd_Sbar_SetFields(float argc) { float i; string str; float digit; if(argc < 2) argc = tokenize(strcat("x ", cvar_string("sbar_columns"))); argc = min(MAX_SBAR_FIELDS, argc); sbar_num_fields = 0; drawfont = sbar_font; digit = stringwidth("0123456789", FALSE) / 10; for(i = 0; i < argc-1; ++i) { str = argv(i+1); strunzone(sbar_title[i]); sbar_title[i] = strzone(str); sbar_size[i] = stringwidth(str, FALSE); str = strtolower(str); if(str == "ping") { sbar_field[i] = SBF_PING; } else if(str == "name" || str == "nick") { sbar_field[i] = SBF_NAME; sbar_size[i] = MIN_NAMELEN; // minimum size? any use? } else if(str == "caps" || str == "captures") { if(sbar_size[i] < 3*digit) sbar_size[i] = 3*digit; sbar_field[i] = SBF_CAPS; } else if(str == "rets" || str == "returns") { if(sbar_size[i] < 3*digit) sbar_size[i] = 3*digit; sbar_field[i] = SBF_RETS; } else if(str == "frags" || str == "kills") { if(sbar_size[i] < 5*digit) sbar_size[i] = 5*digit; sbar_field[i] = SBF_FRAGS; } else if(str == "deaths" || str == "dths") { if(sbar_size[i] < 5*digit) sbar_size[i] = 5*digit; sbar_field[i] = SBF_DEATHS; } else if(str == "kdratio") { sbar_field[i] = SBF_KDRATIO; } else if(str == "kdr" || str == "k/d") { sbar_field[i] = SBF_KDRATIO; } else if(str == "kd") { sbar_field[i] = SBF_KDRATIO; } else if(str == "|") { sbar_field[i] = SBF_SEPARATOR; } else { print(strcat("^1Error:^7 Unknown score field: '", str, "'\n")); --sbar_num_fields; } ++sbar_num_fields; } sbar_field[i] = SBF_END; } vector sbar_field_rgb; string Sbar_GetField(entity pl, float field) { float tmp; string str; sbar_field_rgb = '1 1 1'; switch(field) { case SBF_PING: str = bufstr_get(databuf, DATABUF_PING + pl.sb_player); tmp = max(0, min(220, stof(str)-80)) / 220; sbar_field_rgb = '1 1 1' - '0 1 1'*tmp; return str; case SBF_NAME: return getplayerkey(pl.sb_player, "name"); case SBF_CAPS: return ftos(pl.sb_caps); case SBF_RETS: return bufstr_get(databuf, DATABUF_RETURNS + pl.sb_player); case SBF_FRAGS: return ftos(pl.sb_frags); case SBF_DEATHS: return bufstr_get(databuf, DATABUF_DEATHS + pl.sb_player); case SBF_KDRATIO: tmp = stof(bufstr_get(databuf, DATABUF_DEATHS + pl.sb_player)); if(tmp == 0) { sbar_field_rgb = '0 1 0'; str = ftos(pl.sb_frags); } else if(pl.sb_frags <= 0) { sbar_field_rgb = '1 0 0'; str = ftos(pl.sb_frags / tmp); } else str = ftos(pl.sb_frags / tmp); tmp = strstrofs(str, ".", 0); if(tmp > 0) str = substring(str, 0, tmp+2); return str; } } #define SBAR_DEFAULT_MASK 0 #define SBAR_MASK_SPECTATORS 1 float Sbar_IsFieldMasked(float field, float mask) { if(mask&1) // spectator return (field != SBF_NAME && field != SBF_PING); if(gametype != GAME_CTF) { if(field == SBF_CAPS || field == SBF_RETS) return true; } return false; } // shamelessly stolen from menu QC :P <- as if I would steal YOUR code pfft ;) float textLengthUpToWidth(string theText, float maxWidth, float handleColors) { // STOP. // The following function is SLOW. // For your safety and for the protection of those around you... // DO NOT CALL THIS AT HOME. // No really, don't. if(stringwidth(theText, handleColors) <= maxWidth) return strlen(theText); // yeah! // binary search for right place to cut string float left, right, middle; // this always works left = 0; right = strlen(theText); // this always fails do { middle = floor((left + right) / 2); if(stringwidth(substring(theText, 0, middle), handleColors) <= maxWidth) left = middle; else right = middle; } while(left < right - 1); // NOTE: when color codes are involved, this binary search is, // mathematically, BROKEN. However, it is obviously guaranteed to // terminate, as the range still halves each time - but nevertheless, it is // guaranteed that it finds ONE valid cutoff place (where "left" is in // range, and "right" is outside). return left; } string textShortenToWidth(string theText, float maxWidth, float handleColors) { if(stringwidth(theText, handleColors) <= maxWidth) return theText; else return strcat(substring(theText, 0, textLengthUpToWidth(theText, maxWidth - stringwidth("...", handleColors), handleColors)), "..."); } float xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, sbwidth, sbheight; void Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(vector pos, entity pl, float is_self, float mask) { vector tmp; string str; float i, field, len; // Layout: tmp_z = 0; if(is_self) { tmp_x = sbwidth; tmp_y = sbar_fontsize_y; drawfill(pos - '1 1', tmp + '2 2', '1 1 1', 0.3, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } tmp_y = 0; for(i = 0; i < sbar_num_fields; ++i) { field = sbar_field[i]; if(field == SBF_SEPARATOR) break; if(Sbar_IsFieldMasked(field, mask)) continue; str = Sbar_GetField(pl, field); if(field == SBF_NAME) { float realsize; float j; realsize = sbar_size[i]; if(i+1 < sbar_num_fields) if(sbar_field[i+1] == SBF_SEPARATOR) { realsize = (xmax - xmin) / sbar_fontsize_x; for(j = 0; j < sbar_num_fields; ++j) if(j != i) if(sbar_field[j] != SBF_SEPARATOR) realsize -= sbar_size[j] + 1; realsize += 1; } str = textShortenToWidth(str, realsize, TRUE); } len = stringwidth(str, TRUE); if(sbar_size[i] < len) sbar_size[i] = len; pos_x += sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_size[i] + sbar_fontsize_x; if(field == SBF_NAME) { tmp_x = sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_size[i] + sbar_fontsize_x; drawcolorcodedstring(pos - tmp, str, sbar_fontsize, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { tmp_x = len*sbar_fontsize_x + sbar_fontsize_x; drawstring(pos - tmp, str, sbar_fontsize, sbar_field_rgb, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } if(sbar_field[i] == SBF_SEPARATOR) { pos_x = xmax; for(i = sbar_num_fields-1; i > 0; --i) { field = sbar_field[i]; if(field == SBF_SEPARATOR) break; if(Sbar_IsFieldMasked(field, mask)) continue; str = Sbar_GetField(pl, field); if(field == SBF_NAME) str = textShortenToWidth(str, sbar_size[i], TRUE); len = stringwidth(str, TRUE); if(sbar_size[i] < len) sbar_size[i] = len; if(field == SBF_NAME) { tmp_x = sbar_fontsize_x*len; // left or right aligned? let's put it right... drawcolorcodedstring(pos - tmp, str, sbar_fontsize, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { tmp_x = sbar_fontsize_x*len; //strlen(str); drawstring(pos - tmp, str, sbar_fontsize, sbar_field_rgb, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } pos_x -= sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_size[i] + sbar_fontsize_x; } } } void Sbar_DrawScoreboard() { //float xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; vector rgb, pos, tmp, sbar_save; entity pl, tm; float specs, i; float center_x; sbar_fontsize = Sbar_GetFontsize(); if(sbar_fontsize_x == 0) sbar_fontsize = '8 8 0'; if(sbar_fontsize_y == 0) sbar_fontsize_y = sbar_fontsize_x; xmin = vid_conwidth / 5; ymin = 20; xmax = vid_conwidth - xmin; ymax = vid_conheight - 0.2*vid_conheight; sbwidth = xmax - xmin; sbheight = ymax - ymin; center_x = xmin + 0.5*sbwidth; //Sbar_UpdateFields(); // Initializes position //pos_x = xmin; pos_y = ymin; pos_z = 0; // Heading drawfont = sbar_font; pos_x = center_x - stringwidth("Scoreboard", TRUE)*0.5*24; drawstring(pos, "Scoreboard", '24 24', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_x = xmin; pos_y += 24 + 4; // Titlebar background: tmp_x = sbwidth; tmp_y = sbar_fontsize_y; drawfill(pos - '1 1', tmp + '2 2', '0.5 0.5 0.5', 0.5, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); for(i = 0; i < sbar_num_fields; ++i) { if(Sbar_IsFieldMasked(sbar_field[i], SBAR_DEFAULT_MASK)) continue; if(sbar_field[i] == SBF_SEPARATOR) break; drawstring(pos, sbar_title[i], sbar_fontsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_x += sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_size[i] + sbar_fontsize_x; } if(sbar_field[i] == SBF_SEPARATOR) { pos_x = xmax + sbar_fontsize_x; tmp_y = tmp_z = 0; for(i = sbar_num_fields-1; i > 0; --i) { if(Sbar_IsFieldMasked(sbar_field[i], SBAR_DEFAULT_MASK)) continue; if(sbar_field[i] == SBF_SEPARATOR) break; pos_x -= sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_size[i] + sbar_fontsize_x; /** * FTEQCC BUG! * Using the following line will fuck it all up: ** * tmp_x = sbar_size[i] - strlen(sbar_title[i])*8; */ tmp_x = sbar_fontsize_x*sbar_size[i]; tmp_x -= stringwidth(sbar_title[i], FALSE)*sbar_fontsize_x; drawstring(pos + tmp, sbar_title[i], sbar_fontsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } pos_x = xmin; pos_y += 1.5 * sbar_fontsize_y; sbar_save = sbar; sbar = '0 0 0'; if(teamplay) { for(tm = sortedTeams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next) { if(!tm.sb_player || tm.sb_team == COLOR_SPECTATOR) // no players in it? continue; rgb = GetTeamRGB(tm.sb_team); pos_x = xmin - 4*24; if(gametype == GAME_CTF) { if(tm.sb_team == COLOR_TEAM1) Sbar_DrawXNum(pos, caps_team1, 4, 24, rgb, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else if(tm.sb_team == COLOR_TEAM2) Sbar_DrawXNum(pos, caps_team2, 4, 24, rgb, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_x = xmin - 4*10; Sbar_DrawXNum(pos + '0 24', tm.sb_frags, 4, 10, rgb, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_x = xmin; } else Sbar_DrawXNum(pos, tm.sb_frags, 4, 24, rgb, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_x = xmin; // abuse specs as playerounter specs = 0; for(pl = sortedPlayers.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next) { if(pl.sb_team == tm.sb_team) ++specs; } if(specs < 2) specs = 2; if(gametype == GAME_CTF && specs < 4) specs = 4; tmp_x = sbwidth; tmp_y = 1.25 * sbar_fontsize_y * specs; drawfill(pos - '1 1', tmp + '2 0', rgb, 0.2, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); for(pl = sortedPlayers.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next) { if(pl.sb_team != tm.sb_team) continue; Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(pos, pl, (pl.sb_player == player_localentnum - 1), SBAR_DEFAULT_MASK); pos_y += 1.25 * sbar_fontsize_y; tmp_y -= 1.25 * sbar_fontsize_y; } pos_y += tmp_y + 1.5 * sbar_fontsize_y; } // rgb := tempvector :) rgb = pos + '0 1.5 0' * sbar_fontsize_y; pos_y += 3 * sbar_fontsize_y; specs = 0; for(pl = sortedPlayers.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next) { if(pl.sb_team != COLOR_SPECTATOR) continue; //drawcolorcodedstring(pos, getplayerkey(pl.sb_player, "name"), '8 8 0', 1, 0); Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(pos, pl, (pl.sb_player == player_localentnum - 1), SBAR_MASK_SPECTATORS); pos += '0 1.25 0' * sbar_fontsize_y; ++specs; } if(specs) drawstring(rgb, "Spectators", sbar_fontsize, '1 1 1', 1, 0); } else { pos_x = xmin; for(pl = sortedPlayers.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next) { if(pl.sb_team == COLOR_SPECTATOR) continue; Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(pos, pl, (pl.sb_player == player_localentnum - 1), SBAR_DEFAULT_MASK); pos_y += 1.25 * sbar_fontsize_y; tmp_y -= 1.25 * sbar_fontsize_y; } // rgb := tempvector :) rgb = pos + '0 1.5 0' * sbar_fontsize_y; pos_y += 3 * sbar_fontsize_y; specs = 0; for(pl = sortedPlayers.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next) { if(pl.sb_team != COLOR_SPECTATOR) continue; //drawcolorcodedstring(pos, getplayerkey(pl.sb_player, "name"), '8 8 0', 1, 0); Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(pos, pl, (pl.sb_player == player_localentnum - 1), SBAR_MASK_SPECTATORS); pos += '0 1.25 0' * sbar_fontsize_y; ++specs; } if(specs) drawstring(rgb, "Spectators", sbar_fontsize, '1 1 1', 1, 0); } sbar = sbar_save; } void Sbar_Score(float margin) { float timelimit, timeleft, minutes, seconds, distribution, myplace; vector sbar_save, place; entity tm, pl, me; sbar_save = sbar; sbar_y = vid_conheight - (32+12); sbar_x -= margin; place = '-48 -12 0'; if(teamplay) { // Layout: // // team1 team3 team4 // // TEAM2 //for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) for(tm = sortedTeams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next) { if(tm.sb_team == COLOR_SPECTATOR || !tm.sb_player) // no players? don't display continue; // -32*4 = -128 if(tm.sb_team == myteam) Sbar_DrawXNum('-128 0', tm.sb_frags, 4, 32, GetTeamRGB(tm.sb_team), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else { Sbar_DrawXNum(place, tm.sb_frags, 4, 12, GetTeamRGB(tm.sb_team), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); place_x -= 4*12; } } } else { // me vector := [team/connected frags id] myplace = 0; for(me = sortedPlayers.sort_next; me; me = me.sort_next) { if(me.sb_team != COLOR_SPECTATOR) ++myplace; if(me.sb_player == player_localentnum - 1) break; } pl = sortedPlayers.sort_next; if(pl == me) pl = pl.sort_next; if(pl && myplace != 1) { distribution = me.sb_frags - pl.sb_frags; } else if(pl) { distribution = me.sb_frags - pl.sb_frags; } else distribution = 0; if(myplace == 1) Sbar_DrawXNum('-36 -12', myplace, 3, 12, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else if(myplace == 2) Sbar_DrawXNum('-36 -12', myplace, 3, 12, '1 1 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else Sbar_DrawXNum('-36 -12', myplace, 3, 12, '1 0 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(distribution >= 0) { Sbar_DrawXNum('-84 -12', distribution, 4, 12, ' 1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); Sbar_DrawXNum('-128 0', me.sb_frags, 4, 32, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(distribution >= -5) { Sbar_DrawXNum('-84 -12', distribution, 4, 12, ' 1 1 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); Sbar_DrawXNum('-128 0', me.sb_frags, 4, 32, '1 1 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { Sbar_DrawXNum('-84 -12', distribution, 4, 12, ' 1 0 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); Sbar_DrawXNum('-128 0', me.sb_frags, 4, 32, '1 0 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } timelimit = getstatf(STAT_TIMELIMIT); if(timelimit) { timeleft = max(0, timelimit * 60 - time); minutes = floor(timeleft / 60); seconds = floor(timeleft - minutes*60); if(minutes >= 5) { Sbar_DrawXNum('-72 32', minutes, 3, 12, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(sbar + '-36 32', "gfx/num_colon", '12 12', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); Sbar_DrawXNum('-24 32', seconds, -2, 12, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(minutes >= 1) { Sbar_DrawXNum('-72 32', minutes, 3, 12, '1 1 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(sbar + '-36 32', "gfx/num_colon", '12 12', '1 1 0', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); Sbar_DrawXNum('-24 32', seconds, -2, 12, '1 1 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { Sbar_DrawXNum('-24 32', seconds, -2, 12, '1 0 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } else { minutes = floor(time / 60); seconds = floor(time - minutes*60); Sbar_DrawXNum('-72 32', minutes, 3, 12, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(sbar + '-36 32', "gfx/num_colon", '12 12', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); Sbar_DrawXNum('-24 32', seconds, -2, 12, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } sbar = sbar_save; } void Sbar_MiniscoreItem(vector pos, entity pl, float is_self) { float x; pos_x += 72; if(teamplay) drawfill(pos + '0 1 0', '40 6 0', GetTeamRGB(pl.sb_team)*0.5, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawfill(pos + '0 1 0', '40 6 0', '0.5 0.5 0.5', 0.5, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); x = pos_x; pos_x += 5*8; pos_x -= stringwidth(ftos(pl.sb_frags), FALSE)*8; drawstring(pos, ftos(pl.sb_frags), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_x = x; if(is_self) { pos_x += 48; drawstring(pos, "\x0D", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_x += 8; } else pos_x += 56; drawcolorcodedstring(pos, getplayerkey(pl.sb_player, "name"), '8 8 0', 1, 0); } void Sbar_MiniscoreTeamItem(vector pos, float color, float frags, float is_self) { float x; pos_x += 72; if(teamplay) drawfill(pos + '0 1 0', '40 6 0', GetTeamRGB(color)*0.5, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawfill(pos + '0 1 0', '40 6 0', '0.5 0.5 0.5', 0.5, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); x = pos_x; pos_x += 5*8; pos_x -= stringwidth(ftos(frags), FALSE)*8; drawstring(pos, ftos(frags), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_x = x; if(is_self) { pos_x += 48; drawstring(pos, "\x0D", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_x += 8; } else pos_x += 56; drawstring(pos, GetTeamName(color), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } void Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay(vector pos) { float numlines, up, down; entity me, tm, pl; float miniscoreboard_size; miniscoreboard_size = cvar("sbar_miniscoreboard_size"); if(miniscoreboard_size == 0) return; pos_y = vid_conheight - 8; if(miniscoreboard_size < 0) numlines = (vid_conheight - sbar_y + 7) / 8; else numlines = miniscoreboard_size; // give up if there isn't enough room if(pos_x >= vid_conwidth || pos_y >= vid_conheight || numlines < 1) return; // me vector := [team/connected frags id] for(me = sortedPlayers.sort_next; me; me = me.sort_next) { if(me.sb_player == player_localentnum - 1) break; } if(teamplay) numlines -= numteams; // figure out how many players above and below we can show up = floor(numlines/2); down = up; if((up + down) > numlines) down = numlines - up; // render bottom-up for(pl = me.sort_next; pl && down > 0; pl = pl.sort_next) { if(pl.sb_team == COLOR_SPECTATOR) continue; Sbar_MiniscoreItem(pos, pl, false); pos_y -= 9; --down; } Sbar_MiniscoreItem(pos, me, true); pos_y -= 9; up += down; // if there weren't enough lines below... add them for(pl = me.sort_prev; pl != sortedPlayers && up > 0; pl = pl.sort_prev) { if(pl.sb_team == COLOR_SPECTATOR) continue; Sbar_MiniscoreItem(pos, pl, false); pos_y -= 9; --up; } if(teamplay) { for(tm = sortedTeams.sort_next; tm.sort_next; tm = tm.sort_next); for(; tm != sortedTeams; tm = tm.sort_prev) { if(!tm.sb_player || tm.sb_team == COLOR_SPECTATOR) // no players? continue; Sbar_MiniscoreTeamItem(pos, tm.sb_team, tm.sb_frags, (tm.sb_team == me.sb_team)); pos_y -= 9; } } } void Sbar_Draw (void) { float i; float x, fade; float stat_items; Sbar_SortFrags(); sb_lines = 24; if (sb_showscores) Sbar_DrawScoreboard(); else if (intermission == 1) { Sbar_DrawScoreboard(); return; } else if (intermission == 2) Sbar_FinaleOverlay(); else { if (sb_showscores || (getstati(STAT_HEALTH) <= 0 && cvar("cl_deathscoreboard"))) { sbar_x = (vid_conwidth - 640.0)*0.5; sbar_y = vid_conheight - 47; //Sbar_DrawAlphaPic (sbar_x, sbar_y, sb_scorebar, sbar_alpha_bg.value); //drawpic('0 0', "gfx/scorebar", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', cvar("sbar_alpha_bg"), 0); Sbar_DrawScoreboard (); } else { if (sb_lines && sbar_hudselector == 1) { stat_items = getstati(STAT_ITEMS); sbar_x = (vid_conwidth - 320.0)*0.5; sbar_y = vid_conheight - 24.0 - 16.0; sbar_z = 0; fade = 3.2 - 2 * (time - weapontime); fade = bound(0.7, fade, 1); x = 1.0; for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if(stat_items & x) { Sbar_DrawWeapon(i+1, fade, (i + 2 == activeweapon)); } x *= 2; } x *= 2*2*2*2; if(stat_items & x) { Sbar_DrawWeapon(0, fade, (activeweapon == 1)); } // armor x = getstati(STAT_ARMOR); if (x > 0) { // "gfx/sb_armor" //Sbar_DrawStretchPic (72, 0, sb_armor[0], sbar_alpha_fg.value, 24, 24); drawpic(sbar + '72 0', "gfx/sb_armor", '24 24 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); if(x > 200) Sbar_DrawXNum('0 0', x, 3, 24, '0 1 0', 1, 0); else if(x > 100) Sbar_DrawXNum('0 0', x, 3, 24, '0.2 1 0', 1, 0); else if(x > 50) Sbar_DrawXNum('0 0', x, 3, 24, '0.6 0.7 0.8', 1, 0); else if(x > 25) Sbar_DrawXNum('0 0', x, 3, 24, '1 1 0.2', 1, 0); else Sbar_DrawXNum('0 0', x, 3, 24, '0.7 0 0', 1, 0); } // health x = getstati(STAT_HEALTH); if (x != 0) { // "gfx/sb_health" //Sbar_DrawStretchPic (184, 0, sb_health, sbar_alpha_fg.value, 24, 24); drawpic(sbar + '184 0', "gfx/sb_health", '24 24 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); if(x > 200) Sbar_DrawXNum('112 0', x, 3, 24, '0 1 0', 1, 0); else if(x > 100) Sbar_DrawXNum('112 0', x, 3, 24, '0.2 1 0', 1, 0); else if(x > 50) Sbar_DrawXNum('112 0', x, 3, 24, '0.6 0.7 0.8', 1, 0); else if(x > 25) Sbar_DrawXNum('112 0', x, 3, 24, '1 1 0.2', 1, 0); else Sbar_DrawXNum('112 0', x, 3, 24, '0.7 0 0', 1, 0); } // ammo x = getstati(STAT_AMMO); if ((stat_items & (NEX_IT_SHELLS | NEX_IT_BULLETS | NEX_IT_ROCKETS | NEX_IT_CELLS)) || x != 0) { if (stat_items & NEX_IT_SHELLS) drawpic(sbar + '296 0', "gfx/sb_shells", '24 24 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); else if (stat_items & NEX_IT_BULLETS) drawpic(sbar + '296 0', "gfx/sb_bullets", '24 24 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); else if (stat_items & NEX_IT_ROCKETS) drawpic(sbar + '296 0', "gfx/sb_rocket", '24 24 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); else if (stat_items & NEX_IT_CELLS) drawpic(sbar + '296 0', "gfx/sb_cells", '24 24 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); if(x > 10) Sbar_DrawXNum('224 0', x, 3, 24, '0.6 0.7 0.8', 1, 0); else Sbar_DrawXNum('224 0', x, 3, 24, '0.7 0 0', 1, 0); } if (sbar_x + 320 + 160 <= vid_conwidth) Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay(sbar + '320 0'); if (sbar_x > 0) Sbar_Score(16); // The margin can be at most 8 to support 640x480 console size: // 320 + 2 * (144 + 16) = 640 } else if (sb_lines) { stat_items = getstati(STAT_ITEMS); sbar_x = (vid_conwidth - 640.0)*0.5; sbar_y = vid_conheight - 47; sbar_z = 0; fade = 3 - 2 * (time - weapontime); x = 1.0; for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if(stat_items & x) { Sbar_DrawWeapon(i+1, fade, (i + 2 == activeweapon)); } x *= 2; } x *= 2*2*2*2; if(stat_items & x) { Sbar_DrawWeapon(0, fade, (activeweapon == 1)); } if (sb_lines > 24) drawpic(sbar, "gfx/sbar", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); else drawpic(sbar, "gfx/sbar_minimal", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); // armor // (340-3*24) = 268 Sbar_DrawXNum('268 12', getstati(STAT_ARMOR), 3, 24, '0.6 0.7 0.8', 1, 0); // health // (154-3*24) = 82 x = getstati(STAT_HEALTH); if(x > 100) Sbar_DrawXNum('82 12', x, 3, 24, '1 1 1', 1, 0); else if(x <= 25 && time - floor(time) > 0.5) Sbar_DrawXNum('82 12', x, 3, 24, '0.7 0 0', 1, 0); else Sbar_DrawXNum('81 12', x, 3, 24, '0.6 0.7 0.8', 1, 0); // AK dont draw ammo for the laser x = getstati(STAT_AMMO); if(activeweapon != 12) { // (519-3*24) = 447 if (stat_items & NEX_IT_SHELLS) drawpic(sbar + '519 0', "gfx/sb_shells", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); else if (stat_items & NEX_IT_BULLETS) drawpic(sbar + '519 0', "gfx/sb_bullets", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); else if (stat_items & NEX_IT_ROCKETS) drawpic(sbar + '519 0', "gfx/sb_rocket", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); else if (stat_items & NEX_IT_CELLS) drawpic(sbar + '519 0', "gfx/sb_cells", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, 0); if(x > 10) Sbar_DrawXNum('447 12', x, 3, 24, '0.6 0.7 0.8', 1, 0); else Sbar_DrawXNum('447 12', x, 3, 24, '0.7 0 0', 1, 0); } if (sb_lines > 24) drawpic(sbar, "gfx/sbar_overlay", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_MODULATE); if (sbar_x + 600 + 160 <= vid_conwidth) Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay (sbar + '600 0'); if (sbar_x > 0) Sbar_Score(-16); // Because: // Mini scoreboard uses 12*4 per other team, that is, 144 // pixels when there are four teams... // Nexuiz by default sets vid_conwidth to 800... makes // sbar_x == 80... // so we need to shift it by 64 pixels to the right to fit // BUT: then it overlaps with the image that gets drawn // for viewsize 100! Therefore, just account for 3 teams, // that is, 96 pixels mini scoreboard size, needing 16 pixels // to the right! } if(gametype == GAME_KEYHUNT) { CSQC_kh_hud(); } else if(gametype == GAME_CTF) { CSQC_ctf_hud(); } } } } void CSQC_ctf_hud(void) { // cvar("sbar_flagstatus_right") move the flag icons right // cvar("sbar_flagstatus_pos") pixel position of the nexuiz flagstatus icons float redflag, blueflag; float stat_items; vector pos; stat_items = getstati(STAT_ITEMS); redflag = (stat_items/32768) & 3; blueflag = (stat_items/131072) & 3; /** * FTEQCC BUG! * For some reason now not even THAT works there... * Maybe the minus' precedence screws it up? The last one there, maybe I should use brackets ** * pos_x = (cvar("sbar_flagstatus_right")) ? vid_conwidth - 10 - sbar_x - 64 : 10 - sbar_x; ** Should try those later: * pos_x = (cvar("sbar_flagstatus_right")) ? (vid_conwidth - 10 - sbar_x - 64) : (10 - sbar_x); * pos_x = ( (cvar("sbar_flagstatus_right")) ? vid_conwidth - 10 - 64 : 10 ) - sbar_x; */ if(cvar("sbar_flagstatus_right")) pos_x = vid_conwidth - 10 - sbar_x - 64; else pos_x = 10 - sbar_x; pos_z = 0; if(sbar_hudselector == 1) pos_y = (vid_conheight - sbar_y) - cvar("sbar_flagstatus_pos") - 64; else pos_y = -117; pos += sbar; switch(redflag) { case 1: drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_flag_red_taken", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); break; case 2: drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_flag_red_lost", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); break; case 3: drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_flag_red_carrying", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); break; } pos_y -= 64; switch(blueflag) { case 1: drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_flag_blue_taken", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); break; case 2: drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_flag_blue_lost", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); break; case 3: drawpic(pos, "gfx/sb_flag_blue_carrying", '0 0 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); break; } }